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[恐怖推理]光明会、共济会、“外星人”与世界末日之真相[第3页] |
作者:光明反被光明误 |
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——特斯拉利用一次人工诱发的地震,几乎将纽约夷为了平地 尼古拉·特斯拉《重力的动态理论》是任何一个想要在科技上有所飞跃的国家都想得到的奇书,可是这本书却只掌握在光明会手里。J.P摩根的一个重要优点就是善于让天才发挥他的聪明才智,虽然出于能源寡头利益的考虑,最终中断了特斯拉把地球变成一个大电容器和永动之源的疯狂实验,但天才的大部分思想还是得以向这个世界展示。 旋转,旋转,不停地旋转。量子在旋转,星球在旋转,ZHT也在旋转。UFO就在这旋转中诞生了。 有了UFO,我们就能发现,空间不再是那个空间,时间也不再是那个时间。有了UFO,我们就能发现,太阳系不过尔尔,银河系如此荒谬。UFO好,UFO妙,UFO呱呱叫。 地球附近的时空漩涡,爱因斯坦猜想被证实 |
这是Google Earth上一张美国内华达州Groom Lake的卫星图,Groom Lake这个名字不为人熟知,大家更为熟悉的它的一个名字是“51区”。哪位童鞋能解释一下,图片中间位置的那团烟雾状物体是什么? |
《人民日报》2010年12月26日第3版(要闻版)刊登了一则报道,题为《“外星人”秘密文件引热议》,原文地址在: http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2010-12/26/nw.D110000renmrb_20101226_11-03.htm?div=-1 内容如下: --------------------------------------------- “外星人”秘密文件引热议 本报驻澳大利亚记者 李景卫 《人民日报》(2010年12月26日03版) 据新西兰媒体报道,新西兰军方22日公布了数百份、多达2000多页有关“外星人”和不明飞行物的秘密文件。一石激起千层浪,此事旋即引发社会各界的热议。 这些文件的时间跨度为1954年至2009年。在所公布的文件中,新西兰军方人士、商业飞行员和社会公众描述了他们在不同时间、不同地点亲眼目睹“外星人”、不明飞行物的情景。不过新西兰空军发言人卡威·塔马立基说,新西兰空军仅仅是对信息进行收集,无力对文件中所记载的“外星人”和不明飞行物目击事件进行调查,无法证实文件中所描述的任何事件,也不对文件的内容作任何评论。 …… “外星人”文件引发了不明飞行物爱好者的猜测。美国西雅图一家有关星际政治的网站载文称,1999年澳大利亚与美国在《澳大利亚、新西兰、美国安全条约》的框架下签署了《松树谷条约》,决定在澳大利亚的松树谷建立地下“外星人”基地,实施“人类—‘外星人’空间计划”。这一“外星人”基地名为“联合防卫空间研究设施”,由澳大利亚国防部和美国国防部高级研究计划局共同建造和运作。松树谷地下“外星人”基地的情况,如人员、设施、运作和布局等十分秘密,鲜为人知。据称,美国政府派往松树谷的“大多为国家安全局及其附属机构人员,以及中央情报局人员”。 (本报堪培拉12月24日电) --------------------------------------------- 这篇文章于2010年12月23日曾以《“外星人”可能袭击人类》为题先刊发于人民网,并且比起《人民日报》的内容,人民网上多了两段,而多出的这两段内容,有些耸人听闻了。 网址如下: http://world.people.com.cn/GB/13567407.html 多的两段内容是: --------------------------------------------- 美军司令部前士官长罗伯特?迪恩少将撰文说:“(美国)国家安全局的最大规模安全设施,也是世界上最大的安全设施之一在松树谷。这太有意思了。其实,绝大多数人毫无所知,松树谷地下设施是地球上最大规模的‘外星人’设施。”他甚至把松树谷地下“外星人”基地说得神乎其神。他说,美国和松树谷地下“外星人”基地之间有远距传动系统,即瞬间移动系统,从而可以实现美国大陆和松树谷两地人员,包括人类和“外星人”的快速部署。迪恩说:“在毫无隐讳地谈论秘密和被隐蔽多年的事情时,最终能够透露一两件我所见到的真实事情,我觉得如释重负。其中一件是,在拉斯维加斯郊外的一座地下设施内,我的一位空军上校朋友从内华达州的一个门进去,两分钟后,他已在澳大利亚的松树谷了。” 迪恩没有详解松树谷“外星人”基地摆的是什么迷魂阵。但是,人们或许可以相信,人类遭“外星人”袭击是完全可能的。 --------------------------------------------- |
松树谷位于澳大利亚著名旅游景点Alice Springs附近山脚下。下面是附近区域一处设施的Google Earth卫星图,不知道是用来干什么的。同时,松树谷也是James Casbolt提到的12处外星人基地之一。 |
不评论迪恩所说的“一两件事情”的真实性,下面是Groom Lake(Area 51)(距拉斯维加斯市中心距离大概130km)某处设施放大图: |
传说中的Dulce(杜尔塞) |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ SECRET TREATY(秘密協議) The United States Government and Extra-terrestrial Entities (美國政府與外星人) By Richard K. Wilson and Sylvan Burns (作者) Table of Contents (目錄) Introductions (介紹) .......................................................................................................... 1 Quotes (引言) .................................................................................................................. 17 Documents (文件) ........................................................................................................... 20 Freedom of Information Act (信息自由法)) ................................................................... 74 JMP Request for Executive Order(軍事人員要求正義組織請求總統行政命令).......... 75 Lear-Cooper Indictment (李耳及庫伯被起訴) ............................................................... 79 Mind Control (思想控制) ............................................................................................... 89 Groom Lake and Dreamland (馬伕湖及夢境秘密基地) .............................................. 106 John Lear Statement, Revised 25 June 1988 (李耳證言﹐1988.6.25修正) .................. 112 Mutilations, Military and Aliens (肢解﹐軍隊與外星人) ............................................. 119 Abductions (綁架) ..................................................... ................................................... 130 Four-Corners Map (四角地圖) ...................................................................................... 