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[明星艺术]用 LaTeX 能画出哪些酷炫的图?

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提问者在提问前已知晓存在更高效或更专业的绘图工具. 在不介意炫技的前提下,例如要为 ctexbook 制作扉页上的图案,那么你会想用 LaTeX 本身…
因为经常有人问我回答里的积分围道是怎么画出来的,所以我这里贴几个比较典型的 TikZ 代码示例供参考。
杂然赋流形丶:【TikZ实例】复分析中的典型围道杂然赋流形丶:【TikZ实例】留数定理:你想要的积分围道都在这儿1. 半圆形围道:




    mark= at position .1 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position .4 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position 0.7 with {\arrow{>}},

% contour
\filldraw[postaction = {decorate}, thick ,fill=gray!40] 
    (0:\radius) node[below]{$R$}   arc (0:180:\radius) node[below]{$-R$}-- cycle;

\node at (60:\radius+0.3){$C_{R}$};
% axes
\draw[-Latex] (-1.5*\radius,0) -- (1.5*\radius,0) node[below]{$\Re$} ;
\draw[-Latex] (0,-0.2*\radius) -- (0,1.2*\radius) node[right]{$\Im$};


2. 锁孔围道(keyhole 围道)




    mark= at position .1 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position .32 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position .55 with {\arrow{>}},
    % mark= at position 0.86 with {\arrow{>}},

    % contour
\filldraw[postaction = {decorate}, thick ,fill=gray!40] 
    \n1 = {asin(\gap/2/\bigradius)},
    \n2 = {asin(\gap/2/\littleradius)}
    (0+\n1:\bigradius) node[above right]{$R$}  arc (0+\n1:360-\n1:\bigradius) node[below left]{$C_{R}$} -- (0-\n2:\littleradius) arc (360-\n2:0+\n2:\littleradius) node[above right]{$\delta$} -- cycle;

    \draw[thick,->] (300:\littleradius) arc (300:130:\littleradius) node[above]{$C_{\delta}$};
    % axes
    \draw[-Latex] (-1.5*\bigradius,0) -- (1.5*\bigradius,0) node[below]{$\Re$} ;
    \draw[-Latex] (0,-1.2*\bigradius) -- (0,1.2*\bigradius) node[right]{$\Im$};


3. Bromwich 围道

Bromwich 围道



    mark= at position .05 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position .29 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position .6 with {\arrow{>}},
    mark= at position 0.9 with {\arrow{>}},

        \n1 = {cos(\angle)},
        (\radius*\n1,-\radius*1.2) node[right]{$\sigma - i\infty$}-- (\radius*\n1,\radius*1.2)node[right]{$\sigma+i\infty$};

 % contour
 \filldraw[postaction = {decorate}, thick ,fill=gray!40] (\angle:\radius)node[right]{$B$} arc (\angle:360-\angle:\radius)node[right]{$A$} -- cycle;

\draw (0,0) -- (\angle:\radius) node[xshift=-20pt,yshift=-20pt]{$R$};
\node at (120:\radius+0.3){$C_R$};    

% axis
\draw[-Latex] (-1.8*\radius,0) -- (1.2*\radius,0) node[below]{$\Re$} ;
\draw[-Latex] (0,-1.2*\radius) -- (0,1.2*\radius) node[right]{$\Im$};


因为代码太长比较占篇幅,建议去原网站 TikZ.net 和 TikZ-Gallery 里查询代码。
4. Penrose 图

彭罗斯图 1

彭罗斯图 25. Kruskal 图

克鲁斯卡尔图6. 标准模型

标准模型 1

标准模型 27. 计算尺

计算尺8. 元素周期表

元素周期表9. Seebeck 效应

塞贝克效应10. 球坐标体积微元

球坐标体积微元11. 三维空间中的线性近似

三维空间中的线性近似12. 抛物线坐标

抛物线坐标13. 波片(相位延迟片)

波片14. 受力分析

受力分析15. 费曼泰迪熊

用费曼图形式画出来的泰迪熊16. N 皇后问题

N 皇后问题17. 复杂网络

复杂网络18. 曼陀罗

smartdiagram 宏包

\smartdiagram[bubble diagram]{\TeX\ engines, \TeX\ (dvi), pdf\TeX, \XeTeX, \LuaTeX, Con\TeX t}


\begin{tikzpicture}[transform shape]
  %the multiplication with floats is not possible. Thus I split the loop in two.
  \foreach \number in {1,...,8}{
      % Computer angle:
        \advance\mycount by -1
  \multiply\mycount by 45
        \advance\mycount by 0
      \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0.25cm] (N-\number) at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) {};
  \foreach \number in {9,...,16}{
      % Computer angle:
        \advance\mycount by -1
  \multiply\mycount by 45
        \advance\mycount by 22.5
      \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0.25cm] (N-\number) at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) {};
  \foreach \number in {1,...,15}{
        \advance\mycount by 1
  \foreach \numbera in {\the\mycount,...,16}{
    \path (N-\number) edge[->,bend right=3] (N-\numbera)  edge[<-,bend
      left=3] (N-\numbera);


