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[三体]黑暗战役-青铜时代号[第13页] |
作者:严冰_夕云 |
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Chapter one: The doomsday battle After receiving the order of entering deep-sea state, deep-sea acceleration fluid begin injecting into each cabin of Bronze Age. Eventually, everyone onboard the Bronze Age except captain Neil Scott and few executive officers enters deep-sea state. “Why are we entering deep-sea state? Aren't we going have a complete victory against the Trisolaris? Are we really going to accelerate to ‘Ahead 4’?” asked commander Boris Rovinski. “Oh, it’s because that professor named Ding Yi said he have bad feelings, thus he wanted us and Quantum to enter deep-sea state” replied captain Neil Scott. “Is this really necessary? Its just a droplet!” complained Rovinski. “Well, the head quarters have approved this action, since doing this have no harm to us.” Scott said as he pointed at deep space “Mantis is there with the droplet, but we can’t see it from here with naked eye.”. Suddenly, a red spot emerges in deep space where Scott pointed, “Jesus! Look, look at there!” Scott said terrifying. It the Mantis with no doubt, its explosion is seen clearly onboard every starship of the Earth fleet, even though its over 1000 km from the Bronze Age. “The droplet………….self-destroyed?!” Rovinski said unbelievably. All crews of the Earth fleet begin to silent salute as the flying fragments of Mantis scattered, yet no one and the computer is able to find a tiny object that was approaching the Infinite Frontier. Few seconds later, another red spot emerges, “It's the Infinite Frontier” said Scott. While they are astonished by the destruction of the Infinite Frontier, all ships of the first row were annihilated. 4 minute 47 second after the destruction of Mantis, the ships of all three rows were annihilated by the droplet. Scott enables Bronze Age to enter ‘ahead four’ immediately together with Quantum. |
最后一个问题:你去不去投三体征文 |
9/1开学 |
我先提前问一下,这个是根据三体写的吗 |
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“弱小和无知,都不是生存的障碍,傲慢才是。” “前进!前进!不择手段的前进!” “我不知道外星文明是什么样的,但我知道人类。” “给岁月以文明,而不是给文明岁月,给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。” “在宇宙中,你再快,都有比你更快的。你再慢,也有比你更慢的。” “虫子,从来没有被真正战胜过!敬虫子!” “碑是那么小,与其说是为了纪念,更像是为了忘却。” “妈妈,我将变成萤火虫。” “我们都是阴沟里的虫子,但总还是得有人仰望星空。” “死亡是一座永恒的灯塔,不管你驶向何方,最终都会朝它转向。一切都将逝去,只有死神永生。” “你的无畏来源于无知。” |
3 hours 26 minutes later, Deep space, Bronze Age “Where should we go?” asked Scott. “We can reach Taurus if we go ahead” replied Rovinski. “Okay so let’s check the ship, see if there’s any problem” said Scott. “The ecology cycle system have been offline for 2 hours due to the exceedingly accelerating capacity, and would need a long time to recover” said Rovinski terrifying. “Then can we let most crews enter hibernation?” asked Scott, “No, the hibernation system also have some problems, only 500 people can hibernate.” replied Rovinski. “Well, then we must try to fix them” said Scott despairingly after hesitating for a moment. At the same time, Deep space, Quantum “Isn’t Ding Yi a ancient people from few centuries ago? How could he guessed so accurate?” asked captain Joko Koyo. “I think this might be the ‘wisdom of the common era people’, we could never learn certain knowledges of the people of the common era.” replied first officer Jing Wen. “It is said that he discovered macro electron long before, that must have been his most glorious time” sighed Joko Koyo. “Then, will the ball lighting be able to defeat the droplet?” asked Jing Wen. “Does is make sense anymore now? The ball lightning is worthless if the droplet have magnetic field” replied Joko Koyo shaking his head. 千年鸽子的我又更了(并且是在早自习时间) |
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