136 Project Beta, September 9, 1978 (貝塔計劃﹐1978.9.9) ............................................... 137 The Case of Paul Bennewitz (保羅.本尼維茲的案子) .................................................. 151 Dulce Genetic Facility in New Mexico (新墨西哥州到西基因設施) ........................... 154 United States Tunnel Maps (美國地下通道圖)............ ................................................. 162 CIA and UFO Data (中情局及不明飛行物).................................................................. 164 Technical Agency Information (技術機構情報) ........................................................... 167 Historical Data Regarding Aliens and the Government (外星人與政府的歷史資料).... 171 Definitions and Projects (計劃及定義) .......................................................................... 192 Conclusions (結論)......................................................................................................... 195 Bibliography (參考書籍) ............................................................................................... 197 Historical Data (歷史數據) Regarding Aliens and the Government (有關外星人與政府) (c) 1989 N.A.R 看上面目錄架構﹐還有提到頁數﹐應該是一本實體書﹐但是一直搜索不到。 只能看到電子版的部份﹐有不少錯字及不太通的句子﹐估計是手打的。 內容太反動﹐實體書大概被閹了。 內容大都有依據﹐看了幾年的資料﹐感覺一直是在瞎子摸象﹐找不到主線﹐ 看完這篇﹐很多東西都連起來了﹐總算有一點眉目。與大家分享。 東西太多﹐會邊貼邊修正﹐未貼完前﹐請勿回應。以後再另外討論。 以下應該僅為書中的一篇﹐但卻是貫穿全軸﹐重要的一篇 |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 研究這個問題的背後作業是相當嚴格的,需要大量的時間,以及許多可能涉及到的研究人員之間的合作。把“飛碟學” 認為是一門科學,並不是很準確。它應該是一種對人類與非人類﹐在我們核心文明的﹐欺詐行為的紀律調查。 The research behind this subject is quite demanding, and requires a tremendous amount of time, as well as cooperation between the many researchers that may be involved. The whole idea the "UFOlogy" is a science is not very accurate. Its’ a disciplinary investigation that is born out of a pattern of human and non-human deception that reaches into the very core of our civilization. 什麼事真正發生在我們身邊?這個問題答案的範圍之大幾乎是很難超越,但不是不可能。由於很多研究人員的努力,揭露了很多訊息﹐告訴我們真正發生了什麼事。不幸的是,有些訊息相當讓人困擾﹔複雜的社會架構讓個人處於非常脆弱的狀態﹐而不合我們社會模式的宇宙觀﹐卻往往能夠突破這些障礙﹐找到一些答案﹐而不致承擔太多的不健康的影響。 What’s really going on around us? The answer to that question has a scope that is almost insurmountable, but not impossible. Due to the efforts of a great many researchers, information has come forth that sheds a lot of light on what is actually going on. Unfortunately, some of that information is quite disturbing; the various structures of society maintain individuals in a very fragile state, and aspects of the universe that don’t fit into that societal mold are often are able to break through these barriers and find out some of the answers without sustaining much ill effect. 這裡提交給您的信息,是希望它將能變成你自己的經驗。你是不是被要求“相信”任何事情,因為那需要一種信仰,要信仰這信息的共同核心基礎可能不存在。但是,這裡所提出的數據﹐是根據地球上數千人﹐及數十億非地球的生命體所共同分享的核心經驗﹐但那分享是另一個故事了。 The information here is being presented to you in the hope that you will consider it in the light of your own experience. You are not being asked to "believe" anything, for that would require a faith which may not have a basis in your common core of experience. However, the data presented herein is based on a common core of experience that is shared by literally thousands of people on this planet. Aspects of that common core of experience are also shared by billions of other entities that are not terrestrial humans. But that’s another story. 在1800年代末期﹐實質操控社會的跡象開始明顯起來。由“精英”階級組成的會社﹐像是光明會﹐用財經結構來控制地球民眾。 Lets take a look at the situation. The time period where actual manipulation of societies \started to become evident within society itself appears to be in the late 1800’s. The creation of the elite class structures gave rise to groups like the Illuminati, who made use of the financial structure to control the planetary populace. 