\newcommand\LongitudePlane[3][current plane]{%
    \pgfmathsinandcos\sinEl\cosEl{#2} % elevation
    \pgfmathsinandcos\sint\cost{#3}   % azimuth
\newcommand\LatitudePlane[3][current plane]{%
    \pgfmathsinandcos\sinEl\cosEl{#2} % elevation
    \pgfmathsinandcos\sint\cost{#3}   % latitude
    \tikzset{#1/.estyle={cm={\cost,0,0,\cost*\sinEl,(0,\yshift)}}} %
    \tikzset{current plane/.prefix style={scale=#1}}
    % angle of "visibility"
    \pgfmathsetmacro\angVis{atan(sin(#2)*cos(\angEl)/sin(\angEl))} %
    \draw[current plane] (\angVis:1) arc (\angVis:\angVis+180:1);
    \draw[current plane,dashed] (\angVis-180:1) arc (\angVis-180:\angVis:1);
    \tikzset{current plane/.prefix style={scale=#1}}
    % angle of "visibility"
    \draw[current plane] (\angVis:1) arc (\angVis:-\angVis-180:1);
    \draw[current plane,dashed] (180-\angVis:1) arc (180-\angVis:\angVis:1);
        %Option for nice arrows%
        inner sep=0pt,%
        outer sep=2pt,%
        mark coordinate/.style={outer sep=0pt,
            minimum size=3pt, fill=black,circle}%
    %% some definitions
    \def\R{0.5}       % sphere radius
    \def\angEl{30}    % elevation angle
    \def\angAz{-140}  % azimuth angle
    \def\angPhi{-105} % longitude of point
    \def\angBeta{55}  % latitude of point
    \def\angGam{-190} % longitude of point
    %% working planes
    \pgfmathsetmacro\H{\R*cos(\angEl)}          % Distance to north pole
    \LongitudePlane[xzplane]{\angEl}{\angAz}    % x-axis plane
    \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
    \begin{scope}[rotate around={-11.1:(0,0)},
        field line/.style={color=red, smooth,
            variable=\t, samples at={0,-5,-10,...,-360}}
        \clip[rotate around={11.1:(0,0)}] (-7,5) rectangle (7,-5);

        % Computes a point on a field line given r and t
            {(pow(#1,2))*(3*cos(#2)+cos(3*#2))}, {(pow(#1,2))*(sin(#2)+sin(3*#2))}%

        % Longitudinal plnaes
        \foreach \u in {0,-40,...,-160}{
            \foreach \r in {0.25,0.5,...,2.25} {
                \draw[{{\u}zplane}, field line]
                plot (\fieldlinecurve{\r}{\t});
        \foreach \u in {-200,-240,...,-320}{
            \foreach \r in {0.25,0.5,...,2.25}{
            \draw[{{\u}zplane}, dashed, field line]
                plot (\fieldlinecurve{\r}{\t});
        % Drawing plane for the B-vectors
            \foreach \r in {0.25,0.5,...,2.25}{
            \draw[bzplane, thick, field line]
                plot (\fieldlinecurve{\r}{\t});

        \begin{scope}[bzplane, very thick, ->, >=stealth]
            \draw (\fieldlinecurve{1.25}{-30}) -- +(-30:0.79cm)  node[right] {$\vec{B_{r}}$};
            \draw (\fieldlinecurve{1.25}{-30}) -- +(60:0.68cm)   node[right] {$\vec{B_{\theta}}$};
            \draw (\fieldlinecurve{1.25}{30})  -- +(-150:0.79cm) node[below] {$\vec{B_{r}}$};
            \draw (\fieldlinecurve{1.25}{30})  -- +(120:0.68cm)  node[above] {$\vec{B_{\theta}}$};
        \begin{scope}[rotate around={11.1:(0,0)}]
            \fill[ball color=white,opacity=0.3] (O) circle (\R); %3D lighting effect
            \draw (O) circle (\R);
            \DrawLongitudeCircle[\R]{\angAz}      % xzplane
            \DrawLongitudeCircle[\R]{\angAz + 90} % vzplane
            \DrawLatitudeCircle[\R]{0}            % equator
            \DrawLatitudeCircle[\R]{70}           % Latitude 70
            \DrawLatitudeCircle[\R]{-70}          % Latitude -70
        \coordinate[mark coordinate] (Sm) at (0, \H);
        \coordinate[mark coordinate] (Nm) at (0,-\H);
        \path[xzplane] (Nm) -- +(0,-0.75) coordinate (Nm1) node[below] {$\mathbf{N}_m$}
                       (Sm) -- +(0,0.75)  coordinate (Sm1) node[above] {$\mathbf{S}_m$};
        \draw[very thick, dashed]    (Sm) -- (Nm);
        \draw[very thick]            (Sm1) -- (Sm);
        \draw[very thick,->,>=latex'](Nm) -- (Nm1);
    \node[align=justify, text width=14cm, anchor=north west] at (-7,-5.2)
        {Schematic Earth dipolar magnetic field. The field lines placed in the
        page plane are drawn as thick lines, those back with dashed lines and
        the field lines in front of the page with thin lines.};


