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[佛经]星云大师《佛光菜根谭之励志篇》 |
星云法师| |
百年大树,必经多少风霜摧残 百丈高楼,必经多少物力艰辛 百年老店,必经多少兴衰沧桑 百岁老翁,必经多少坎坷考验 An ancient tree survives wind and frost. A skyscraper is raised with money and sweat. An old business has its ups and downs. An old man is tested by misfortune. 成功的里面,包含了多少辛酸 名人的双肩,承受了多少压力 荣耀的背后,付出了多少代价 伟大的成就,奉献了多少牺牲 To succeed,one needs hardship. To be celebrated,one needs pressure. To gain honor,one needs to labor. To achieve,one needs to sacrifice and be dedicated. 千里道路要靠小石铺成 万仞山峰要从小路攀登 美丽织锦要用小针绣出 幸福人生要存小心走过 A thousand-mile road is paved with tiny pebbles. Narrow roads lead to high mountains. Gorgeous embroidery requires a fine needle. A happy life needs attentive planning. 飞鸽千里传书,才有人豢养 骏马万里奔驰,才有人喜爱 海豚尽力演出,才有人喝采 做人力争上游,才有人欣赏 Pigeons are bred to fly letters afar. Horses are praised that race like the wind. Dolphins are loved that entertain greatly. People are admired who strive to advance. 重复的举止,会变成习惯 定型的习惯,会变成个性 个性的所向,会决定命运 命运的好坏,会决定一生 Repeated action becomes habit. Habit becomes character. Character becomes fate. Fate rules your life. 不肯回顾传统的人,没有过去 不愿瞻望前景的人,没有未来 不能把握当下的人,没有现在 不能主宰自己的人,没有永恒 Those who don't look back have no past. Those who don't look forward have no future. Those who don't seize the moment have no present. Those who don't master themselves will not change society. 能忍一时之气,自能增长无限福德 能起一念之善,自能消弭无限罪业 Avoid a moment's anger and gain endless merit. A moment of compassion diminishes endless bad karma. 宁可奋斗一生,不能丧志一时 宁可吃亏一时,不可懊悔一生 It is better to think about improving your future than to be discouraged by one bad moment. It is better to take a momentary loss than to regret the rest of your life. 荣耀来到时,要「检查自己的心」,否则我慢的高墙会隔绝自己的视野 烦恼临头时,要「检查自己的心」,否则瞋怒的火焰会焚毁自己的功德 When honor comes,examine your mind,lest a wall of arrogance block your view. When trouble comes,examine your mind,lest the fire to hatred consume your merits. 外境纷乱时,要「检查自己的心」,否则贪欲的洪流会淹没自己的意志 得失忧患时,要「检查自己的心」,否则疑嫉的邪风会吹垮自己的信心 When your world is in chaos,examine your mind,lest the torrent of worry drown your will. When you are worried about gain and loss,examine your mind,lest the winds of suspicion and jealousy blast your confidence. 人生中,每一次的经验都是前进的基石 生命里。每一次的成败都是未来的借镜 Every experience is a footstep into the future. Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future. 对人不侵犯,侵犯别人,必将见弃于人 责己不推诿,推诿责任,必难获信于人 Don't violate people's rights,lest you be rejected by them. Don't shirk responsibility,lest you lose your credit. 遭毁谤时能自省,则德曰隆 闻赞誉时心谦下,则道曰增 If you can examine yourself when you are slandered,you will be more virtuous. If you can be modest when you are commended,your practice and cultivation will be strengthened. 后步不舍,就无法跨步向前 前执不除,就无法客观明理 Without moving the hind leg,one cannot move forward. Without getting rid of attachment,one cannot be objective,intelligent,and open-minded. 开口动舌无益于人,戒之莫言 举心动念无益于人,戒之莫起 举足动步无益于人,戒之莫行 举手动力无益于人,戒之莫为 If what you say cannot benefit others,don't say it. If what you think cannot benefit others,don't think it. If what you do cannot benefit others,don't do it. 