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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第21页] |
作者:撒欢的香蕉 |
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在线等大大更新,求白鼬的解读 |
呜B都过去了为什么没有水牛呀 |
我的是信天翁 |
啊,等大大更新~ |
什么时候才能等到知更鸟(Robin)啊…… 那得等到R啊…… 咦,突然发现是R,我是拉文克劳的哎 |
ddddddd |
蹲蹲夜骐 |
有没有尼伯龙猫? |
dd,还更吗 |
求问有没有独角兽的! |
【Nightjar】 –【夜鹰】普通 夜鹰大多在深夜和清晨或晚上活动,主要以飞蛾和其他大型飞虫为食。他们有时被称为“山羊吸奶器(?这个是机翻)”,因为古老的民间传说里他们会从山羊身上吸奶。大多数夜鹰的脚很小,走路不方便,翅膀又长又尖。它们柔软的羽毛是一种模糊的颜色,像树皮或叶子,这有助于它们融入周围的环境。虽然夜鹰是一种防御能力更强的鸟类,但它也会击退任何掠食者,而且它们出色的捕猎技能帮助它们比对手飞得更快。 Nightjarsare mostly active in the late evening and early morning or at night and feedpredominantly on moths and other large flying insects. They are sometimescalled "goatsuckers" due to the ancient folk tale that they suckedthe milk from goats. Most have small feet, of little use for walking, and long,pointed wings. Their soft plumage is cryptically colored to resemble bark orleaves, which helps them blend in with their surroundings. While the nightjaris a more defensive bird, it will fight off any predators, and their excellenthunting skills help them outfly their opponents. |
【Occamy】 –【鸟蛇】非常稀有 鸟蛇除了在外观上是不寻常的鸟-蛇的混合,最明显的特征是它根据所在空间可以放大缩小自己身体的特殊能力(详见《神奇动物在哪里》鸟蛇会填满自己所在的空间,无论空间大小)。出于这个原因,那些拥有鸟蛇作为守护神的人可以理解为是灵活的,愿意根据情况做出妥协。这里的灵活性很容易以任何形式出现,不仅在身体上,而且在思想、心灵和灵魂上。鸟蛇守护神可能会注重注意力并以注意力为长,但通常也非常具有防御性,尤其是在它们不认识的人身边。 Aside from the unusual bird-serpent cross in appearance, the most distinguishable featureof the Occamy is its choranaptyxic ability. For this reason, it’d beunderstandable to believe that those who have the Occamy for their Patronus areflexible and willing to compromise depending on the situation. Flexibility herecould easily come in any form, not just in body but also in mind, heart, andsoul. Occamy Patronuses may seek and thrive on attention but are also commonlyvery defensive, especially around those they don’t know. |
【Ocicat】 –【奥希猫】普通 奥希猫是一种家猫,但它看起来像一只小型野猫,因为它身上有斑点和条纹。它还有运动员的个性!这只猫喜欢活跃。它自信而充满活力地在环境中移动。这只猫会追着摄魂怪,把它追到地上! While theOcicat is a house cat, it looks like a small wild cat due to its crazy coat ofspots and stripes. It has the athletic personality to boot! This cat loves tobe active. It moves through its environment confidently and energetically. Thiscat will chase that Dementor and run it to the ground! |
【Orangutan】 –【猩猩】普通 温和而孤独,猩猩以其推理能力和在森林中行走的敏捷性而闻名。猩猩知道如何利用周围的环境。他们可以把普通的物品变成工具,并与他们的孩子分享学到的行为。猩猩守护神会用它的智慧和灵巧帮你摆脱困境。 Gentle andsolitary, orangutans are known for their reasoning skills and the agility withwhich they navigate the forest. Orangutans know how to use their surroundingsto their advantage. They can make ordinary objects into tools and share learnedbehaviors with their young. The orangutan Patronus will use its intelligenceand dexterity to get you out of any jam. |
【Orca】 –【逆戟鲸】罕见 逆戟鲸被称为“虎鲸”(“杀人鲸”),这是毫无疑问的。它们是海洋中最有效率的捕猎者之一。逆戟鲸用团队合作和复杂的沟通技巧来捕猎,也用同样的狡猾来保护它们的幼崽。有了一只逆戟鲸守护神精心设计的凶猛保护,你可以放心,摄魂怪不是你的对手。 It’s nomistake that orcas are nicknamed “killer whales.” They are one of the mosteffective hunters in the ocean. Orcas use teamwork and complex communicationskills to hunt and the same cunning to protect their young. With the fierce,calculated protection of an orca on your side, you can rest assured that theDementors will be no match for you. |
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