這個控制行星民眾的過程﹐是由下列活動來趨使: The process of control of the planetary populace necessitated the following activities: 規劃和執行蓄意的衝突,來分化﹐分裂,限制人口數在可控制的範圍之內。 Planning and execution of deliberate conflict in order to divide, fragment and limit population to controllable levels. 保留建設性的技術(不公開),包括健康相關科技術,以確保社會結構,支持和維護權力結構。 Retention of constructive technology, including health related technology, in order to insure a dependent societal structure that would support and maintain the power structure. 蓄意操控全球經濟的權力結構﹔經由故意製造的“經濟危機”﹐來計劃及控制。 Deliberate manipulation of the planetary power structure in all matters of finance; planning and control through creation of economic "crisis". 歷史評論 Historical Comments “現代”的﹐與地球上非人類﹐及地球外的生命體互動的時代﹐也在1800年代末開始。劫持動物在1890年代開始﹐也有很多的記錄顯示﹐大人跟小孩從那時開始同樣被綁架﹐從漁獵部落到群居社區﹐都有很多的傳說與記錄顯示了人們被綁架的消息。 The era of "modern" interaction with non-human terrestrial and non-terrestrial entities also started in the late 1800’s. Abduction of animals started in the 1890’s. There are many records of abduction of humans, both children and adults, from that time period. Legends and writings of the various tribes of hunting and gathering societies also contain a lot of information about early abduction of humans. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1928 - 1944 1928年,湯馬斯布朗發現電容和重力控制之間的關係。後來他的工作由政府接管。 1930年,科安達博士就開始設計凸面的航空器。1932年,希特勒控制了德國社會,迫使科學家們在實驗室中設計先進的航空器。加上Schauberger的渦流推動科技﹐及和技術專長的科學家像Schriever,Habermohl,Ballenzo和Miethe,德國的飛行器在1838年開始飛行。也有一些證據表明,德國在1937年﹐取得了一架外星墜毀的飛碟。 In 1928, Thomas Brown discovered a relationship between electrical capacitance and gravitational control. His work was subsequently taken over by the government. In 1930, Dr. Henry Coanda began work on aerial craft that were lenticular in shape. In 1932, Adolph Hitler was in control of the German society enough to force scientists to work in laboratories on advanced aircraft designs. Aided by the implosion vortex technology of Viktor Schauberger, and the technical expertise of scientists like Schriever, Habermohl, Ballenzo and Miethe, the Germans began flying aerial craft as early as 1938. There is also some evidence that the Germans recovered a crashed alien disk in 1937. 因此所有這些技術的結果,使德國科學界的努力超前發展,並進行了幾個地下研究設施賴尼肯多夫,庫默斯斯多夫和圖林根州。最早的“無人駕駛飛行器”製作於 1934年,並在某種程度上的成功。美國很清楚德國的技術發展﹐派出一名叫威爾遜的美國人對德國“給予技術援助”,和留意德國的科技發展。有可能是威爾遜的幫忙,德國人從來沒有在戰爭中使用過他們的引力飛行器。因為威爾遜在德國科技界取得很高的地位,把飛行器的推進方法﹐從引力系統改成噴射推進系統﹐以便“用科技作戰”。正因如此,德國引力的研究仍然停留在實驗室和研發階段,直到1941年左右,Schriever / Miethe的設計測試成功。 As a result of all this technology, the German scientific effort was pushed forward by leaps and bounds, and was conducted at several underground research facilities at Reinickendorf, Kummersdorf and Thuringia. The earliest "pilotless aircraft" were produced in 1934, and has some moderate degree of success. The United States was quite aware of the German technical progress and sent an American named Wilson to Germany to "give technical assistance" and generally to keep an eye on German technology. It was probably by virtue of Wilson that the Germans never used their gravitational craft en masse in the war, for Wilson attained a high position in the German technical community, and switched propulsion methods from gravitational to advanced jet propulsion in an apparent effort to "get technology out there to fight the war". Because of this, German gravitational research remained in the labs and stayed in the R&D phase until around 1941, when the Schriever/Miethe designs were successfully tested. 顯然在戰爭進行比科技研發更快的情況下﹐因威爾遜的誤導及破壞﹐以及冶金研究的拖延,始終沒有另人滿意的鎂鋁合金,直到1944年,德國人只能用1942年發明的﹐“火球”無人駕駛飛行器﹐用產生的磁場來騷擾盟軍飛行員。 