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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第19页] |
作者:撒欢的香蕉 |
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【Hummingbird】 – 【蜂鸟】普通 它们永远不会看到您的到来-从字面上看! 眨眼之间,这个守护神的施法者通常具有很高的战术敏锐度,可以快速攻守。 这些鸟的外形小巧,设计精美,也暗示着女巫或巫师对被蜂鸟的魅力迷住的追随者的寓意。 They’ll never see you coming - literally! In a blink of an eye, casters of this Patronus are often capable of a high level of tactical acumen that allows them to quickly get in and out. The small shape and beautiful design of these birds also hint to a witch or wizard’s allusiveness to pursuers captivated by the hummingbird’s charm. |
【Husky】 – 【爱斯基摩犬/哈士奇】普通 哈士奇犬非常快速,精力充沛且健壮-它们也非常可爱。 如果您的守护神是哈士奇,那么认识您的人可能会认为您又娇又可爱。 但在内心,您充满能量,渴望证明自己。 在魁地奇选拔赛中,您就是球员,他说:“把我放在任何需要我的地方! 我懂的。” 没有什么可以阻止你。 但是,尽管您具有天生的能力,但您不会骄傲。 您宁愿和玩飞盘的朋友闲逛,也不愿炫耀自己的奖杯收藏。 Huskies are fast, energetic, and athletic - they are also adorably cute. If your Patronus is a husky, you’re likely thought of as lovable and cuddly by those who know you. Inside, though, you are a ball of energy, eager to prove yourself. At Quidditch tryouts, you’re the player who says, “Put me anywhere you need me! I got this.” Nothing can hold you back. But despite your natural abilities, you don’t strut. You’d rather hang with friends playing frisbee than show off your trophy collection. |
【Hyena】 – 【鬣狗】罕见 鬣狗经常被赋予不好的声誉,它们是狡猾的猎人和清道夫,它们知道在动物界里生存需要做什么。 它们成群结队地生活和狩猎,是非常社交的动物。 它们经常通过发出各种声音来与族中的同伴进行交流,包括它们如此著名的“笑声”。 鬣狗忠诚,富有创造力且凶猛。 如果您的守护神是鬣狗,摄魂怪将没有机会伤害您! Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. They live and hunt in packs/clans and are very social animals. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the “laughter” they are so famous for. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce. If your Patronus is a hyena, Dementors won’t stand a chance! |
【Ibizan Hound】 – 【伊比莎猎犬】普通 这是一只聪明而独立的狗,但众所周知是小丑。 在大多数情况下,这些狗保持安静,直到需要提醒人们陷在危险当中为止。 它们是著名的逃生艺术家,因此这个守护神可以使您摆脱任何棘手的情况。 This is an intelligent and independent dog but is known to be a clown. For the most part, these dogs are quiet until they need to alert people of danger. They are known escape artists, so this Patronus can get you out of any sticky situation. |
【Impala】 – 【高角羚羊】罕见 高角羚以其速度,敏捷性和优雅着称。 这些天生的奔跑者非常容易适应周围的环境,并证明对任何捕食者都是个挑战。 当它们感到受到威胁时,或者有时只是为了娱乐时,它们奔跑着跳进令人眼花缭乱的锯齿状图案,清除了阻碍它们前进的障碍。 您的高角羚守护神将会如此轻松地击败摄魂怪,他们甚至都不知道是什么击中了他们。 The impala is known for its speed, agility, and grace. These natural runners are extremely adaptable to their surroundings and prove to be a challenge to any predator. When they feel threatened, or sometimes just for fun, they run and leap in dizzying zig-zag patterns, clearing any obstacle that gets in their way. Your impala Patronus will run down the Dementors with such ease, they won’t even know what hit them. |
【King Cobra】 – 【眼镜王蛇】罕见 眼镜王蛇是世界上最长的有毒蛇,能吞下比自己头还大的猎物。 有敏锐的眼睛和敏锐感官,这条蛇很少咬人,但是如果被激怒时,它会具有很高的攻击性。 眼镜王蛇是强大的守护神,以吓人的嘶嘶声和精美的鳞片外表将摄魂怪拒之门外。 The king cobra is the world's longest venomous snake, capable of swallowing prey larger than its own head. Keen-eyed with sharp senses, this snake rarely bites humans but can be highly aggressive if provoked. The king cobra is a powerful Patronus, warding Dementors away with its intimidating hiss and beautifully scaled hood. |
【Kingfisher】 – 【翠鸟】普通 翠鸟在各个方面的大胆举止都不能阻止其生动,醒目的外观。 充满决心的翠鸟们愿意做任何事情来获得它们认为必要的东西并实现自己的梦想,即使这似乎并不是一开始就最好的计划。 The kingfisher’s boldness in every aspect certainly doesn’t exclude its vivid, striking appearance. Filled with determination, kingfishers are willing to do anything to get what they deem necessary and in order to achieve their dreams, even if it may not seem like the best plan at the onset. |
