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[佛经]星云大师《佛光菜根谭之宝典篇》 |
星云法师| |
世间以五欲六尘为乐 达人以禅悦法喜为真 世间以立德立功为务 达人以证悟般若为要 Ordinary people indulge in five desires and six senses;practitioners look for harma joy in meditation. Ordinary people think of being virtuous and making achievements;practitioners focus on attaining prajna. 世间以百年长寿为久 达人以无量寿命为安 世间以迷信执我为真 达人以慈悲无我为实 Ordinary people look for long life;practitioners look for endless life in the Dharma. Ordinary people are attached to superstition;practitioners attend to ompassion and non-self. 真正的富有,是欢喜而不是财富 真正的贫穷,是无知而不是无钱 The real wealth in happiness,not money. The real poverty is ignorance,not want of money. 心生万物随识变,心有所主自能安 人生际遇随业转,视已经营圣凡分 Consciousness can manifest all things,good and bad;when your mind is healthy you are at peace. Lives are driven by karma;how you manage your life will make you a sage or a simpleton. 多欲为穷,知足眼前皆净土 人生有定,通达身外总浮云 Desire is poverty;contentment is the pureland. Destiny is decided by causes and conditions;wealth and position are floating clouds. 历史有人,才成为历史 人有历史,才成其为人 People make history. History gives fame to people. 因缘如条件,条件具备,才能成事 自性如明镜,明镜无尘,才能照明 心地如田地,田地肥沃,才能种植 布施如播种,播种善缘,才能收成 Causes and conditions come before achievement. Buddha nature is like a bright mirror:it reflects brightly when not covered by dust. Mind is like a field:it produces when fertilized. Generosity is like sown seeds:they yield a good harvest. 修行如和烦恼作战 劝信如对未来传灯 般若如造世间桥梁 菩萨如作众生慈母 Practice and cultivation defeat defilement. Converting others is handing down the light. Prajna is building a hridge. Bodhisattva is the nurturing mother. 爱语如春风 好言如冬阳 真心如光明 惭愧如璎珞 Loving words are like the spring breeze. Good words are like the winter sun. A sincere heart is like a lamp. Conscience is like a jewel. 求法如爬山 信仰如靠山 闻法如医病 愿力如根本 Seeking truth is climbing a mountain. Having faith is relying on truth. Hearing the teaching is curing an illness. The strength of vow,like a root,is deep. 平等应视人如已,立场互易 平等应泯除成见,消灭对待 平等应尊重包容,促进和谐 平等应建立共识 倡导文明 Equality means treating others as yourself and acting in their interests. Equality means getting rid of discrimination and biased thinking. Equality means tolerating others to promote harmony. Equality means shared ideas and civilization. 有心,即使十万里路也不算远 无心,即使近在隔邻也走不到 With will,a hundred thousand miles is not far. Without will,your neighbor is far away. 细胞基因可以改变人种品质 善恶因缘可以改变人生未来 The condition of our bodies depends on our genes. Our future depends on good or bad causes and conditions. 有道之人的身中,常有情理 有道之人的手中,常有事理 有道之人的口中,常有法理 有道之人的心中,常有天理 Those who follow t'ao(way)are gracious. Those who follow t'ao(way)are principled. Those who follow t'ao(way)live the Dharma. Those who follow t'ao(way)obey nature. 佛陀大雄大力大无畏 菩萨大慈大悲大救济 罗汉大舍大离大牺牲 僧侣大愿大行大情义 The Buddha is a valiant and powerful champion. The Bodhisattva is compassionate and rescues sentient beings. The Arhat is selfless and self-sacri-ficing. The monastic vows to practice kindness and righteousness. 惜精神者,可以却病 省财用者,可以却贫 却病者一身安乐 却贫者一家安乐 Who does not squander strength has health. Health is happiness. Thrift is wealth. Wealth makes family peaceful. 