It was clearly a situation where the war was going on faster than the Germans could technically develop their designs. Hampered by sabotage and deliberate technical misguidance from Wilson, as well as delays in metallurgical research which didn’t result in an acceptable alloy of magnesium and aluminum until 1944, the Germans could only continue to harass allied pilots with the "fireballs", pilotless craft developed and used since 1942 which emitted electrical fields that interfered with the operation of aviation engines. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1945 1945年,英國也發覺現了德國的先進飛行器企圖,與美國合作來破壞這計劃。儘管如此﹐在。,1945年2月16日,德國成功地從地下設施圖林根州﹐完成了載人“火球” 的試飛﹐速度告達1,250 mph﹐這架飛行器被命名“Kugelblitz”。 In 1945, the British discover German plans for advanced craft and joined the efforts of the United States to subvert the German program. On February 16, 1945, despite allied efforts, the Germans successfully flew a crew-carrying version of the "fireball" from the underground facilities in Thuringia. The craft had a top speed of over. The craft was called the "Kugelblitz". 德國科學界早在1942年就知道戰爭會輸。他們決定建立一個計劃﹐來繼續對第三帝國的夢想。這答案是建立一純正的納粹理想的亞利安社會。而這引力飛行器的發展將用來支持這計劃。1945年2月23日,新引擎在測試後從飛行器移除﹐原形機“Kugelblitz” 被黨衛軍和科學家炸毀﹐計劃和發動機被送往南極地區,那裡自1941年以來就有著德國的地下設施。兩天後1943年2月25日﹐在Khala的地下工廠被關閉,所有的工人送往布痕瓦爾德用毒氣殺死。 The Germans in the scientific community knew the war was lost as early as 1942. They decided to establish a plan for continuing the dream of the Third Reich despite the war. They decided that the establishment of a separate society founded on Nazi principles of genetic purity was the answer. The development of gravitational technology aided that plan. On February 23, 1945, the newest engines of the Kugelbitz were tested and then extracted from the craft. The Kugelbitz was blown up by SS personnel and the scientists, plans and engines were shipped out of Germany to the South Polar regions, where the Germans had maintained underground construction activity since 1941. Two days later, on February 25, 1943 the underground plant at Khala was closed and all the workers sent to Buchenwald and gassed. 德國人同時還帶了他們的“雅利安精英”孩子﹐及社會結構所需到南極的地下基地。漢斯卡姆勒將軍,1945年4月消失,幫助了撤離行動。納貝將軍也是。在那裡,德國制定了優生的社會,維持某特定的人數。他們還在那裡。他們在南美洲也有維持一些科技殖民地。 The Germans also sent their "aryan elite" children and other elements of their society to the underground base. General Hans Kammler, who disappeared in April 1945, was instrumental in the evacuation operation, as was General Nebe. There, the Germans developed a eugenic society that apparently is limited to a specific number of people. They’re still there. Apparently they also maintain technical colonies in South America. 1945年5月7日德國投降。美國和蘇聯獲得了德國飛碟科技的技術﹐及撤退匆忙﹐來不及消滅的科學家。加拿大人也從美國接觸到了一些數據,以及一些自己直接獲得的德國數據。 On May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered. Both the Americans and Soviets gained access to elements of German disk technology and scientists which the Germans had neglected to eliminate before the hasty departure at the close of the war. The Canadians also had access to some of the data that the United States had acquired, as well as some data directly from the German efforts. 1945年7月16日美國在新墨西哥州首次核爆。到8月15日,日本一直是被“勸說投降”,儘管事實上,日本政府已在1945年2月14日表示願意投降,在1945年6月又再表示投降意願。這兩次提議都被美國拒絕﹐美國寧願對日本使用核武。兩個月後﹐計劃實行。非常可能﹐因著核爆﹐引起了非人類實體的關注。 On July 16, 1945, the United States detonated their first nuclear explosion in New Mexico. By August 15, 1945, the Japanese had "been induced to surrender", despite the fact that the Japanese government had offered to surrender on February 14, 1945 and again in June 1945. Both offers were refused by the United States, who preferred to use the nuclear device on them two months later, as planned. It is most probably that the nuclear detonations also attracted the attention of non-human entities. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1946 1946年,借著美國進口的德國黨衛軍情報人員的幫助,形成了後來的中央情報局。這是計劃的一部份﹐是1943年艾倫杜勒斯施行的,與德國情報單位的交易﹐讓他們在戰後能到美國來協助情報工作。是個很好的誘因。 In 1946, the United States imported German SS intelligence officers in an effort to form what later become the Central Intelligence Agency. This was part of a plan conducted by Allen Dulles in 1943, when a deal was cut with German intelligence to provide the Untied States with a viable intelligence operation as well as provide German intelligence with a place to go after the war. Good inducement, indeed. 1947 1947年,在四個角落的中西部地區的強大的雷達,造成了數架飛碟的墜毀。最為人注意到的是在羅斯威爾和阿茲泰克,新墨西哥州。墜毀的飛碟中有爬蟲類的乘客﹐及美國飛行員的屍體(複數)。有證據顯示,這些屍體已被肢解。在1947年6月,肯尼思阿諾創造了飛碟一詞。 四個角落: four corners > 是美國境內唯一四個州同時交界處。(亞歷桑那﹐新墨西哥﹐猶它﹐科羅拉多州) 爬蟲類的乘客﹐及美國飛行員的屍體(複數)... 屍體已被肢解 > 是墜毀在阿茲泰克(Aztec)的這一架。 肯尼思阿諾德﹕Kenneth Arnold > 駕小飛機在華盛頓州飛行時﹐說看見“Flying Saucer”編隊﹐經新聞報導後﹐飛碟一詞被廣泛使用。 In 1947, the powerful radar until in the four corners area in the midwest cause the crash of several alien disks, the most notable of which were at Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico. The disks recovered had a reptilian species on board, as well as the bodies of United States Air Force pilots. There was evidence that the bodies had been mutilated. In June 1947, Kenneth Arnold coins the term flying saucer. 德國人在戰後,有兩年時間把這些飛碟科技組合,開始製造飛碟飛越美國。那時他們已經有了顯著的發展。這促使美國擬定計劃,要把德國人的南極基地及科技能力徹底拔除。1947年,對南極施行了跳高行動,試圖找到德國人。但失敗了。德國人用他們的科技,挫敗了美國。在1947年至1958年間﹐有各樣的極地探險隊到南極﹐其中不乏負有情報任務﹐引起了一些地下的其它武力及不明實體的注意。似乎也有一些證據表明,德國人與地下的外星力量進行了接觸。 The Germans, having had two years to get it together after the war, started making fly-overs over the United States in their disks, which had by then achieved a remarkable degree of development. This prompted the United States to undertake plans to ascertain both the exact location of the German base at the Pole and their technical capabilities. In 1947, Operation High-jump was conducted at the pole in an attempt to locate the Germans. It was a failure. The Germans used their technology to thwart the efforts of the United States. It wasn’t until 1958 during the International Geophysical Year that another major attempt to work on the Germans was made. Various polar expeditions that occurred in between 1947 and 1958 had intelligence as part of their design, and also seemed to evoke activity from other forces and entities from inside the Earth. There also seems to be some evidence that the Germans made contact with alien forces from inside the planet during the stint at the pole. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1947年,美國決定,南極德國人和飛碟外星人的問題都漸漸有點危險,有必要實行嚴厲的措施來隱瞞真相。德國人的問題是比較容易控制,公眾所知不多。在1947年9月,杜魯門造成國家安全法獲得通過,以隱藏政府的活動﹐及中央情報局和外星人的問題。中情局的思想控制計劃在貝塞斯達海軍醫院開始於 1947年,使用從德國黨衛軍情報部門的數據。杜魯門建立了一個研究小組,以控制外星人問題。一系列的國家安全委員會(NSC)備忘錄將中情局從蒐集外國情報的唯一任務轉變成執行秘密活動的組織。備忘錄NSC-10/1及NSC-10/2在總統及秘密進行的任務中製造了一個緩衝﹐也為總統否認對秘密活動知情提供了一個方法。 In 1947, the United States decided that the problem with both the Germans and aliens was getting a little dangerous, and it was necessary to implement severe measures in order to hide the truth of alien presence. The German problem was easier to control as far as public knowledge was concerned. In September 1947, Truman caused the national Security Act to be passed in order to hide the activities of the Government, the CIA and the alien problem. CIA mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1947, with data gained from German SS intelligence. Truman created a study group in order to control the alien problem. A series of National Security Council (NSC) memos removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly legalized direct action in the form of covert activities. The memos, including NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2, established a buffer between the President of the United States and the activities that were going on, as well as providing means for the President to deny knowledge of any covert activities. 