时刻见人不是,此即种下诸恶之根苗 时刻见己之非,此乃广开万善之门户 时刻责怪别人,必定自己有诸多错失 时刻检讨己过,必能获得别人的欢喜 Constant fault finding plants evil seeds. Reflecting on your own faults opens the door of good deeds. Those who constantly blame others must have seen such faults and shortcomings in themselves. Making self-examination always makes you welcome. 能容小人是大人,大人无所不容 能处薄德是厚德,厚德无所不德 Being able to tolerate mean people is the mark of great and magnani-mous beings. Being able to get along with mean people keeps one virtuous. 不夸小善,终积大德,正如涓流,点滴汇聚,终成大海 不除小恶,终必败事,则如磨石,不见其灭,曰有所损 Not bragging about good deeds accumulates merits,as streams flow into the sea. Not mending minor flaws leads to failure,as a stone is worn away day by day,unnoticed. 猜忌,使我们远离信任的目光 怀疑,使我们错过幸福的召唤 嫉妒,使我们模糊朋友的面貌 妄想,使我们失去现世的拥有 Distrust loses us the trust of others. Suspicion destroys our contnet-ment. Jealousy blure our friends' faces. Daydreaming loses all we have. 一念瞋心如火,烧尽累劫功德之林 一念人我是非,积聚善念付水漂流 Flames of hatred burn forests of merits. Rivers of malice wash away our good names. 贪图虚名者易遭损 无德求福者易遭困 无功受禄者易遭辱 争名夺利者易遭谴 Unmerited wealth is enfeebling. Unmerited reward is depressing. Unmerited fame is a trap. 不尊重自己者,容易取辱 不畏惧自己者,容易招祸 不自满自高者,必能受益 不自是自豪者,必得人缘 The humble are humbled. The reckless shall fall. For the modest rich bounty. For compassion the world. 权重而不专擅者必贤 多金而不悭吝者必仁 才高而不傲物者可师 得意而不忘形者可敬 Rulers must be strong but not despots. Benefactors must be rich but not misers. Teachers must be smart but not pedants. Businessmen must be focused but not driven. 勿以恶小而可为,小恶如水穿石 勿以善小而不为,小善如息日增 勿以权大而可畏,权大久必自倾 勿以胆大而不畏,胆大久会自危 Avoid little bad deeds,which are like water dripping on rocks. Eventually the water breaks the rocks. Don't ignore little good deeds.They gather power day by day. Don't intimidate others with your power.It will decline sooner or later. Don't depend on your courage too much.It will get you into trouble. 自信者毁誉不能改其志 知足者权利不能变其节 静心者恩怨不能乱其神 有德者是非不能扰其心 The good are unmoved by gossip. The serene are unmoved by hell. Hope and fear do not move the contented. Nor slander nor praise,as well. 无财非贫,无学为贫 无位非贱,无耻为贱 无寿非夭,无志为夭 无子非孤,无德为孤 Poverty is not lack of money,but lack of learning. Inferiority is not lack of position,but lack of confidence. Early death is not loss of life,but loss of will. Loneliness is not absence of children,but absence of virtue. 物非义不可取 事非见不可说 人非善不可交 念非正不可举 Don't take what you don't deserve. Don't tell what you didn't see. Don't make friends with bad people. Don't awaken evil thoughts. 小小金刚,能坏须弥 小小星火,能够燎原 小小细菌,会伤身体 小小忏悔,能破大恶 A little vajra can topple Mount Sumeru. A little spark can burn down a forest. A little germ can shatter your body. A little repentance can repair grave transgressions. 师父弟子不怕分离 能善强者不怕困难 善人君子不怕冤枉 道人学者不怕贫穷 Master and disciple are not afraid of parting. Able people are not afraid of problems. Virtuous people are not afraid of slander. Real Buddhists are not afraid of poverty. 水不动者,湖泊不清 志不强者,智力不远 言不信者,行持不果 心不坚者,道学不成 Stagnant water cannot make a clear lake. Wisdom cannot be cultivated without strong will. Practice and cultivation cannot be successful without keeping one's word. Enlightenment cannot be achieved without determination. 