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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第23页] |
作者:撒欢的香蕉 |
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【Red Squirrel】 –【红松鼠】普通 作为濒危物种,红松鼠在野生动物保护区内很少见。如果这是你的守护神,那么你绝对应该为你独特的和不寻常的个性感到骄傲!红松鼠的行为举止好奇而平和,它们习惯于保持高度的隐私,以免受到伤害。他们可能很安静,但这些铁锈红色的生物是有狠劲的,在保护他们的财产和保护他们的朋友时,不能被激怒。 As anendangered species, the red squirrel is rare to find outside of protected wildlifereserves. If this is your Patronus, then you should definitely feel pride atyour unique and uncommonly found personality! Curious and peaceful in demeanor,red squirrels are used to maintaining a strong level of privacy so as not toget hurt. They may be quiet, but these rust-colored creatures are vicious andnot to be crossed when protecting their property and defending their friends. |
【Rhinoceros】 –【犀牛】普通 犀牛是一种皮肤厚的大型哺乳动物,以其脸上的角而闻名。虽然犀牛大多是被动的动物,但当受到威胁时,它会变得极具攻击性,独自或成群地冲向掠食者。犀牛可以成为强壮、可怕的守护神,用角尖刺穿摄魂怪,或者坚守阵地保护施法者。 Therhinoceros is a large, thick-skinned mammal known for the horns on its face.Although it is mostly a passive creature, the rhino can become extremelyaggressive when threatened, charging down its predators on its own or in aherd. The rhino makes a sturdy, formidable Patronus, spearing Dementors on thetip of its horn or holding its ground to defend the caster. |
【Robin】 –【知更鸟】普通 深受英国民众喜爱的知更鸟是英国的标志性特征。这些鸟身体中充满了歌声,能够整年歌唱。麻瓜们常常被它们欢快的歌声和标志性的红胸所欺骗,把它们误认为是一只漂亮的鸟。事实上,这些战士会为保护它们的领土而展开一场殊死的战斗!幸运的是,一旦你拥有一只知更鸟作为你的守护神,知更鸟就会为你而战,就像它为自己的巢而战一样。 A fondfavorite of the British public, the robin is an iconic feature of thelandscape. These birds are full of song and will sing all year long. Muggleshave often been deceived by their cheerful song and their trademark red breastand written them off as a pretty bird. In fact, these warriors will put up oneheck of a fight to protect their territory! Lucky for you, once you have cast arobin as your Patronus, the bird will fight for you like it does its nest. |
【Rottweiler】 –【罗威纳犬】普通 这是一种平静而自信的狗,会受环境的影响。拥有这个守护神的人都是勤劳的工作者和保护者。有了罗威纳犬守护神,你永远不会被摄魂怪伤害。 This is acalm yet confident dog that allows its environment to influence it. People withthis Patronus are hard workers and protectors. With a Rottweiler Patronus, youwill always be protected from Dementors. |
【Runespoor】 –【如尼纹蛇】非常稀有 如尼纹蛇是一种神奇的三头蛇,原产于非洲,因其与蛇佬腔和黑魔法的联系而闻名。每个脑袋都有不同的用途——计划者、梦想者和评论家——它的蛋被用于提高大脑敏捷度的魔药。这种生物是可怕的守护神,会用三个脑袋攻击摄魂怪,迅速而凶猛地使它们失去能力。 TheRunespoor is a magical three-headed snake native to Africa, known for itsassociation with Parselmouths and Dark magic. Each head serves a differentpurpose - the planner, the dreamer, and the critic - and its eggs are used inpotions to aid with mental agility. This creature makes a formidable Patronus,attacking Dementors from all three heads, disabling them quickly andferociously. |
【Russian BlueCat】 –【俄罗斯蓝猫】非常稀有 俄罗斯蓝猫被称为皇家猫。在形式上显得很皇室,他们喜欢被人关注并积极地寻找它。它们爱它们的人类,经常会做一些小善事来让你开心起来,比如拍你的脸或扮小丑来逗你笑。如果说哪个守护神只要轻蔑地瞪着摄魂怪,就能赶走它,那么这个守护神就是它! The RussianBlue is known as a royal cat. Regal in form and frame, they love attention andactively seek it out. They love their humans, often doing small acts ofkindness to cheer you up such as patting your face or clowning about to enticea laugh. If any Patronus will chase away a Dementor by staring disdainfully atit, this is the Patronus! |
【Salamander】 –【蝾螈】 它是一种两栖动物,典型的特征是像蜥蜴一样的外表。在脊椎动物中独一无二的是,它们能够再生失去的肢体和身体其他受损部位。一些种类的皮肤含有强大毒性的河豚毒素,这些蝾螈往往行动缓慢,并伴有明亮的颜色来警示他们的毒性。这个守护神代表一个能够适应任何环境并乐于接受改变的人。此外,它还暗示了一个人有能力克服巨大的损失和挑战,但如果被烦扰,可能会非常危险。 It is a typeof amphibian, typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance. Unique amongvertebrates, they are capable of regenerating lost limbs as well as otherdamaged parts of their bodies. The skin of some species contains the powerfulpoison tetrodotoxin, and these salamanders tend to be slow-moving and havebright warning coloration to advertise their toxicity. This Patronus representsa person who is capable of adapting to any environment and is open to change.Also, it describes a person who is capable of overcoming big losses andchallenges but could be very dangerous if bothered. |