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, line join=bevel]
      apply style/.code     = {\tikzset{#1}},
      triangle_edges/.style = {thick,draw=black}
    \foreach \theta/\facestyle in {%
        0/{triangle_edges, fill = gray!50},
      120/{triangle_edges, fill = gray!25},
      240/{triangle_edges, fill = gray!90}%
        \draw[apply style/.expand once=\facestyle]
          ({-sqrt(3)/2*\a},{-0.5*\a})                     --
          ++(-\b,0)                                       --
            ({0.5*\b},{\a+3*sqrt(3)/2*\b})                -- % higher point	
            ({sqrt(3)/2*\a+2.5*\b},{-.5*\a-sqrt(3)/2*\b}) -- % rightmost point
          ++({-.5*\b},-{sqrt(3)/2*\b})                    -- % lower point
            ({0.5*\b},{\a+sqrt(3)/2*\b})                  --


\tikzfading[name=fade out, inner color=transparent!0,
  outer color=transparent!100]
\def\petal { 
  [rounded corners=0.5] %
  .. controls (-1,0.6) and (-0.07,0.8).. (0,1)%
  .. controls (0.07,0.8) and (1,0.6).. (1,0)%
  .. controls (0.7,-1) and (-0.7,-1).. (-1,0)%
  \fill[#1] (0,0) circle (3.9);
  \fill[#2] (0,0) circle (1);
  \foreach \a in {51.4285,102.857,...,360} { %
    (-0.08,0) -- (0,0.46) -- (0.08,0); %
  \draw[color=yellow,fill=#1] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\def \mandala {
  \foreach \ysh/\xs/\ys/\af/\as/\y/\b/\w/\r/\bl in {%
    3.06/0.72/0.8/   25.71425/51.4285/    70/100/100/ 100/100,%
    2.34/1/0.9/        25.71425/77.14275/   6/90/92/       80/80,%
    1.8/0.8/0.9/       51.4285/102.857/       0/75/100/     60/70,%
    1.5/0.6/0.6/       25.71425/77.14275/   0/55/100/     40/60,%
    1.1/0.53/0.58/   51.4285/102.857/       0/40/100/     20/50,%
    0.8/0.37/0.45/   25.71425/77.14275/   0/45/85/       20/40,%
    0.53/0.1/0.24/   25.71425/77.14275/   0/10/100/     0/30,%
    0.49/0.22/0.32/ 51.4285/102.857/       0/10/100/     0/50%
    \foreach \a in {\af,\as,...,360}
        \draw[color=yellow,fill=yellow!\y!red!\b!blue!\w] %
        [drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.5pt, shadow yshift=-0.5pt}]
      \begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate=\a},shift={(0,\ysh)},xscale=\xs,yscale=\ys]
        \clip \petal; %
        \fill[path fading=fade out,fill=red!\r!blue!\bl!black, opacity=0.7]%
        (0,-0.35) ellipse (1.2 and 0.75);
        \fill[path fading=fade out,fill=red!\r!blue!\bl!black, opacity=0.3]%
        (0,-0.2) ellipse (1.2 and 0.4);

        \fill[path fading=fade out,fill=red!\r!blue,opacity=0.2] %
        (-0.4,0.6) -- (0,0.9) -- (0.4,0.6);
  \foreach \a in {\af,\as,...,360}
      \draw[color=yellow,fill=\c] %
      [drop shadow={shadow xshift=0.5pt, shadow yshift=-0.5pt}]
    \begin{scope}[transform canvas={rotate=\a}, shift={(0,\ysh)},xscale=\xs,yscale=\ys]
      \clip \petal; %
      \fill[path fading=fade out,fill=\fc, opacity=0.7]%
      (0,-0.35) ellipse (1.2 and 0.75);
      \fill[path fading=fade out,fill=\fc, opacity=0.3]%
      (0,-0.2) ellipse (1.2 and 0.4);
      \fill[path fading=fade out,fill=\fc,opacity=0.2] %
      (-0.4,0.6) -- (0,0.9) -- (0.4,0.6);
\def \mandalac[#1,#2,#3,#4,#5]{
  \foreach \ysh/\xs/\ys/\af/\as/\c/\fc in {%
    3.06/0.72/0.8/   25.71425/51.4285  /#1/#1!50!#2!90!#5,%
    2.34/1/0.9/        25.71425/77.14275/#1!50!#2/#2!80!#5,%
    1.8/0.8/0.9/       51.4285/102.857    /#2/#2!50!#3!70!#5,%
    1.5/0.6/0.6/       25.71425/77.14275/#2!50!#3/#3!60!#5,%
    1.1/0.53/0.58/   51.4285/102.857    /#3/#3!50!#4!50!#5,%
    0.8/0.37/0.45/   25.71425/77.14275/#3!50!#4/#4!40!#5,%
    0.53/0.1/0.24/   25.71425/77.14275/#4/#4!50!#5,%
    0.49/0.22/0.32/ 51.4285/102.857    /#4/#4!50!#5%
\def \mandalab[#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8]{
  \foreach \ysh/\xs/\ys/\af/\as/\c/\fc in {%
    3.06/0.72/0.8/   25.71425/51.4285  /#1/#2!90!#8,%
    2.34/1/0.9/        25.71425/77.14275/#2/#3!90!#8,%
    1.8/0.8/0.9/       51.4285/102.857    /#3/#4!80!#8,%
    1.5/0.6/0.6/       25.71425/77.14275/#4/#5!80!#8,%
    1.1/0.53/0.58/   51.4285/102.857    /#5/#6!70!#8,%
    0.8/0.37/0.45/   25.71425/77.14275/#6/#7!70!#8,%
    0.53/0.1/0.24/   25.71425/77.14275/#7/#7!50!#8,%
    0.49/0.22/0.32/ 51.4285/102.857    /#7/#7!50!#8%
\tikz\mandalab[green!50!black, green!60!black, green!70!black!80!, green!50!,
  green!10!, pink!40!, red!40!,];
\tikz\mandalab[blue!30!black, blue!40!black, blue!60!black, blue!70!black!80!,
  blue!50!, yellow!40!, yellow!70!,];