真理能阻挡愚痴的邪风 柔和能消灭瞋怒的烈火 喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流 谦虚能铲除骄慢的高山 Truth is a refuge from blizzards of ignorance. Compassion puts our the flames of hate. Charity wards off torrents of greed. Modesty flattens mountains of arrogance. “慈悲喜舍遍法界”这是内修的自我涵养 “惜福结缘利人天”这是外弘的利生化生 “禅净戒行平等忍”这是治学的思想方针 “惭愧感恩大愿心”这是自他的人格圆成 For self-cultivation,let compassion,love,joy,and calm fill the dharma-dhatu. To benefit others,cherish what you have and make good affinity. To learn,practice meditation,observe precepts,and show tolerance. To perfect yourself and others,be diligent and gracious to make a great vow. 地上的山水妙在丘壑之深邃 画上的山水妙在笔墨之淋漓 梦中的山水妙在景象之变化 胸中的山水妙在位置之自如 Mountains are by nature splendid. Mountains in paintings are splendid by art. Mountains in dreams have a ghostly splendor. But the mind's mountains are the most splendid. 现实的家园会有成住坏空 自己的本性才能永恒安住 We must endure birth,existence,obliteration,and death. Only our true nature is eternal. 务农耕者能知道种植方法,即是般若 建筑业者能懂得规画设计,即是般若 科学专家能发明利生用品,即是般若 家庭主妇能管理全家事务,即是般若 When farmers reap a great harvest,it is prajna, When architects build to the sky,it is prajna. When scientists make discoveries,it is prajna. When mothers care for children,it is prajna. 志由事立,事立则志成 佛由人成,人成即佛成 To run a business you must set goals. To attain Buddhahood you must perfect yourself. 佛法说“苦”目的是要众生“除苦得乐” 佛法说“法”目的是要众生“知空识有” Buddhism says we can avoid suffering and be happy. Buddhism says that all arises from emptiness. 受戒才是自由,欲得自由,必须持戒 喜舍才是富贵,欲得富贵,必须能舍 To be free,observe the precepts. To be rich,practice generosity. 无你、无我,无生死分隔的“超越观”是佛道 无自、自他,无怨亲对待的“慈悲观”是佛道 无彼、无此,无人我差别的“缘起观”是佛道 无私、无欲,无利害得失的“平等观”是佛道 The Buddha's path carrier you beyond the delusive notions of self and death. The Buddha's path is compassion for all,even enemies. The Buddha's path is dependent origination without discrimination of self and other. The Buddha's path is equality for all and no selfish desires. 一水贯通五湖四海 一月遍照万国九州 一雨普润三春草木 一雷觉醒大地群迷 一言决断千古犹豫 一理贯通千差万别 一心广含十方虚空 一念慈悲万众受益 Rivers flow to lakes and seas. The moon shines everywhere. Rain nurtures a forest. Thunder awakens many deluded beings. One word can stir the hesitant. One sentence can scatter all doubt. The mind can encompass the universe. One compassionate thought can save the world. 力田不如逢春 善仕不如遇缘 巧辩不如诚实 考官不如选佛 Prefer happiness to drudgery. Prefer good conditions to skill. Prefer honesty to eloquence. Prefer Buddhahood to business. 寡言者未必是愚痴 利口者未必是聪明 自尊者未必是傲慢 承顺者未必是忠诚 Silence is not stupidity. Cleverness is not wisdom. Self-respect is not arrogance. Subservience is ont loyalty. 根深本固,其果必茂 渊源流长,其水必清 登高远眺,其境必宽 养深积厚,其志必大 Deep roots yield rich fruit. Great rivers run clean. You see the world from a moun-taintop. To reach your goal,never give up. 无牵无挂的心理是快活的 无欲无求的眼界是宽阔的 无得无失的人生是豁达的 无来无去的生命是自然的 When you are not troubled,you will be serene. When you desire nothing,your scope will be large. When you don't care for gain,you will be content. When your life is tranquil,you will be natural. 不忌残缺,懂得欣赏残缺之美,就是圆满 不妒贤良,懂得广纳贤良之才,就是成功 Don't shun the disabled:recognize their talents. Don't resent the able:employ them. 物不在奇,缺之则珍 才不在高,适用则优 施不在多,即时则贵 道不在深,应机则妙 Ordinary things are cherished when scarce. Ordinary people shine in the right vocation. A small gift at the right time has great worth. A small lesson has great value when it contains a priceless truth. 树高万丈不离根 花开千朵不离心 耸云高楼不离地 万乘之尊不离民 A tree cannot grow high without roots. A flower cannot rise without a stalk. The highest building begins at the ground. Au emperor has no glory without subjects. 识见不高,易生事端 德望不足,易生怒气 诚信不够,易生流言 道理不明,易生诡辩 Misunderstanding leads to trouble. Misbehavior leads to resentment. Dishonesty leads to disapproval. Confusion leads to disputes. 