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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第24页]

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【Sparrowhawk】 –【雀鹰】普通
Sparrowhawks,long used in falconry, make tenacious Patronuses that will send Dementorsflying in the other direction. The sparrowhawk will shoot from the caster’swand, come in close for an attack, and return to ensure its safety. Oncecommitted to an attack, sparrowhawks will never stop pursuing their target. Awitch or wizard would have a hard time finding a more ferocious friend!
【Sphynx Cat】 –【斯芬克斯猫】普通
Sphynxes will be your best friend. They will greet you at the door and followyou around the house, seeking pets, pats, and general affection. They arehighly intelligent and energetic, loving to play! Have a Sphynx protect you andwatch the Dementor flee before these incredible hairless cats!
【St. BernardDog】 –【圣伯纳犬】普通
Despite itslarge and intimidating size, the St. Bernard is known to be kind, loving, and gentle.Great with families and very loyal, the St. Bernard will always be by yourside. They are quick to protect family members who may be in danger and oftenact as a guardian for those around them. Strong and powerful due to their size,the St. Bernard will fight off Dementors and stand by you, come what may.
【Stag】 –【牡鹿】罕见 (终于到牡鹿了- -)
The stag isa symbol of strength. A person with this Patronus is characterized for theirinclination to heroism and nobility. Usually, people who produce this Patronusare confident in their capabilities and hold pride in their actions and beliefs.The stag’s antlers can grow back once they fall off. Because of thischaracteristic, this animal has been revered in many traditions as a symbol oflife regeneration.
【Stoat】 –【白鼬】普通
Stoats arealso known as short-tailed weasels. They change their brown fur to white inwinter and are often called ermine in their white fur. The stoat does not digits own burrows, instead using the burrows and nest chambers of the rodents itkills. The skins and underfur of rodent prey are used to line the nest chamber.Stoats attack by thrusting forward while giving a sharp shriek. They are veryresilient animals and able to survive in very unlikely places, being veryadaptive. With a stoat Patronus on your side, you have a good companion in allcircumstances.
【Swallow】 –【燕子】普通
The swallowis associated with love, happiness, protection, and curiously enough, with summer. Regardless of its small size, this Patronus is extremely powerful andwill conquer a full battalion of Dementors.
【Swift】 –【雨燕】普通
Althoughswifts can be perceived as flighty, that’s only because they have a strongsense of determination and a drive to accomplish things as quickly as possible,which makes them go from one endeavor to the next very quickly. They arehopeful, positive, and energetic and are drawn to live and work in largecommunities, where they find inspiration from the high spirits of others.
【Thestral】 –【夜骐】非常稀有
Thestralsget a bad reputation as unlucky omens, probably due to their spooky appearanceand association with death. The reality is that these intriguing creatures,which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted itssignificance, are gentle and kind. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speedsand have a keen sense of direction. If the herd that lives in the ForbiddenForest is any indication, Thestrals can be extremely loyal to their humanfriends and will fiercely attack their enemies. This makes the Thestral anintimidating and powerful Patronus.
【Tiger】 –【老虎】罕见
Male tigersare some of the most powerful cats in the feline family. Tigers are known to behighly protective and territorial, traveling great distances, including walkingand swimming, to protect their homes. Dementors will not know what hit themfrom the back!
【Tigress】 –【雌虎】罕见
A tigress isa large cat that Dementors will NOT want to cross. A mother tiger with cubs isone of the most patient, protective, self-sacrificing animals that there everwas. The last thing that Dementor will see is an enraged mother tiger chargingafter it, protecting her cub (you)!
【TonkineseCat】 –【东奇尼猫】普通
Tonkineseare a super awesome blend of Burmese and Siamese cats. They’re playful,curious, highly intelligent, and even known to exhibit some dog-like traitssuch as playing fetch and enjoying physical activity! Your wonderful TonkinesePatronus will run rings around any Dementors!
【TortoiseshellCat】 –【玳瑁猫】普通
Tortoiseshellcats have some of the prettiest coats, but don’t let that fool you. Theseseemingly mild house cats pack a lot of punch! Tortoiseshell cats are chatty,strong-willed, and hot-tempered! They are very protective of their human, so ifyour Patronus is a tortoiseshell, Dementors had better watch out!
【Unicorn】 –【独角兽】非常稀有
A unicorn isone of the most widely recognized and ethereal of mythical creatures, and it isone of the rarest Patronuses. Due to the unicorn’s affinity for women ratherthan men, medieval artists often portrayed the beast with a woman, causing itto become a sort of religious symbol of incarnation among Muggles. Unicornblood can be used to keep a person alive but at great personal cost. With itsmighty and majestic horn, a unicorn Patronus could easily charge down aDementor, spearing it to keep its master safe.
【Vole】 –【田鼠】普通
These smallcreatures are not to be underestimated. Their nocturnal nature makes it easyfor them to find any Dementor heading your way! Not only are they strongswimmers, but they can also run at 6 mph, no mean feat for such a littlecreature. Never fear when you have your vole near - no Dementor can outrun thisPatronus!
【Vulture】 –【兀鹫】罕见
Looming anddominant, the vulture, at its core, is a resource machine. It may seemintimidating and heartless, but in reality, it is a hyper-efficient beast thatknows how to utilize even the barest of essentials. As a Patronus, it likelyspeaks to the caster’s willingness to get their hands dirty and do what fewothers are willing to perform.
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