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[师生]* Z. {那些小英文゜}[第11页] |
作者:_唯美的灰色 |
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Sometimes the hardest choices we make end up being the best thing we could have ever done for ourselves. 有时候,我们做出的最艰难的决定,最终成为我们做过的最漂亮的事。 |
You can only live brilliantly if you know how to love yourself. 懂得自爱,才能活得精彩。 |
Love,what is it? It's something between two that needs to be accomplished by the two. 爱,是什么呢?这是两个人的事情,需要两个人来共同完成。 |
A turned over fish jar is like a broken heart, which can no longer be restored. 打翻的鱼缸,犹如破碎的心,再难愈合。 |
What we have lost somewhere must be found somewhere else. 我们在一个地方失去的,就一定会在另一个地方找回来。 |
All I need is you needing me. 我最需要的就是,你需要我。 |
Getting angry is punishing oneself for mistakes of others. Forgive others, and relieve yourself. 生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,放过自己。 |
I'll never mind the past from now on, no matter how sorrowful or wonderful it was. Life comes and goes with nothing. 我从此再不提起过去,痛苦或幸福,生不带来,死不带去。 |
Either tolerate or be cruel. 要么忍,要么残忍。 |
The man who deserves your love the most is the one who loves nobody but you. 最值得你爱的男人,就是除了你以外他谁都不爱的男人。 |
Do you believe there is a kind of sentiment that will never be beaten by time. 你信不信有一种感情,一辈子都不会输给时间。 |
Be with people who appreciates you not with the people who you need to impress. 选择一个欣赏你的人,而不是需要自己去讨好的人。 |
I don't lack love.Your leaving only free me from one of the practices. 我不缺爱,你的离开,只是让我少了一个习惯。 |
Please don't judge me from my past. I am not the one I used to be. 别再用我的过去来评价我了,我早就不是以前那个我了 |
Three regrets in life: unable to choose, unable to persist in choosing, can't stop choosing. 人生三大遗憾:不会选 |
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