人之心量大,心境自闲 人之心境闲,心术自正 人之心术正,心事自少 人之心事少,心情自乐 You are tranquil when you are magnanimous. You are upright when you are tranquil. You are not anxious when you are upright. You are happy when you are not anxious. 安全是回家唯一的路径 努力是成功唯一的大道 正义是胜利唯一的坦途 真理是解脱唯一的慈航 Safety is the only road home. Hard work is the only road to success. Virtue is the only road to triumph. Truth and compassion is the only road to liberation. 人世间最美丽的是感动的笑容 宇宙间最宽广的是真理的道路 The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile of gratitude. The most wonderful thing in the world is the path to truth. 一念反躬,便是天理 一念为人,便是天堂 One reflective thought teaches righteousness. One righteous thought brings you to paradise. 表现“真理”的最高境界是“因果” 学习“做人”的最高境界是“圆满” The law of causality is the central truth. Compatibility is the essence of getting along. 外道不可怕,邪道才可怕 迷信不可怕,邪信才可怕 Don't fear non-Buddhist thinking. Fear perverted thinking. Don't fear superstition. Fear perverted faith. 知足如点金石,可使接触的东西变黄金—幸福 感恩如仙女棒,可使所处的境界变境土—快乐 Happiness is the philosopher's stone that turns everything into gold. Gratitude is the magic wand that turns every place into a pureland. 蒸气是雨水之因,有蒸气之因,才有雨水之果 理想是现实之因,有理想之因,才有现实之果 Evaporation is the cause,and rain the effect;rain is the fruit of evapo-ration. The ideal is the cause,and its realization the effect;realization is the fruit of an ideal. 种善因得善果,种恶因得恶果,人是自己的圆丁 存好心得好报,存歹心得歹报,心是自己的主人 Good or bad fruit comes from good or bad causes and conditions;you are your own gardener. Good or bad karmic justice comes from good or ill will;you are the master of your will. 月亮不一定要圆满,残缺也是一种美 人生不一定要拥有,享有也是一份福 Don't wish for a full round moon;deficiency also has beauty. Don't seek possessions;pleasure without property is wealth. 小觉小悟,久而久之,自能大彻大悟 小因小缘,日积月累,自成大因大缘 Small steps to enlightenment reach enlightenment at the end. Accumulated small causes and conditions find great causes and con-ditions in the end. 水,不为外境所动,即能波澜不生 心,不为外境所动,即能坚忍其性 Water is quiet if not stirred by wind. Mind perseveres if not stirred by distractions. 造恶如欠债,欠债当受报 受报如还债,还债即解脱 Doing evil leads to karmic retri-bution. Karmic retribution pays your debt and leads to liberation. 幽默是睿智的禅心,它是自我解嘲,而非取笑别人 诙谐是智慧的言谈,它是自我调侃,而非讽刺别人 Humor is the Ch'an mind of wis-dom that laughs at self,not others. Humor is the speech of wisdom that mocks self,not others. 因果并非命定,认命的人不会进步 业报由于自造,玩命的人不能善终 The law of causality is not destiny;those who yield to destiny cannot progress. Karmic justice is determined by actions;those who act thoughtlessly cannot earn karmic merit. 父母是幼年的偶像 老师是学生的偶像 圣贤是成人的偶像 佛陀是众生的偶像 Parents are models for children. Teachers are models for students. Sages are models for grown-ups. The Buddha is the model for all. 只要有根,当春雷惊蛰,就能顶天立地,枝繁茂盛 只要有翼,当秋风吹起,就能展翅上扬,探索碧空 With roots,a tree thrives after a spring rain. With wings,a bird soars in the autumn wind. 只要有德,当时机成熟,就能树立形象,赢得人敬 只要有道,当因缘聚会,就能照破无明,见自本性 With virtue,respect is granted in the ripeness of time. With t'ao(way),causes and condi-tions help you overcome ignorance to realize your Buddha nature. 施舍者,内入见己,外不见人,中不见物,虽粒米之施,当如万种之粟 利人者,望人回报,计己之能,美施之物,虽百亿金银,难比一文之值 There is no merit in giving millions when you wish for a reward. A grain of rice given without attachment is the same as a thousand bushels. 