\tikzset{isometricXYZ/.style={x={(-0.866cm,-0.5cm)}, y={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)}}}
\tikzset{isometricZXY/.style={x={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)}, y={(0cm,1cm)}, z={(-0.866cm,-0.5cm)}}}
\tikzset{isometricYZX/.style={x={(0cm,1cm)}, y={(-0.866cm,-0.5cm)}, z={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)}}}
\begin{tikzpicture} [scale=4, isometricZXY, line join=round,
        opacity=.75, text opacity=1.0,%
        inner sep=0pt,%
        outer sep=2pt,%
        \foreach \t in {#1} \foreach \f in {175,165,...,5}
            \draw [fill=#2]
                  ({sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)}, {sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)}, {cos(\f - \h)})
               -- ({sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t + \h)}, {sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t + \h)}, {cos(\f - \h)})
               -- ({sin(\f + \h)*cos(\t + \h)}, {sin(\f + \h)*sin(\t + \h)}, {cos(\f + \h)})
               -- ({sin(\f + \h)*cos(\t - \h)}, {sin(\f + \h)*sin(\t - \h)}, {cos(\f + \h)})
               -- cycle;
    \foreach \t in {225,235,...,295}
        \foreach \f in {50,40,...,0}
            \draw [red, opacity=1.0, ->, thick]
                ({sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)}, {sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)}, {cos(\f - \h)})
                -- ({(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)},
                    {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)},
                    {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*cos(\f - \h)});
    \foreach \t in {125,135,...,205}
        \foreach \f in {110,100,...,0}
            \draw [black, ->, thick]
                ({(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)},
                 {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)},
                 {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*cos(\f - \h)})
                -- ({sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)},{sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)},{cos(\f - \h)});
    \foreach \t in {35,45,...,115}
        \foreach \f in {130,120,...,0}
            \draw [red, opacity=1.0 ,->, thick]
                ({sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)}, {sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)}, {cos(\f - \h)})
                -- ({(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)},
                    {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)},
                    {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*cos(\f - \h)});
    \foreach \t in {-55,-45,...,25}
        \foreach \f in {130,120,...,0}
            \draw [black, ->, thick]
                ({(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)},
                 {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)},
                 {(1 + 0.2*cos(90 - \f))*cos(\f - \h)})
              -- ({sin(\f - \h)*cos(\t - \h)},{sin(\f - \h)*sin(\t - \h)},{cos(\f - \h)});
    \path ({1.5*sin(100)*cos(75)}, {1.5*sin(100)*sin(75)}, {1.5*cos(100)}) node [right] {Compression};
    \path ({1.5*sin(70)*cos(-15)}, {1.5*sin(70)*sin(-15)}, {1.5*cos(70)})  node [right] {Dilatation};
    \path ({1.25*sin(50)*cos(165)},{1.25*sin(50)*sin(165)},{1.25*cos(50)}) node [left]  {Dilatation};
    \path ({1.25*sin(30)*cos(255)},{1.25*sin(30)*sin(255)},{1.25*cos(30)}) node [left]  {Compression};
    \begin{scope}[ultra thick]
        \draw[->] ({1.75*sin(90)*cos(75)}, {1.75*sin(90)*sin(75)}, {1.75*cos(90)})
            -- ({2*sin(90)*cos(75)},{2*sin(90)*sin(75)},{2*cos(90)}) node [above] {T-axis};
        \draw[->] ({1.75*sin(90)*cos(255)},{1.75*sin(90)*sin(255)},{1.75*cos(90)})
            -- ({2*sin(90)*cos(255)},{2*sin(90)*sin(255)},{2*cos(90)}) node [below] {T-axis};
        \draw[<-] ({1.5*sin(90)*cos(-15)}, {1.5*sin(90)*sin(-15)}, {1.5*cos(90)})
            -- ({1.75*sin(90)*cos(-15)},{1.75*sin(90)*sin(-15)},{1.75*cos(90)}) node [right] {P-axis};
        \draw[<-] ({1.5*sin(90)*cos(165)}, {1.5*sin(90)*sin(165)}, {1.5*cos(90)})
            -- ({1.75*sin(90)*cos(165)},{1.75*sin(90)*sin(165)},{1.75*cos(90)}) node [left] {P-axis};