會議決定,需要更多的知識來瞭解各式樣的飛碟。Project Sign(手勢計劃)在1947年12月30日產生,成立於賴特飛行基地﹐任務是研究飛碟技術和性能。然而對墜毀飛碟的研究仍然有問題。會議決定,內華達州馬夫山脈的海軍輔助機場﹐應是理想的測試地點。 It was decided that more knowledge was needed about the various types of alien craft. Project Sign, created on December 30, 1947 and established at Wright Field, was to investigate disk technical capabilities and performance. There was still the problem of evaluation of the disks that had been recovered. It was decided that the Navy Auxiliary Field in the Groom Mountains in Nevada would be the ideal spot to do the testing. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1947年,美國決定,南極德國人和飛碟外星人的問題都漸漸有點危險,有必要實行嚴厲的措施來隱瞞真相。德國人的問題是比較容易控制,公眾所知不多。在1947年9月,杜魯門造成國家安全法獲得通過,以隱藏政府的活動﹐及中央情報局和外星人的問題。中情局的思想控制計劃在貝塞斯達海軍醫院開始於 1947年,使用從德國黨衛軍情報部門的數據。杜魯門建立了一個研究小組,以控制外星人問題。一系列的國家安全委員會(NSC)備忘錄將中情局從蒐集外國情報的唯一任務轉變成執行秘密活動的組織。備忘錄NSC-10/1及NSC-10/2在總統及秘密進行的任務中製造了一個緩衝﹐也為總統否認對秘密活動知情提供了一個方法。 In 1947, the United States decided that the problem with both the Germans and aliens was getting a little dangerous, and it was necessary to implement severe measures in order to hide the truth of alien presence. The German problem was easier to control as far as public knowledge was concerned. In September 1947, Truman caused the national Security Act to be passed in order to hide the activities of the Government, the CIA and the alien problem. CIA mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1947, with data gained from German SS intelligence. Truman created a study group in order to control the alien problem. A series of National Security Council (NSC) memos removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly legalized direct action in the form of covert activities. The memos, including NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2, established a buffer between the President of the United States and the activities that were going on, as well as providing means for the President to deny knowledge of any covert activities. 會議決定,需要更多的知識來瞭解各式樣的飛碟。Project Sign(手勢計劃)在1947年12月30日產生,成立於賴特飛行基地﹐任務是研究飛碟技術和性能。然而對墜毀飛碟的研究仍然有問題。會議決定,內華達州馬夫山脈的海軍輔助機場﹐應是理想的測試地點。 It was decided that more knowledge was needed about the various types of alien craft. Project Sign, created on December 30, 1947 and established at Wright Field, was to investigate disk technical capabilities and performance. There was still the problem of evaluation of the disks that had been recovered. It was decided that the Navy Auxiliary Field in the Groom Mountains in Nevada would be the ideal spot to do the testing. 1948 1948年8月,Project Sign(手勢計劃) 準備了一份極機密的評估報﹐被編號為空軍情報 100-203-79。 In August 1948, Project Sign prepared a Top Secret estimate of the situation, which was designated as Air Intelligence Report 100-203-79. 霍伊特萬登堡將軍,在看過報告後,下令全部銷毀。但並不徹底。在1948年12月,至少有1本依然存在,Project Sign(手勢計劃)後改名為Project Grudge(怨恨計劃)﹐也就是外界所熟知的Project Bluebook(藍皮書計劃)。在Project Grudge(怨恨計劃) 與MJ-12間的聯絡人﹐是空軍上尉Edward Ruppelt。 General Hoyt Vandenburg, after reviewing the report, ordered the report destroyed. Not all copies of the report were destroyed. In December 1948; at least one still survives, Project Sign was redesignated as Project Grudge, with public version to be known as Project Bluebook. The liaison between Project Grudge and MJ-12 was the Air Force officer in charge of Project Bluebook, Captain Edward Ruppelt. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1949 1949年內華達州﹐測試研究外星科技的Nellis range建設開始。德國飛碟繼續飛越美國。中央情報局法案實施﹐給與中情局法外更大的能力﹐來確保外星人問題不至外洩。它的科學情報辦公室開始審查民用異像目擊報告,以確定壓制真相的廣度。 