信心如璎珞,可以令人身心庄严 信心如手杖,可以令人行进无忧 信心如宝藏,可以令人获得财富 信心如城池,可以令人安全无虑 Faith is your jewel of body and mind. Faith is your walking stick. Faith is your fortune;faith is your treasure. Faith is your mortar and brick. 学道容易入道难 入道容易守道难 守道容易悟道难 悟道容易行道难 Easy to learn the path,harder to find it. Easy to walk the path,harder to stay on it. Hard is enlightenment,easy to look for it. Hard to practice it,harder than finding it. 能忍者必有力 能忍者必有勇 能忍者必有智 能忍者必有仁 Those who endure are powerful,brave,wise,and benevolent. 善的一半,眼前虽然看似吃亏,最后必然会胜利 恶的一半,本来虽会占些便宜,最后注定要失败 The world is half good and half bad. Though the good half seems to be losing,it will win in the long run. Thouht evil seizes the initial advantage,it will fail in the end. 岁寒三友:松、竹、梅 宇宙三要:天、地、人 人生三德:智、仁、勇 心中三毒:贪、瞋、痴 Three friends of the cold winter are pine,bamboo,and plum. Three elements of the universe are heaven,earth,and humanity. Three virtues of living are wis-dom,benevolence,and courage. Three poisons of mind are greed,hatred,and ignorance. 心中有人,是立德、立言、立功之本 心中有佛,是修真、修善、修美之道 Keeping people in mind lets you attain virtue.write for posterity,and accomplish great deeds. Keeping the Buddha in mind lets you walk the way of truth,kindness,and beauty. “前线”是英雄最好的战场 “谦让”是圣贤最好的战场 Combat is the battlefield of heroes. Modesty is the battlefield of sages. 心中有禅味的人,耳中所听闻的都是八万四千的诗偈 心中有欢喜的人,眼中所看见的都是赏心悦目的景色 Meditation unseals the 8,400 verses. Dharma teaching brings together the virtuous. 心中有道念的人,脸上所展现的都是祥和愉快的笑容 心中有佛法的人,身上所感受的都是善人共聚的快乐 Faith inspires contented smiles. Joy makes the world a delight. 石头用坚忍行走 星球用引力行走 历史用过去行走 伟大用卑微行走 A stone sits unmovable. A satellite bends with gravity. History moves beyond the past. A great person walks humbly. 因为无知、无明,所以有烦恼、有痛苦 因为无争、无求,所以有法喜、有自在 Ignorance brings defilement and suffering. When you do not cling,you have freedom and Dharma joy. 能知,才能有所悟 悟者,明心见性也 能行,才能有所证 证者,圆成菩提也 Through understanding,realize Buddha natrre and become enlightened. Through practice,be perfectly enlightened and attain Buddhahood. 悟得心上之本来,方可言了心 懂得世间之常道,才堪论出世 When you realize the true nature,you can teach how to cultivate the mind. When you know the world's ways,you can teach how to transcend them. 所谓法会,是以法为会 所谓法会,是以法为师 所谓法会,是以法为轨 所谓法会,是以法为乐 Dharma function meets to promote the Dharma. Dharma function treats the Dharma as teacher. Dharma function follows the dharma rules. Dharma function has joy in the Dharma. 平等是人间的和谐 互尊是人本的要义 环保是世界的规律 自然是生命的圆满 Equality is world harmony. Mutual respect is the core of humanistic thought. Ecology is the law of the world. Nature means the perfection of life 慈悲为本,方便为门 慈悲可以表达佛法的道德 方便可以传递世情的智慧 Compassion is fundamental:de skillful in practice. Compassion is the Buddhist virtue. Being skillful shows your wisdom in handling worldly affairs. “明理”,是事业成功的条件 “无理”,是人格修养的缺陷 “真理”,是宇宙人生的规则 “道理”,是世间万象的本性 Intelligence and open-mindedness are essential to business success. Irrationality is a crucial character defect. Truth is the law of the universe. Order is the principle of worldly phenomena. 数学是用逻辑统一知识 哲学是用思惟统一知识 科学是用分析统一知识 佛学是用悟道统一知识 Mathematics unites knowledge and logic. Philosophy unites knowledge and reason. Science unites knowledge and analysis. Buddhism unites knowledge and enlightenment. 远离颠倒妄想,才能观人自在 远离分别臆测,才能观境自在 远离执著缠缚,才能观事自在 远离五欲尘劳,才能观心自在 Free of delusion,you abide people happily. Free of discrimination,you accept your surroundings peacefully. Free of attachment,you carry on cheerfully. Free of five desires,there is joy in your mind. 