    \path[coordinate] (0,0)  coordinate(A)
                ++( 120:6cm) coordinate(B)
                ++(60:6cm) coordinate(C)
                ++(0:6cm) coordinate(D)
                ++(-60:6cm) coordinate(E)
                ++(240:6cm) coordinate(F)
    \draw[fill=\couleur!\thedensity] (A) -- (B) -- (C) --(D) -- (E) -- (F)-- cycle;
    \foreach \x in {1,...,40}{%
        \path[coordinate] coordinate(X) at (A){};
        \path[coordinate] (A) -- (B) coordinate[pos=.10](A)
                            -- (C) coordinate[pos=.10](B)
                            -- (D) coordinate[pos=.10](C)
                            -- (E) coordinate[pos=.10](D)
                             -- (F) coordinate[pos=.10](E)
                            -- (X) coordinate[pos=.10](F);
        \draw[fill=\couleur!\thedensity] (A)--(B)--(C)-- (D) --(E) -- (F) -- cycle;


        brace/.style = { decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5pt} },
       mbrace/.style = { decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=5pt, mirror} },
        label/.style = { black, midway, scale=0.5, align=center },
     toplabel/.style = { label, above=.5em, anchor=south },
    leftlabel/.style = { label,rotate=-90,left=.5em,anchor=north },   
  bottomlabel/.style = { label, below=.5em, anchor=north },
        force/.style = { rotate=-90,scale=0.4 },
        round/.style = { rounded corners=2mm },
       legend/.style = { right,scale=0.4 },
        nosep/.style = { inner sep=0pt },
   generation/.style = { anchor=base }
  \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1cm, y=1cm]
    \path[fill=#1,blur shadow={shadow blur steps=5}] (0.1,0) -- (0.9,0)
        arc (90:0:1mm) -- (1.0,-0.9) arc (0:-90:1mm) -- (0.1,-1.0)
        arc (-90:-180:1mm) -- (0,-0.1) arc(180:90:1mm) -- cycle;
        (0.6,0) --(0.7,0) -- (1.0,-0.3) -- (1.0,-0.4);}
    \ifstrempty{#6}{}{\path[fill=green!50!black!50] (0.7,0) -- (0.9,0)
        arc (90:0:1mm) -- (1.0,-0.3);}
    \ifstrempty{#5}{}{\path[fill=orange!50!white] (1.0,-0.7) -- (1.0,-0.9)
        arc (0:-90:1mm) -- (0.7,-1.0);}
    \draw[\ifstrempty{#2}{dashed}{black}] (0.1,0) -- (0.9,0)
        arc (90:0:1mm) -- (1.0,-0.9) arc (0:-90:1mm) -- (0.1,-1.0)
        arc (-90:-180:1mm) -- (0,-0.1) arc(180:90:1mm) -- cycle;
    \ifstrempty{#7}{}{\node at(0.825,-0.175) [rotate=-45,scale=0.2] {#7};}
    \ifstrempty{#6}{}{\node at(0.9,-0.1)  [nosep,scale=0.17] {#6};}
    \ifstrempty{#5}{}{\node at(0.9,-0.9)  [nosep,scale=0.2] {#5};}
    \ifstrempty{#4}{}{\node at(0.1,-0.1)  [nosep,anchor=west,scale=0.25]{#4};}
    \ifstrempty{#3}{}{\node at(0.1,-0.85) [nosep,anchor=west,scale=0.3] {#3};}
    \ifstrempty{#2}{}{\node at(0.1,-0.5)  [nosep,anchor=west,scale=1.5] {#2};}
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.2cm, y=1.2cm]
  \draw[round] (-0.5,0.5) rectangle (4.4,-1.5);
  \draw[round] (-0.6,0.6) rectangle (5.0,-2.5);
  \draw[round] (-0.7,0.7) rectangle (5.6,-3.5);
  \node at(0, 0)   {\particle[gray!20!white]
                   {$u$}        {up}       {$2.3$ MeV}{1/2}{$2/3$}{R/G/B}};
  \node at(0,-1)   {\particle[gray!20!white]
                   {$d$}        {down}    {$4.8$ MeV}{1/2}{$-1/3$}{R/G/B}};
  \node at(0,-2)   {\particle[gray!20!white]
                   {$e$}        {electron}       {$511$ keV}{1/2}{$-1$}{}};