1949 was also the year that construction started on AEC property on Nellis range of the complex designated to perform testing and evaluation of alien technology. It was also another year that German disks started fly-overs in the United States. As a response to this activity and the general alien problem, the CIA Act of 1949 was enacted, giving the agency more capability to act outside the bounds of established law in order to guarantee that the alien problem remained inside the government. At that point, the CIA office of Scientific Intelligence began to review civilian reports of sightings in order to determine the scope of the suppression effort. 此年,蘇聯第一次實行地面核爆。不確定這是否由於美國在1943年﹐提供了1公斤的鈾幫忙促成的﹐還是在同年羅斯福物資租借法案中陸續交遞的﹐一位負責轉移租借物資的少校發現的,至少有三個作業鈾化學品共計0.75噸,以及文件和報告,被轉移到蘇聯。 It was in 1949 that the Soviet Union detonated their first above ground nuclear test. It is uncertain whether the Soviet effort to produce a nuclear device was aided by the delivery to them of 1 kilogram of uranium in the 1943 by the United States, or the subsequent delivery of nuclear weapons plans to the Soviets in the same year by President Roosevelt under the lend Lease program. A major who was in charge of the transfer of Lend Lease supplies discovered that at least three assignments of uranium chemicals totalling .75 ton, as well as documents and reports, were transferred to the Soviets. 在下一年﹐Julius和Ethel Rosenburg被指為蘇聯取得武器﹐立刻處決,以掩蓋技術交流。羅斯福總統的兒子詹姆斯,寫了一本名為“家庭事務”中,詳細說明了羅斯福的“大膽的決定”﹐與蘇聯分享核技術。 Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were blamed for the Soviet weapons acquisition during the next year, and were summarily executed in order to cover up the technology exchange. President Roosevelt’s son, James, wrote a book entitled "A Family Matter" in which he details Roosevelt “bold decision" to share the nuclear technology with the Soviet Union. 1949年,外星飛碟常被見到在敏感核設施上盤旋,尤其是在新墨西哥州。“綠色火球”探測器則在全美可見。被假設與偵測輻射線有關。羅斯威爾墜毀飛碟上僅存的一位外星人,被研究小組成員Detlev Bronk取名為EBE(外星生物實體的簡稱)。 In 1949, alien craft were often seen hovering over sensitive nuclear installations, especially in New Mexico, and probes known as "green fireballs" were frequently seen all over the state; they were presumably monitoring something to do with radiation. The disk crash at Roswell, New Mexico netted on live alien, named EBE (Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity). It was a name coined by study group member Detlev Bronk. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 國防部長詹姆士福瑞斯托James Forrestal不贊成這樣的處理外星人的問題﹐向杜魯門總統表達他的憂慮﹐在1949年3月3日被杜魯門要求辭職。一個月內,白宮將福瑞斯托所有3000頁的日記﹐全部鎖在白宮保險箱裡﹐並將他送到貝塞斯達海軍醫院﹐由Raines雷恩斯醫生照顧。福瑞斯托的哥哥決定要帶他離開了醫院,擔心他兄弟生命安全。在他哥哥要來接他的那一天﹐福瑞斯托被發現脖子上被床單綁住﹐吊在醫院16層高窗戶外﹐床單斷掉﹐福瑞斯托跌下身亡。 Secretary of Defense James Forrestal became disenchanted with the whole handling of the alien problem. He voice his concern to President Truman, who asked him to resign on March 3, 1949. Within one month, the White House had all 3,000 pages of the diaries of James Forrestal locked up in a white house safe and had sent him to Bethesda Naval Hospital under the care of Dr. Raines. Forrestal’s brother decided to take him out of the hospital, fearing for his brothers’ life. On the same day his brother was due to pick him up, James Forrestal was found hanging outside of a 16th story windows of the hospital with a sheet around his neck. The sheet broke, and Forrestal fell to his death. 到1949年12月,政府決定關閉Project Grudge(怨恨計劃),轉移精力到別處。 By December 1949, the government decided to close Project Grudge and divert efforts elsewhere. 1950 1950年,加拿大科學家威爾伯史密斯的書面報告指出,飛碟是美國政府最高度機密﹐機密程度,甚至“高於氫彈”。 氫彈由杜魯門總統下令在1950年1月投產。飛碟仍然是問題﹐像與民航機險撞﹐並繼續在敏感的軍事設施上空出現。1950年8月,決定讓沃爾特 B ·史密斯將軍﹐遞補福瑞斯托在飛碟研究小組的空缺。同月,政府決定掌握全美鐵路,以防止大罷工。 