诸供养中,法的供养第一 诸功德中,心的祝福为上 Offering of the dharma is the best possible offering. A deed quietly done has the best possible merit. 小孩以啼哭为力 妇女以娇媚为力 比丘以忍辱为力 国王以威势为力 罗汉以无欲为力 菩萨以慈悲为力 A child's power lies in crying. A lady's power lies in her charm. A monk's power lies in tolerance. A king's power lies in force and influence. An Arhat's power lies in detach-ment. A Bodhisattva's power lies in compassion. 巧心慧手,可以化腐朽为神奇 善心美意,可以转恶因成好缘 With creative mind and skillful hands,you can turn corruption into magic. With creative mind and good will,you can turn bad causes and condi-tions into good ones. 一点慈悲,不但是积德种子,也是积福根苗 一念容忍,不但是无量德器,也是无量福田 A little compassion is both seed for cultivating virtue and root for accumulating merits. A little tolerance is both the vessel containing endless virtue and the field for cultivating endless blessedness. 人生只管现在享福,则如点灯,愈点愈枯竭 人生能为将来积福,则如添油,越添灯越明 Indulgence in pleasure is like a lamp burning;the oil grows less and less. Accumulating merits is like adding oil;the lamp grows brighter and drighter. 慈悲智慧是心灵的财富 发心立愿是精神的动力 勤劳精进是躯体的资产 真如佛性永恒的宝藏 Compassion and wisdom are mental riches. Aspiration and vow are spiritual energy. Diligence ang hard work are physical assets. Buddha nature is the everlasting treasure. 一束鲜花,不如一脸微笑 一杯清水,不如一念清明 一曲音乐,不如一句好话 一首诗歌,不如一声赞叹 Better a smile than a fragrant flower. Better a thought than clear water. Better a poem than a symphony. Better praise than poetry. 富者能知足是真富者 贵者常助人是真贵者 贫者不知耻是真贫者 穷者因多贪是真穷者 The truly rich are content with what they have. The truly noble use their power to help others. The truly bankrupt have no con-science. The truly poor are rich in greed. 水深波浪静 学广语声低 山高鸟飞集 德厚人自亲 The waves of the deep ocean are silent. The speech of a learned person is muted. Birds gather at the mountain's summit. Mankind gathers round virtuous people. 要享事功,先要提得起 要享闲情,先要放得下 To enjoy success,do your duty. to enjoy leisure,surrender attach-ment. 富贵荣华,总难满意,欢喜就可满意 天地日月,总无主人,欣赏便是主人 Wealth and glory please only con-tented people. Heaven and earth,sun and moon belong to whoever delights,in them. 便利的交通,尊重的和平,让世界天涯若比邻 良好的沟通,种族的和谐,让人我关系如一家 Modern transportation and global peace make everybody neighbors. Modern communications and global harmony make everybody family. 欲望愈少,心灵愈清明 成见愈少,生命愈宽广 Less desire makes you virtuous and wise. Less prejudice makes your life expansive. “竖穷三际”的时间观,可以拓展我们过现未来的知见 “横遍十方”的空间观,可以扩大我们东西南北的视野 The Buddhist view of time can expand our vision of past,present,and future. The Buddhist view of space can expand our vision in all directions. 在政治上,没有比自由、民主更美好 在社会上,没有比幸福、安乐更宝贵 在国际上,没有比尊重、融和更迫切 在人生上,没有比解脱、放下更自在 The aim of government is freedom and democracy. The aim of society is cooperation and happiness. The aim of diplomacy is mutual respect and peace. The aim of life is liberation and detachment. 河水流动,才能涓涓不绝 空气流动,才能生意盎然 财富流动,才能造福社会 心意流动,才能通达无碍 Rivers must flow to be useful. Air must flow to refresh. Wealth must flow to be fruitful. Mind must flow to be clear. 心好命又好,荣华富贵早 心好命不好,一生能温饱 命好心不好,前程不能保 心命都不好,穷苦直到老 With good character and good luck,you can become rich when you are young. With good character and bad luck,you can still get by. With bad character and good luck,your career cannot prosper. With bad character and bad luck,you will be poor until you die. 爱语如和谐的音乐 微笑如盛开的花朵 善行如浊世的清流 真理如久旱的甘霖 Loving words are like sweet music. A smile is like a budding flower. Kindness is like a clear stream in a muddy world. Truth is like a rain after drought. 