  \node at(0,-3)   {\particle[gray!20!white]
                   {$\nu_e$}    {$e$ neutrino}         {$<2$ eV}{1/2}{}{}};
  \node at(1, 0)   {\particle
                   {$c$}        {charm}   {$1.28$ GeV}{1/2}{$2/3$}{R/G/B}};
  \node at(1,-1)   {\particle 
                   {$s$}        {strange}  {$95$ MeV}{1/2}{$-1/3$}{R/G/B}};
  \node at(1,-2)   {\particle
                   {$\mu$}      {muon}         {$105.7$ MeV}{1/2}{$-1$}{}};
  \node at(1,-3)   {\particle
                   {$\nu_\mu$}  {$\mu$ neutrino}    {$<190$ keV}{1/2}{}{}};
  \node at(2, 0)   {\particle
                   {$t$}        {top}    {$173.2$ GeV}{1/2}{$2/3$}{R/G/B}};
  \node at(2,-1)   {\particle
                   {$b$}        {bottom}  {$4.7$ GeV}{1/2}{$-1/3$}{R/G/B}};
  \node at(2,-2)   {\particle
                   {$\tau$}     {tau}          {$1.777$ GeV}{1/2}{$-1$}{}};
  \node at(2,-3)   {\particle
                   {$\nu_\tau$} {$\tau$ neutrino}  {$<18.2$ MeV}{1/2}{}{}};
  \node at(3,-3)   {\particle[orange!20!white]
                                {}              {$80.4$ GeV}{1}{$\pm1$}{}};
  \node at(4,-3)   {\particle[orange!20!white]
                   {$Z$}        {}                    {$91.2$ GeV}{1}{}{}};
  \node at(3.5,-2) {\particle[green!50!black!20]
                   {$\gamma$}   {photon}                        {}{1}{}{}};
  \node at(3.5,-1) {\particle[purple!20!white]
                   {$g$}        {gluon}                    {}{1}{}{color}};
  \node at(5,0)    {\particle[gray!50!white]
                   {$H$}        {Higgs}              {$125.1$ GeV}{0}{}{}};
  \node at(6.1,-3) {\particle
                   {}           {graviton}                       {}{}{}{}};
  \node at(4.25,-0.5) [force]      {strong nuclear force (color)};
  \node at(4.85,-1.5) [force]    {electromagnetic force (charge)};
  \node at(5.45,-2.4) [force] {weak nuclear force (weak isospin)};
  \node at(6.75,-2.5) [force]        {gravitational force (mass)};
  \draw [<-] (2.5,0.3)   -- (2.7,0.3)          node [legend] {charge};
  \draw [<-] (2.5,0.15)  -- (2.7,0.15)         node [legend] {colors};
  \draw [<-] (2.05,0.25) -- (2.3,0) -- (2.7,0) node [legend]   {mass};
  \draw [<-] (2.5,-0.3)  -- (2.7,-0.3)         node [legend]   {spin};
  \draw [mbrace] (-0.8,0.5)  -- (-0.8,-1.5)
                 node[leftlabel] {6 quarks\\(+6 anti-quarks)};
  \draw [mbrace] (-0.8,-1.5) -- (-0.8,-3.5)
                 node[leftlabel] {6 leptons\\(+6 anti-leptons)};
  \draw [mbrace] (-0.5,-3.6) -- (2.5,-3.6)
                 {12 fermions\\(+12 anti-fermions)\\increasing mass $\to$};
  \draw [mbrace] (2.5,-3.6) -- (5.5,-3.6)
                 node[bottomlabel] {5 bosons\\(+1 opposite charge $W$)};
  \draw [brace] (-0.5,.8) -- (0.5,.8) node[toplabel]         {standard matter};
  \draw [brace] (0.5,.8)  -- (2.5,.8) node[toplabel]         {unstable matter};
  \draw [brace] (2.5,.8)  -- (4.5,.8) node[toplabel]          {force carriers};
  \draw [brace] (4.5,.8)  -- (5.5,.8) node[toplabel]       {Goldstone\\bosons};
  \draw [brace] (5.5,.8)  -- (7,.8)   node[toplabel] {outside\\standard model};
  \node at (0,1.2)   [generation] {1\tiny st};
  \node at (1,1.2)   [generation] {2\tiny nd};
  \node at (2,1.2)   [generation] {3\tiny rd};
  \node at (2.8,1.2) [generation] {\tiny generation};