In 1950, Canadian scientist Wilber Smith reported in a letter that the disks were on of the most highly classified issues in the United States Government, even "higher than the H-bomb", which President Truman ordered into production in January of 1950. In 1950, problems continued with alien disks. There were near misses with commercial airline flights, and continued overflights over sensitive military installations. By August of 1950, it was decided to let General Walter B. Smith assume Forrestal’s vacant position in the study group. It was also the same month that the Government decided to seize all USS railroads in order to prevent a general strike. 在1950年12月,一個名為IPU的單位,星際現象小組的簡稱,成立了工作組﹐來應付日益增多的飛碟墜毀事件和外星人。成立同月﹐一架墜毀在墨西哥El Indio-Guerro地區的飛碟被帶到新墨西哥州桑迪亞的AEC設施中。 In December of 1950, a unit called IPU, Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, was established operational unit to deal with the ever-increasing scenarios of crashed disks and aliens. That same month a disk crashed in the El Indio-Guerro area of Mexico and was taken to the AEC facility at Sandia in New Mexico. |
※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 重要申明: 以下内容转载自网络,真实性不作认定,大家当故事看就好 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1951 1951年,基地建設的馬夫湖的基地建設更認真為Project Redlight作努力。有消息透露飛碟被存放在俄亥俄州戴的萊特帕特森空軍基地。維京出版社出版了一版的福瑞斯托日記(審查過的)。 In 1951, construction of the base at Groom Lake took on a more earnest effort with Project Redlight. Information leaked out that disks were stored at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. Viking Press published a version of the Forrestal diaries. 飛翼式飛行器在阿爾伯基被人看到。名為EBE的外星人突然病倒,並由Dr.Mendoza醫生照顧將近一年,直到1952年該外星人死亡。 Flying wing type aircraft were seen over Albuquerque. The alien named EBE suddenly became ill, and was worked on by a Dr.Mendoza for almost a year until 1952, when the alien died. 麥克阿瑟將軍,說過“星際戰爭是不可避免的”著名的講話,被杜魯門總統解職。 General MacArthur, famous for his statement about interplanetary war was being inevitable, was relieved of his command by President Truman. 1951年,美國中央情報局基本上是告訴市民,它結束了對UFO的調查。杜魯門總統在1952年成立了國家安全局(NSA) ﹐來監控外星人存在的秘密﹐破解外星人通訊﹐及最終與任何可接觸到的外星人對話。總統行政命令免除NSA國家安全局的所有法律責任,除非這些法律是特別指名NSA。 In 1951, the CIA was essentially telling the public that it was closing it’s books on the "UFO" problem. President Truman crated the National Security Agency (NSA) in 1952 to monitor and contain the secret of alien presence, decipher alien communications and eventually establish an ongoing dialogue with any alien species it could make communications with. Presidential Executive Order exempts the NSA from all laws except those laws which specifically mention the NSA. 1952 從羅斯威爾飛碟墜毀事件後﹐杜魯門總統就和美國盟友,包括蘇聯,保持通報飛碟事件的進展﹐以便若發現飛碟是惡意時有所保障。問題是,對保守外星人秘密的威脅越來越多。為了解決這一問題,一個名為Bilderbergers的團體被創建出來﹐對各國政府難處理的外星人問題及其它的國際性問題作決策。總部設在日內瓦。結果Bilderbergers演變成為精英的秘密機構,控制著國際局勢。納爾遜洛克菲勒,福特,亨利基辛格和喬治布希都參與了世界控制組織,並已多年。 President Truman kept the allies of the United States, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem ever since the recovery of the crashed disk in Roswell, just in case it was discovered that the aliens turned out to be a threat. The problem was that there was ever increasing threat to security about the aliens. To solve that problem, the group known as the Bilderbergers was created in order to take the decision making about the alien problem and other international issues out of the hands of governments. The Bilderbergers are headquartered in Geneva, and evolved into the elite secret body that still controls international situations. Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, Henry Kissenger and George Bush are involved with the world control groups, and have been for many years. |
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