【Salmon】 –【鲑鱼】普通 (突然饿了ww) 专注且适应力强,鲑鱼在它的生态圈内为人类和其他生物提供了一场辉煌的追逐。它擅长在鱼群里游动的倾向使它很容易在策略上胜过对手,证明了它善于在人数上取得优势。 Focused and resilient, the salmon provides aglorious chase for both man and other creatures within its ecosphere. Itsdesign and tendency to travel in schools allow it to easily outmaneuver opponents, proving its proficiency in finding strength in numbers. |
【Scops Owl】 –【角袅】罕见 角袅体型较小,有黄色的眼睛和灰棕色的羽毛。这些小猫头鹰是独居动物,喜欢独自生活。它们喜欢开阔的空间,有足够的空间伸展翅膀。当受到威胁时,他们会蜷缩自己以转移注意力,避免对抗。角袅用它们锋利的喙和爪子,一定能把摄魂怪赶走。 Scops owlsare on the small side, with yellow eyes and grayish-brown feathers. Theselittle owls are solitary creatures, preferring to be on their own. They likeopen space with plenty of room to stretch their wings. When threatened, theyshrink themselves down to detract attention, avoiding confrontation. With theirsharp beaks and talons, a scops owl is sure to drive the Dementors away whencalled to do the job. |
【Seal】 –【海豹】罕见 海豹通常被描绘成可爱的、白色的、毛茸茸的水狗(:p)。事实上,这些主要是两栖动物的动物是凶残的食肉动物。摄魂怪可能看不出这个看似无辜的守护神的威胁,但当你施放守护神魔咒并派出海豹守护神追赶这些黑暗的攻击者时,你知道会发生什么。 - Seals mayoften be portrayed as adorable, white, fluffy water dogs. In actuality, thesemostly amphibious animals can be vicious, carnivorous predators. A Dementormight not see the threat of this innocent-looking Patronus, but you know what’sin store for your dark assailant as you cast your Patronus Charm and send yourseal Patronus after it. |
【Shark】 –【鲨鱼】罕见 它们是海洋中最令人恐惧的鱼类,已经分化成超过500种(其中两种也可以在河流中存活)。拥有这种守护神的人以擅长商业环境、成为领导者而闻名,有时会有点令人生畏。而且,他们往往有很好的皮肤和一副很好的牙齿。 They are themost feared fish in the ocean and have diversified into over 500 species (twoof which can also survive and be found in rivers). People who have thisPatronus are known for excelling in business environments, being leaders, andsometimes being a bit intimidating. Also, they tend to have good skin and agreat set of teeth. |
【Shrew】 –【鼩鼱】普通 通常以它们很容易被突然的声音吓到而跳起来的特点为人知晓,但鼩鼱守护神打破了这种模式。它们致命的一咬是对摄魂怪之吻的完美对抗!你可能会因为得到一个鼩鼱守护神而感到失望,但你不应该为此感到沮丧。当以肉体形态出现时,鼩鼱守护神就会行动起来——他们知道如何打任何战斗,无论大小! Often knownfor the fact that they are easily spooked and jump at sudden noises, a shrewPatronus breaks the mold. Their deadly bite is the perfect counteract to aDementor's Kiss! You may feel disappointed in getting a shrew Patronus, butit's nothing you should be upset about. When cast in a corporeal form, theshrew Patronus will launch into action - they know how to fight any battle, nomatter the size! |
【Siberian Cat】 –【西伯利亚猫】普通 西伯利亚猫是完美的守护神。它们无畏而又随和,似乎总是知道人类什么时候需要它们的支持和安慰。它们可以是安静的,带有柔和而有旋律的咕噜声和唧唧声。虽然这些猫可能不是用来追捕摄魂怪的,但它们会陪在你身边,保护你,安抚你,直到摄魂怪消失。 Siberiancats are perfect as Patronuses. Fearless yet easygoing, they seem to alwaysknow when their humans need them for support or comfort. They can be quiet,with soft melodic purrs and chirps. While these may not be the cats to chase downa Dementor, they will stay with you, protecting and calming you until theDementor fades away. |
【Snowy Owl】 –【雪鸮】罕见 传统上,雪鸮被认为拥有强大的魔力,并能洞察未来。雪鸮和其他种类的猫头鹰一样,代表着智慧,但白色的猫头鹰也意味着转变可能即将到来。也许当雪鸮守护神被施放时,就是从悲伤到快乐的转变? The snowyowl is traditionally thought to possess strong magic and have insight into thefuture. Snowy owls, like other varieties of owls, represent wisdom, but thewhite bird also means a transition may be coming. Perhaps that transition isfrom sadness to happiness when the Patronus is cast? |
【Sparrow】 –【麻雀】普通 麻雀可能很小,但它是一种非常强大的守护神。麻雀在数量上更强大,所以拥有麻雀守护神的女巫或巫师可以得到多个守护神的保护。想象赫敏的金丝雀攻击罗恩,就像一群打转的麻雀,把摄魂怪啄死。他们总是保持警惕,当施法者需要帮助时,他们是最快出现的守护神! The sparrowmay be small, but it’s an incredibly powerful Patronus. Sparrows are strongerin numbers, so the witch or wizard with a sparrow Patronus gets the benefit ofmultiple magical protectors. Visualize Hermione’s canary attack on Ron as aswarm of swirling sparrows, pecking Dementors to their doom. They are evervigilant and some of the quickest Patronuses to appear when their caster is inneed! |
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