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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第20页] |
作者:撒欢的香蕉 |
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来个鱼鹰吧lz |
【Magpie】 – 【喜鹊】普通 (弗雷德和乔治的守护神) 喜鹊是乌鸦的亲戚,被认为是世界上最聪明的动物之一。 就像乌鸦一样,它们的声誉也很差,但事实上,喜鹊的确被严重误解了。 喜鹊是非常注重家庭。 它通常不会冒险离开其出生地半径六英里的地方。它们也是非常好奇的生物,经常会飞出去寻找它们觉得有趣的东西(与尼夫勒有关系吗?)。 喜鹊能够很快感觉到危险,使它们成为完美的守护神! A relative of the crow, the magpie is considered to be one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Also like the crow, they have a bad reputation, but in fact, the magpie is seriously misunderstood. The magpie is very home-oriented. It will usually never venture farther than a six-mile radius of its birthplace. They are very curious creatures and will often fly off with something that they find interesting (any relation to the Niffler?). Magpies are able to sense approaching danger very quickly, making them the perfect Patronus! |
【Manx Cat】 – 【马恩岛猫】普通 马恩岛猫是一种古怪的猫,被培育用来当猎人。 它们以出色的捕鼠能力而闻名,甚至可以像狗一样,成为完美的“看门猫”! 它们将从它们选择的人那里获得线索,以捍卫自己的领土和主人。摄魂怪将无法靠近以马恩岛猫为守护神的您! The Manx is a quirky cat, bred to be a hunter. They are known to be excellent mousers and can even be dog-like, resulting in the perfect "watch-cat"! They will defend their territory and their humans fiercely, taking their cues from their chosen human. Dementors will not be able to come near you with a Manx as your guardian! |
【Marsh Harrier】 – 【白头鹞】普通 白头鹞是中型猛禽。 自从在英国被猎杀到灭绝以来,这种鸟已经开始在该地区再次繁殖。 显然是幸存者,这只猛禽守护神将确保其施法者也能幸存。 Marsh harriers are medium-sized birds of prey. One hunted to extinction in the United Kingdom, the bird has since begun to rise once more in numbers in that region. Clearly survivors, this raptor Patronus will make sure its caster also survives. |
【Mastiff】 – 【獒犬】普通 尽管它们的身材很高大,但它们被认为是最温和的犬种之一。 獒犬是自信,忠诚和智慧的结合,被认为是好犬。 实际上,海格的狗是纽波利顿獒犬所扮演的。 English Mastiffs are regarded as one of the most gentle dog breeds, despite their large statures. Mastiffs are a combination of confidence, loyalty, and intelligence and are considered good family dogs. In fact, Hagrid's dog is played by Neapolitan Mastiffs. |
【Mink】 – 【水貂】普通 水貂是非常注重领土的动物。 水貂守护神向对它的施法者做出攻击的人可不会客气。 足智多谋的这种动物在淡水附近壮成长,它们将竭尽全力保护投掷它们的女巫或巫师。 敏锐的眼神和机灵的头脑,摄魂怪没有机会与这种凶猛的家伙们对抗! Minks are very territorial animals. Patronus minks do not take kindly to attacks on their casters. Resourceful animals that thrive near freshwater, they will go to any ends to protect the witch or wizard who cast them. Keen-eyed and quick-witted, Dementors don't stand a chance against these ferocious fellows! |
【Mongrel Dog】 – 【杂交犬】普通 就像巫师也不一定要成为纯种才是好的,狗也不必成为纯种狗就可以成为您最好的朋友。 虽然**的血统可能是个谜,但它们往往是聪明,充满活力和善良的。 您的杂交犬守护神将对您忠诚和友善,但对任何企图伤害您的摄魂怪凶猛。 它们脾气暴躁的性格使它们在任何情况下都是完美的伴侣。 Just like a wizard doesn't have to be a pure-blood to be great, a dog doesn't have to a purebred to be your best friend. While a mongrel's ancestry might be a mystery, they tend to be intelligent, energetic, and good-natured. Your mongrel dog Patronus will be loyal and friendly toward you but fierce against any Dementor that seeks to harm you. Their scrappy nature makes them a perfect partner in any situation. |
【Mole】 – 【鼹鼠】普通 鼹鼠是生活在地下的小型绒毛状的哺乳动物。 它们一生都在地下挖掘和觅食,是非常孤独的动物。 它们喜欢松散的土壤,并且常常在花园造成破坏,肆虐地把植物的泥土疏松。 如果这是您的守护神,它将为您提供顽皮而有效的帮手! Moles are small, velvety-furred mammals that live underground. They spend their lives digging and foraging underground and are very solitary animals. They prefer loose soil and often wreak havoc under gardens where the dirt has been loosened by vegetation. If this is your Patronus, you'll have a mischievous but effective helper at your side! |
蹲一个鱼鹰osprey |
蹲个俄罗斯蓝猫(第一回测的)和俄罗斯猎狼犬(第二回测的)。 |
坐等圣伯纳犬和内华达猫,感谢 |
【Nebelung Cat】 – 【内华达猫】普通 内华达猫是一种稀有的驯养猫,被称为“迷雾的生物”。 内华达猫非常安静,从混乱上方的安全地方观察人类的动乱。 这些猫具有强烈的自我价值感,会在做出选择之前进行观察和计算。 如果内华达猫是您的守护神,它将以适合迷雾生物的所有优雅来激烈地捍卫您。 A rarer domesticated cat, the Nebelung has been called "a creature of the mists." Nebelungs are known to be quiet and reserved, observing human commotion from a safe place up above the chaos. With a strong sense of self-worth, these cats will observe and calculate before making a choice. If the Nebelung is your Patronus, it will defend you fiercely with all the elegance befitting a creature of the mists. |
【Newfoundland】 – 【纽芬兰犬】普通 纽芬兰犬最初是被饲养用来帮助加拿大渔民的犬。 他们为人所知的是他们的蹼状手掌和沉重的皮毛使他们成为了庞大,善良和镇定的同伴,并具备游泳的诀窍。 如果您发现自己的守护神是纽芬兰犬,那么您一定会拥有一个忠诚而坚强的朋友来摆脱黑暗。 Newfoundlands are dogs that were originally bred to help fishermen in the Canadian province that shares their name. They are notorious for being huge, kind, and calm companions with a knack for swimming thanks to their webbed paws and heavy fur. If you've found yourself with a Newfoundland as your Patronus, you are guaranteed to have a loyal and strong friend to drive away the darkness. |
【Nightjar】 – 【夜鹰】普通 夜鹰大多在傍晚和清晨或晚上活跃,主要以飞蛾和其他大型飞行昆虫为食。 由于古老的民间传说说他们从山羊身上吸吮牛奶,因此有时也将它们称为“ 羊吸者”。 大多数夜鹰的脚很小,几乎没有走路用的地方,又长又尖的翅膀。 它们柔软的羽毛颜色暗淡地类似于树皮或树叶,有助于它们与周围环境融为一体。 虽然夜鹰是一种更具防御性的鸟类,但它能与任何掠食者抗争,而他们出色的狩猎技能可帮助他们战胜对手。 Nightjars are mostly active in the late evening and early morning or at night and feed predominantly on moths and other large flying insects. They are sometimes called "goatsuckers" due to the ancient folk tale that they sucked the milk from goats. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long, pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically colored to resemble bark or leaves, which helps them blend in with their surroundings. While the nightjar is a more defensive bird, it will fight off any predators, and their excellent hunting skills help them outfly their opponents. |
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