【Leopard】 – 【花豹】罕见 这只猫可能在于“从天而降!”一词的背后。 花豹子在树上居家,不仅使它们从高处猛扑出去,而且众所周知,它们会将杀害力推高到树枝上,以免被其他掠食者抢走。 这些大猫强壮而优雅,身上有漂亮的斑点大衣。 是个完美的摄魂怪狙击手! This cat is probably behind the phrase “death from above!” Leopards are so at home in trees that not only do they pounce from up high, but they are also known to pull their kills high into the branches so that they aren’t snatched by other predators. These big cats are strong and graceful with gorgeous spotted coats. Talk about the perfect Dementor sniper! |
【Leopardess】 – 【雌花豹】罕见 雌花豹应该被称为忍者妈妈! 它们可以把幼子在成长过程中将其藏在树上和地面上。 她极具保护性,仍然体现了雄花豹的所有特征。 如果雌花豹是您的守护神,摄魂怪最好保持警惕! Leopardesses should be known as ninja moms! They can hide their young up in trees and on the ground while they are growing up. Fiercely protective, she still embodies all the traits of the male leopard. Dementors better keep their heads up if a leopardess is your Patronus! |
【Lion】 – 【狮子】罕见 狮子,是格兰芬多学院的吉祥物,通常被视为“野兽之王”。 狮子通常生活在紧密相连的族群中,它们对此予以严格保护。 他们对幼子很友善,分享它们的食物。 这些猫是凶猛的战士,象征着勇敢,力量和贵族。 如果您的守护神是狮子,那么您可能很勇敢,很接近内圈的狮子,并且非常具保护能力。 尽管您在受到挑战时会很猛烈,但对于那些愿意为之牺牲的弱者,您仍然情有独钟。 The lion, along with being the mascot of Gryffindor House, is often seen as the "king of beasts." Lions generally live in close-knit prides, which they are fiercely protective of. They are kind to cubs, sharing their food. These cats are fierce warriors, symbolizing bravery as well as strength and nobility. If your Patronus is the lion, you are likely brave, close to those in your inner circle, and extremely protective. Despite your fierceness when challenged, you have a soft spot for those weaker than yourself for whom you are willing to make sacrifices. |
【Lioness】 – 【母狮】罕见 母狮是不容忽视的力量。 她是社会秩序的核心,她与家人保持亲密,受到保护和饱食。 她不善待陌生人,经常会把他们赶走。 如果您的守护神是母狮,那么您可能会如此凶猛地爱着,没有人-甚至没有狮子-会敢把您或您所爱的人惹恼。 您很勇敢,勤奋和实际。 您不介意动手做需要做的事情来为您所爱的人提供需求。 The lioness is a force to be reckoned with. She is the core of social order, keeping her family close, protected, and fed. She does not take kindly to strangers and will often run them off. If your Patronus is the lioness, you likely love with such ferocity, no one - not even a lion - would dare mess with you or anyone you love. You are brave, hardworking, and practical. You don’t mind getting your hands dirty to do what needs to be done to provide for those you love. |
【Little Owl】 – 【小猫头鹰】罕见 这些内向的生物是如此的细小,但又如此的细心,注定会与任何能够呼唤它们的女巫或巫师共享这一特征。 尽管它们不介意偶尔与陌生人打交道,但它们更喜欢在不受到其他人监督的情况下向自己的节奏前进。 如果这是您的守护神,很可能您会独自完成一些最好的工作,并且坚信内向的人会与动物界中一些较热烈的成员站在一起。 So tiny and yet so observant, these introverted creatures are bound to share this trait with any witch or wizard capable of casting them. Although they don’t mind occasionally rubbing feathers with strangers, they largely prefer marching to the beat of their own drum without the immediate oversight of others. If this is your Patronus, it is likely that you do some of your best work alone and are a firm believer that introverts can go toe to toe with some of the more boisterous members of the animal kingdom. |
【Lynx】 – 【猞猁】罕见 猞猁是一只孤独的野猫。 它们独自一人狩猎,利用它们的敏锐听觉和隐身能力穿越森林,而不会被猎物或可能正在观看的人所看见。 当它们发动攻击时,它们的速度足以赶上雪野兔。 摄魂怪将不知道是什么攻击了他们! The lynx is a solitary wild cat. They hunt alone, using their great sense of hearing and their stealth to move through the forests without being seen by either their prey or those who may be watching. When they do strike, they are fast enough to even catch snowshoe hares. Dementors won’t know what hit them! |
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