忍难者必能奋斗 忍辱者必能知耻 忍气者必能和谐 忍苦者必能甘美 Those who endure misfortune will be able to strive. Those who endure humiliation will strive out of conscience. Those who endure like a punching bag will be able to get along with others. Those who endure suffering will savor the taste of joyfulness. 乐观者,英「气」焕发,人见人爱 易怒者,杀「气」腾腾,人见人怕 Valiant and vigorous,optimistic people are welcomed by others. Furious and chilling,hot-tempered people are feared by others. 愚痴邪见即是自造恶业 懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程 自怨自艾终究于事无补 怨天尤人只会更加坏事 I gnorance and perverted thoughts bring bad karma. Laziness and negligence ruin careers. Blaming yourself is useless. Whining and blaming others makes things worse. 有力的人才会忍,有慧的人才能忍 忍是勇敢、担当,忍是负责、奉献的表现 Powerful and intelligent people can be tolerant. Tolerance reveals courage,ability,dedication,and responsibility. 有为者,虽泰山崩于前,仍「气」定神闲,面不改色 无能者,一遇小事临身,就「气」急败坏,惊慌失措 Able people are calm in crisis. Inept people panic at a trifle. 瞋心如狂风,会吹走人缘 愚痴如急流,会卷去幸福 我慢如暗礁,会搁浅前途 嫉妒如巨浪,会淹没理智 Hatred is a blast that blows away good affinity. Ignorance is a flood that washes away happiness. Arrogance is a reef that sinks your career. Jealousy is a wave that drowns your intellect. 要想伟大的人,不一定就能伟大 自然渺小的人,不一定真的渺小 Those who wish to be great are not necessarily great. Those who work behind the scenes are not necessarily unimportant. 豁达的人气博,放荡的人气散 俭约的人气固,吝啬的人气缩 谨慎的人气定,拘牵的人气滞 简默的人气和,深险的人气沉 The spirit of open-minded people is ample. The spirit of dissolute people is dispelled. The spirit of frugal people is firm. The spirit of stingy people is shrinking. The spirit of prudent people is stable. The spirit of restrained people is stagnant. The spirit of silent people is harmonious. The spirit of deceitful people is sunken. 坦白的人气真,粗野的人气陋 镇静的人气凝,空疏的人气嚣 忠厚的人气宽,顢頇的人气钝 精明的人气清,刻薄的人气促 The spirit of frank people is candid. The spirit of wild people is tense. The spirit of calm people is concentrated. The spirit of hollow people is haughty. The spirit of honest people is spacious. The spirit of ignorant people is dull. The spirit of keen people is clear. The spirit of cold-hearted people is hurried. 树木,没有经过日晒雨淋,不能长高 人才,没有经过千锤百炼,不能健全 Trees cannot grow unless bathed in heat and rain. People cannot be pure without strict training. 贤而得财,则损其志 最好得财后更为贤能 愚而得财,则益其过 最好得财后能去愚痴 Wealth frustrates the will of the virtuous.It is better to become virtuous after becoming rich. Wealth increases the faults of the stupid.It is better to get rid of ignorance after becoming rich. 跌倒的时候,要能认识障碍,勇敢站起 失意的时候,要能自我检讨,再次出发 困难的时候,要能冷静分析,突破执着 徬徨的时候,要能看清目标,不变随缘 When you stumble,find out why and pull yourself up. When you are frustated,find the reason and start again. When you have problems,ask if you are the cause and break your stubbornness. When you are baffled,examine your goal and follow causes and conditions. 莫谓我身不如人,不如我者更多人 莫谓我身比人好,有人比我更加好 Don't whine about inferiority:some are worse than you. Don't swell with superiority:some re better than you. 