  \foreach \n in {#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9} {
    \edef\x{\value{col} - 0.5}
    \edef\y{9.5 - \value{row}}
    \node[anchor=center] at (\x, \y) {\n};
    \draw (0, 0) grid (9, 9);
    \draw[very thick, scale=3] (0, 0) grid (3, 3);
    \setrow { }{2}{ }  {5}{ }{1}  { }{9}{ }
    \setrow {8}{ }{ }  {2}{ }{3}  { }{ }{6}
    \setrow { }{3}{ }  { }{6}{ }  { }{7}{ }
    \setrow { }{ }{1}  { }{ }{ }  {6}{ }{ }
    \setrow {5}{4}{ }  { }{ }{ }  { }{1}{9}
    \setrow { }{ }{2}  { }{ }{ }  {7}{ }{ }
    \setrow { }{9}{ }  { }{3}{ }  { }{8}{ }
    \setrow {2}{ }{ }  {8}{ }{4}  { }{ }{7}
    \setrow { }{1}{ }  {9}{ }{7}  { }{6}{ }

1. 流程图绘制

   A @>a>> B \\
@VbVV @AAcA \\
   C @= D

效果如下: a>> B \\ @VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D \end{CD}\\">A&#x2192;aBb&#x2193;&#x2191;cC=D" role="presentation" style="font-size: 100%; display: inline-block; position: relative;">A→aBb↓↑cC=D\begin{CD} A @>a>> B \\ @VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D \end{CD}\\


\ce{O2}>> \ce{NO} @>\ce{O2}>>\ce{NO2} @>\ce{H2O}>> \ce{HNO3} \end{CD}\\">NH3&#x2192;O2NO&#x2192;O2NO2&#x2192;H2OHNO3" role="presentation" style="font-size: 100%; display: inline-block; position: relative;">NH3→O2NO→O2NO2→H2OHNO3\begin{CD} \ce{NH3} @>\ce{O2}>> \ce{NO} @>\ce{O2}>>\ce{NO2} @>\ce{H2O}>> \ce{HNO3} \end{CD}\\


\ce{O2}>> \ce{NO} @>\ce{O2}>>\ce{NO2} @>\ce{H2O}>> \ce{HNO3} \\ @.@A A\ce{O2}A\\ @.\ce{N2} \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD} \ce{NH3} @>\ce{O2}>> \ce{NO} @>\ce{O2}>>\ce{NO2} @>\ce{H2O}>> \ce{HNO3} \\ @.@A A\ce{O2}A\\ @.\ce{N2} \end{CD}\\

}  \\ 
@.@A A\ce{O2}A\\  

效果如下: \ce{O2}>> \boxed{\ce{B}} @>\ce{O2}>>\boxed{\ce{C}} @>\ce{H2O}>> \boxed{\ce{D} } \\ @.@A A\ce{O2}A\\ @.\ce{X} \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD} @.@.Z\\ @.@.@VYVV\\ \boxed{\ce{A}} @>\ce{O2}>> \boxed{\ce{B}} @>\ce{O2}>>\boxed{\ce{C}} @>\ce{H2O}>> \boxed{\ce{D} } \\ @.@A A\ce{O2}A\\ @.\ce{X} \end{CD}\\
2. 绘制交换图
首先定义一个代数系统 (A,*) ,即二元映射 * 满足封闭性: *:A\times A \rightarrow A\\
2.1 交换律
设 \begin{array}{ccccc} \mathcal{Id}:& A\times A \rightarrow A\times A\\ &(x,y)\mapsto (x,y) \end{array} \\ \begin{array}{ccccc} \mathcal{E}:& A\times A \rightarrow A\times A\\ &(x,y)\mapsto (y,x) \end{array} \\ 则交换律等价于下面交换图 \mathcal{E}>> A\times A\\ @V*VV @VV*V\\ A@>\mathcal{Id}>> A \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD} A\times A@>\mathcal{E}>> A\times A\\ @V*VV @VV*V\\ A@>\mathcal{Id}>> A \end{CD}\\ 也就是说乘法运算 * 在对换变换下保持不变,这种对称性在列出乘法表时显得更加直观,所谓交换律,就是乘法表是一个关于主对角线对称的矩阵。

A\times A@>\mathcal{E}>> A\times A\\
@V*VV @VV*V\\ A@>\mathcal{Id}>> A

2.2 结合律
考虑乘法运算自身的「复合」: \begin{array}{ccccc} * \ \tilde{\circ} \ *:A\times A \rightarrow A\hookrightarrow A\times A \rightarrow A\\ (x,y)\mapsto (x*y,z) \mapsto (x*y)*z\end{array} \\ 或 * \ \tilde{\circ} \ *:A\times A\times A \rightarrow A\\ 设映射 \begin{array}{ccccc} \mathcal{F}:& A \times A \times A \rightarrow A\times A \times A\\ &(x,y,z)\mapsto (y,z,x) \end{array} \\ 则结合律等价于如下交换图: \mathcal{F}>> A\times A \times A @>* \ \tilde{\circ} \ \rm id >> A\times A @> \mathcal{E} >> A\times A\\ @V * \ \tilde{\circ} \ * VV&&&& @VV*V\\ A @>>> @>\mathcal{Id}>> @>>> A \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD} A\times A \times A @>\mathcal{F}>> A\times A \times A @>* \ \tilde{\circ} \ \rm id >> A\times A @> \mathcal{E} >> A\times A\\ @V * \ \tilde{\circ} \ * VV&&&& @VV*V\\ A @>>> @>\mathcal{Id}>> @>>> A \end{CD}\\ 也就是说乘法运算 * \ \tilde{\circ} \ * 在上述一系列变换下保持不变。 这里 \mathcal{E}, \mathcal{F}\in S_3 ,即可以视为3次对称群的元素,前者是 (12) 后者是 (132) 。

A\times A \times A
@>\mathcal{F}>> A\times A \times A 
@>* \ \tilde{\circ}  \ \rm id >> A\times A
@> \mathcal{E} >> A\times A\\ 
@V * \ \tilde{\circ} \ * VV&&&& 
@VV*V\\ A
@>>> A   