因果,是最高的法律 真理,是无尽的宝藏 佛性,是不死的生命 烦恼,是生灭的假我 The law of causality is the highest law. Truth is the infinite treasure. Buddha nature is the undying life. Defilement is rising and ceasing of the false self. 远古的人类,因发明了火炬而走出洪荒 千年的暗室,因点亮了油灯而顿生光明 夜航的船只,因灯塔的照亮而认清方向 陋巷的行人,因标志的指示而知道前途 Ancient society escaped primi-tive living through the invention of the torch. A room that has been dark a thousand years grows bright from a little lamp. Sailors are saved from the rocks by a lighthouse. Drivers are guided by traffic sig-nals. 礼佛更要学佛 讲经更要读经 念善更要行善 修心更要发心 Don't just revere the Buddha;study the teachings. Don't just teach the sutras;read them. Don't just think about doing good;do it. Don't just cultivate your mind;take action. 真理从清醒而来 善良从体谅而来 气质从智慧而来 美丽从慈悲而来 Truth comes from awakening the mind. Kindness comes from consideration. Good temperament comes from wisdom. Beauty comes from compassion. 自然的可敬,是因为生命与自然相互依存 生命的宝贵,是因为生命由众缘和合而成 自然,就是道,道,就是自然的随缘生活 生命,就是力,力,就是生命的灯灯相续 Nature is majestic because it is life. Life is precious because of causes and conditions. Nature is the t'ao(way);t'ao is the life of causes and conditions. Life is power;power is handing down the light of life. 死,是生的开始 生,是死的准备 生也未尝生,死也未尝死 生,是缘生故有;死,是缘灭故无 无生也无死,无死也无生 Death is the beginning of birth;birth is preparation for death. Birth is not truly birth;death is not truly death. Birth arises from causes and con-ditions;death arises from destruction of causes and conditions. Birth and death have no existence. 从一砂一石中看到无限的世界 从飞湍鸣涧中听到真理的声音 从刹那因缘中感觉永恒的未来 从明月清风中体悟清净的自性 See endless worlds in a grain of sand. Hear truth in the roar of raging waters. Grasp eternity in a moment's cause and condition. Discern your Buddha nature in the bright moon and cool breeze. 古寺的钟声,虽无翅,也能飞扬 感人的文章,虽无声,却能印心 池塘的荷花,虽凋谢,但能留香 世间的伟人,虽牺牲,必能传后 The sound of ancient temple bells drifts far without wings. Effective writing stirs us though it is silent. A withered lotus remains fragrant. The spirits of the great survive death. 鸟叫虫鸣、飞泉流瀑,这是自然的音乐 万紫千红、绿叶婆娑,这是天然的图画 稚子童言、肺腑剖白,这是本然的词篇 灿烂笑容、自在神情,这是浑然的雕塑 Birdsong,hum of insects,and waterfalls are the chorus of nature. Bright flowers and green leaves are the landscape of nature. Laughter of children is the textbook of nature. Smiles of delight are the portrait of nature. 没有掌声的讲演,不会精彩叫座 没有赞美的儿童,不会乖巧听话 没有花朵的庭院,不会美丽动人 没有配料的菜肴,不会色香俱全 A garden without flowers is not pretty. A dish without sauce does not please. A child who is not praised is not clever or good. A speech without applause does not move people. 与其为世上的刀兵劫难而悲愤 何如倾听夜半屠门传出的哀号声 与其为社会的灾祸频传而叹息 何如倾听平日碗盘众生的怨恨声 Better to hear the midnight cries from the slaughterhouses than to be troubled by war and calamity. Better to hear the moaning of the slaughtered animals in our plates than to bewail unending calamity in society. 自然界,梅花愈冷愈芬芳 生物链,细菌愈衍愈进步 人世里,心性愈练愈坚强 宇宙间,真理愈辩愈明白 Plum flowers grow fragrant is cold weather. Germs grow resistant through adversity. Minds grow determined through suffering. Truth grows clear through debate. 自然则和,违反定律,就会导至纷乱 自然则顺,矫枉过正,终将带来弊患 自然则美,浑然天成,最能传达神韵 自然则成,随顺因缘,必能水到渠成 Nature is harmony;resistance is anarchy. Nature makes favorable conditions;excess makes trouble. Nature is beauty;every good thing has charm. Nature announces success:pursue causes and conditions. |
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