常怀感恩,较能进步 常能惭愧,较易进德 Gratitude makes for progress. Conscience makes for virtue. 自满是阻碍进步的最大因素 傲慢是破坏道业的最大敌人 Arrogance is the chief hindrance to improvement. Arrogance is the chief enemy of practice and cultivation. 听闻不足,必须补于思考 思考不足,必须补于实践 If we have not learned,we should think more. If we have not thought,we should practice more. 「结缘」助成善业,化解恶因 「结怨」成事不足,败事有余 Making good affinity helps you attain good karma and dissolve bad causes and conditions. Making bad affinity brings failure. 真正的聋子是闻善言而不着意的人 真正的盲人是见人好而不欢喜的人 真正的哑巴是口里说不出好话的人 真正的智障是对真理不生欣羡的人 The truly deaf do not listen to good advice. The truly blind do not look at others' good deeds. The truly dumb never speak well of others. The truly retarded reject the truth. 成功不必在我,只要俯仰无愧 失败无须介意,只要努力不懈 When you work hard,don't worry about success or failure. When you have done your best,don't worry it you failed. 考试的窄门,总会有一些人中选 考试的结束,总会有一些人落榜 跨进门槛的人,并不意味成功的一生 被摒在外的人,也不注定永世的失败 Some will pass their examinations,some fail. Those who pass won't necessarily succeed later,and those who fail will not stay down forever. 当挫败困厄的时候,要能不气不馁不恼 当恐惧徬徨的时候,要能无忧无虑无苦 当遭受批评的时候,要能反省惭愧忏悔 当遇到瓶颈的时候,要以积极奋斗进取 When baffled,don't be upset. When frightened,be carefree. When criticized,examine yourself and change. When frustrated,work harder. 有不怕跌倒的毅力,才能学会走路 有改过向善的决心,才能赢得信任 有不畏碰壁的精神,才能找到出口 有精进降魔的勇气,才能迈向成功 When we are not afraid of stumbling, we learn to walk. When we determine to do good,we win trust. When we are not afraid of obstacles,we find a way. When we have the courage to subdue demons,we march towards success. 失业不可耻,无志才可悲 失学不可怜,不学才可哀 失才不可忧,缺德才可惧 失败不可怕,绝望才可叹 The pity is not to be unemployed,but to lack will. The pity is not to be uneducated,but not to try to learn. The pity is not to lack talent,but to be immoral. The pity is not to fail,but to lack hope. 有权势的人,权势不伟大,平凡才伟大 有名位的人,名位不重要,人格才崇高 Influential people are at their best when they do not flaunt their power. Important people are great only when they rely on their character,not their position. 自我反省是进步之母 自我作贱是堕落之源 Self-examination is the mother of progress. Self-humiliation is the source of degradation. 宁可做个无名的善人,不可成为风光的恶人 Better do good anonymously than do ill famously. 良好的习惯要用心去培养 不好的习惯要用心去改过 Cultivate good habits diligently. Transform bad habits diligently. 有志气者,不受人侮 有骨气者,不受人怜 The determined cannot be brought down. The courageous do not crave sympathy. 为人所不能为,是丈夫事业 忍人所不能忍,是圣贤修养 Doing the impossible is the task of great beings. Tolerating the intolerable is the cultivation of sages. 凡事求人,不易成功 自己承担,容易成就 Always relying on others leads to failure. Taking responsibility leads to success. 看他人错失处,当反观内省 说他人是非时,将自己勘验 Look at yourself when pointing out flaws in others. Think twice the before you condemn. 不合作,是做人最大的缺陷 不明理,是做人最大的聪明 不贰过,是做人最大的聪明 不迁怒,是做人最大的修养 The worst fault is unwillingness to get along. The worst ignorance is blindness to truth. The wisest thing is not to repeat a mistake. The best cultivation is not to blame others for your faults. 