2.3 分配律
我们需要考虑两种运算 (A,+,*) ,分配律等价于下面是交换图: + \ \tilde{\circ} \ \rm id>> A \times A @>* >> A\\ @V\mathcal{D}VV&&& @VV\mathcal{Id}V\\ A\times A \times A \times A @>(*,*)>> A \times A @>+>> A \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD} A\times A \times A@>+ \ \tilde{\circ} \ \rm id>> A \times A @>* >> A\\ @V\mathcal{D}VV&&& @VV\mathcal{Id}V\\ A\times A \times A \times A @>(*,*)>> A \times A @>+>> A \end{CD}\\ 其中 \mathcal{D}: (x,y,z)\mapsto ((x,z),(y,z))

A\times A \times 
A@>+ \ \tilde{\circ}  \ \rm id>> A \times A 
@>* >> A\\  
@VV\mathcal{Id}V\\  A\times A \times A \times A  
@>(*,*)>> A \times A 
@>+>>  A    

3. 参考链接In order to use this environment you need to have the amscd package loaded which is done with the \usepackage{amscd} command that goes in the preamble. The environment is eclosed in \begin{CD} and \end{CD} end each row (except the last) with \\ "vertices of the diagram are refered to as "corners" above. a horizontal row arrow is produced with (i) @>>> or (ii) @> {...} >> or (iii) @>> {...} > depending on whether you want no label, a label above the arrow or below the arrow respectively. a vertical row arrow is produced with (i) @VVV or (ii) @V {...} VV or (iii) @VV {...} V depending on whether you want no label, a label to the left of the arrow or to the right of the arrow respectively. Sometimes a commutative diagram is triangular in which case we typeset a square diagram and use @= to indicate equality. Commutative diagrams do not have to have the same number of row as columns but they are on a rectangular grid. There are more complicated programs available for more sophisticated diagrams. If you include a label then you can cross-reference your diagram with the \label and \ref commands.

{G} @> {f} >> {H} \\
@V{\phi} VV @VV {\psi} V \\
{X} @>> {T} > {Y} \\

{f} >> {H} \\ @V{\phi} VV @VV {\psi} V \\ {X} @>> {T} > {Y} \\ \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD} {G} @> {f} >> {H} \\ @V{\phi} VV @VV {\psi} V \\ {X} @>> {T} > {Y} \\ \end{CD}\\

@> {上标签} >> {右上角标签} \\
@V{左标签} VV 
@VV {右标签} V \\
@>> {下标签} > {右下角标签} \\

效果如下: {上标签} >> {右上角标签} \\ @V{左标签} VV @VV {右标签} V \\ {左下角标签} @>> {下标签} > {右下角标签} \\ \end{CD}\\">\begin{CD}\label{} {左上角标签} @> {上标签} >> {右上角标签} \\ @V{左标签} VV @VV {右标签} V \\ {左下角标签} @>> {下标签} > {右下角标签} \\ \end{CD}\\
\LaTeX 色阶:
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回忆我在 tex-sx 上看到的、印象深刻的绘图,
一个是高度对称的几何图案,因其设计性和对称性。伊斯兰几何图案是其中的一类,已有回答举例。另一个(一类)是阴影/渐变/shading/fading 团,因为它们像是横跨了矢量和点阵绘图的边界,或者说,难复刻。它们依然是「矢量」的,放大并不会变模糊,PDF 阅读器会根据函数重新计算每个点的颜色。贴到知乎的自然只能是点阵的。
曼陀罗花,出自 tex-sx 用户 Mark Wibrow 2019 年的回答https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/496442" data-tooltip-richtext="1" data-tooltip-preset="white" data-tooltip-classname="ztext-reference-tooltip">[1]

平行光下的球,出自 tex-sx 用户 Simon Byrne 2012 年的回答https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/75994" data-tooltip-richtext="1" data-tooltip-preset="white" data-tooltip-classname="ztext-reference-tooltip">[2]

高阶高斯光束(Gaussian beamhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_beam#Higher-order_modes" data-tooltip-richtext="1" data-tooltip-preset="white" data-tooltip-classname="ztext-reference-tooltip">[3];我不懂其中的物理意义,只是翻译了名词),出自 tex-sx 用户 Symbol 1 的两个回答https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/333409" data-tooltip-richtext="1" data-tooltip-preset="white" data-tooltip-classname="ztext-reference-tooltip">[4]https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/476275" data-tooltip-richtext="1" data-tooltip-preset="white" data-tooltip-classname="ztext-reference-tooltip">[5],分别对应 Hermite-Gaussian modes 和 Laguerre-Gaussian modes。

Hermite-Gaussian modes

Laguerre-Gaussian modes
上述精细的渐变图,都是通过 tikz 的 \pgfdeclarefunctionalshading 直接向 PDF 写入使用 PostScript 数学函数的式子得到的。tikz 文档里明确提示,
Warning: These shadings are the least portable of all and they put the heaviest burden of the renderer. They are slow and, possibly, will not print correctly!
在不介意炫技的前提下,例如要为 ctexbook 制作扉页上的图案,那么你会想用 LaTeX 本身绘制什么美丽或酷炫的图形?
抱歉只侧重了问题标题里的「炫酷」,忽略了问题描述里的「为 ctexbook 制作扉页上的图案」。
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