忍耐的大地最为厚实,故要增长忍耐 傲慢的高山最难攀登,故要去除我慢 烦恼的蔓草滋长最快,故要断除烦恼 心念的疾风最难捉摸,故要守护真心 As the earth is willing to carry all things,we must strengthen our endurance. As the high moutain is hard to climb,we must get rid of arrogance. As the weeds of defilement grow most quickly,we must cut defilement away. As the wind of thought is hardest to catch,we must protect our frue minds. 改过才会进步 认错才能增上 助人才能结缘 内敛才能养德 Admitting faults leads to correction. Correcting faults leads to progress. Helping others leads to good affinity. Self-examination leads to virtue. 自不能正身,而欲正他人者,谓之失德 自不肯敬人,而欲他人敬己,谓之悖礼 One who behaves badly,but corrects others,is whithout virtue. One who is rude,but expects courtesy from others,is without manners. 想要成功立业,必须坚持理想 欲得美梦成真,就应切实力行 Persist in your goal of a successful business. Work hard to make your dreams come true. 是小人,欢喜君子犯过,唯恐天下不乱也 是君子,耻听小人之恶,不忍世间纷争也 A mean person loves to hear that good people have made mistakes;he prefers a world in chaos. A virtuous person hates to hear that mean people have done bad things;he enjoys a tranquil world. 有承担,才有进步 肯付出,才有收获 Do your duty if you hope to advance. Be charitable if you want a rich harvest. 两方斗,两方臭 两人让,两人有 People lose who fight. People win who yield. 看那伤残缺陷的人,自己的健康何等幸福! 看那饥寒交迫的人,自己的饱食何等温暖! 看那苦役劳动的人,自己的悠闲何等快乐! 看那身系囹圄的人,自己的自由何等珍贵! The sick teach us the fortune of good health. The hungry teach us the happiness of prosperity. The overworked teach us the delight of leisure. The imprisond teach us the joy of freedom. 烈日严寒可以夺走人的生命 风暴流沙可以淹没人的身体 悬悬峭壁可以摧毁人的前途 声色货利可以腐蚀人的心志 Heat and cold may kill us. Storms can destroy our belongings. Cliffs and precipices threaten our safety. Sensual pleasures eat away at our minds. 美色的后面有危险的深渊 金钱的后面有虎狼的魔爪 毒品的后面有毁灭的陷阱 懈怠的后面有失败的人生 There's a dangerous abyss in the lure of a beauty. They are demon's claws that ensnare you with gold. There's a vicious trap in a life of drugs. There's moral rot in the life of idleness. 禁得起灾难的考验,才能实现理想 耐得了失败的挫折,才能成功立业 If you rise above failure,you may yet succeed. If you withstand disappointment,you will succeed. 人生如行船,无论何时何地,都要张满信心的风帆 人生如戏场,无论是安是危,都要鼓舞奋发的斗志 Like sailboats we go,billowing with confidence. Like soldiers in battle,we persevere under fire. 对人少一点侵犯,多一点爱护则德曰隆 对人少一点迫害,多一点尊重则缘愈广 对人少一点瞋恨,多一点忍辱则福必增 对人少一点贪恋,多一点随缘则心自在 Caring without intruding increases our virtue. Respecting without annoying makes good affinity. Tolerating without aversion accumulates merits. Flexibility without attachment frees us from care. 能够抛弃仇恨的刀剑,自能获得身心的自在 能够卸下执着的枷锁,自能享受清凉的禅悦 Relinquish the sword of hatred,free your body and mind. Sever the bond of obstinacy,profit from meditation. 当烦恼无耐的时候,要能忍耐而不让情绪失控 当寂寞无助的时候,要更坚强而不生心生退却 When powerless and worried,be calm and patient. When powerless and lonely,be confident and strong. 快乐,是人之所求,但太乐则乐极生悲 忧苦,是人之所厌,但太苦则无以奋志 We seek happiness,but too much of it leads to sorrow. We fly from suffering because too much of it is dispiriting. 不当看的不看,否则会看出烦恼来 不当听的不听,否则会听出痛苦来 不当问的不问,否则会问出是非来 不当做的不做,否则会做出问题来 Do not see what you should not see;it will trouble you. Do not hear what you should not hear;it will trouble you. Do not ask what you should not ask;it will trouble you. Do not do what you should not do;it will trouble you. 有出息的人,能将不好的事物转化为自我奋发的动能 有作为的人,能将刺耳的语言转化成慈悲喜舍的音乐 A gifted person gains energy from adversity. A gifted person turns harsh words into the music of compassion,lovingkindness,joyfulness,and equanimity. 很自重的人,自不会做出自取其辱的事 能尊人的人,自不会说出令人难堪的话 Those who respect themselves do not humiliate themselves. Those who respect others do not humiliate others. 失败中可能出现成功的曙光,因此要败而不馁 成功也可能暗藏失败的阴影,因此要胜而不骄 Don't be discouraged by failure;it is the first stage of success. Don't boast about success;it masks the shadow of failure. 修身不可贪财、贪爱、贪瞋 为人不可自大、自怨、自艾 交友不可无信、无义、无耻; 处世不可负国、负人、负己 To practice and cultivate,don't be attached to money,love,or hate. To get along,don't be arrogant,whine,or blame yourself. To make friends,don't be false,corrupt,or unprincipled. To carry on in society,don't be faithless to the nation,the people,or yourself. 有的人值得被人利用,故能成才 有的人堪受被人利用,故能成器 有的人不能被人利用,故难成功 有的人拒绝被人利用,故难成就 Those worthy of being used will be successful. Those willing to be used will be useful. Those who cannot be used will hardly be successful. Those who refuse to be used will hardly be useful. 有志者,自有千方百计 无志者,只有千难万险 The determined will do everything to succeed. The irresolute think it's impossible to achieve anything. 心中不舒服而介意,谓之「气」,气生则神伤 胸中不抱残而奋起,谓之「志」,志立则神明 The nuisance anger is the father of misery. Determination is not turned aside by worry;determination is the mother of brilliance. 逢师不学去后悔 遇贤不交别后悔 事亲不孝丧后悔 对主不忠退后悔 If you do not learn from a good teacher,you will regret it. If you do not make friends with a sage,you will regret it. If you do not show filial piety,you will regret it when your parents die. If you are not loyal to your boss,you will regret it when you are fired. 见义不为过后悔 见危不救陷后悔 因果不信报后悔 佛道不修死后悔 If you do not have the courage to do what's right,you will regret it always. If you do not save someone from danger,you will regret it. If yiu do not believe in the law of causality,you will regret it after the karmic retribution. If you do not walk the path of Buddhahood,you will regret it after you die. 想要树立良好的形象,要立德 想要获得事业的成功,要立志 想要改善自我的生活,要立业 想要赢得后人的缅怀,要立言 Attain virtue to gain repute. Go into business to improve your life. Make a plan to succeed in business. Write with skill to be celebrated by history. 没有志气的人,千言万语好比耳边风 胸怀大志的人,一言半语皆如及时雨 For the hesitant,a thousand words do not help. For the determined,a word or two is like spring rain. 人生最大的敌人,不是别人,而是自己 人生最大的胜利,不是制敌,而是克己 You are your biggest enemy. Subduing yourself is your greatest victory. 滥用则多费 多费则多营 多营则多求 多求则多辱 You must spend greatly to squander greatly. If you spend greatly,you must scheme grandly. If you scheme grandly,you will demand greatly. If you demand greatly,you will be humbled massively. 能宽者为广 能广者为大 能大者为容 能容者为有 A magnanimous person may be learned. A learned person may be great. A great person will be tolerant. A tolerant person may be wealthy. 多读历史的名人故事可以养量 多想自己的心胸怀抱可以养志 To cultivate magnanimity,study the lives of the great. To cultivate determination,weigh your ideals and aspirations. 名利勘不破,道德难以增长 私情放不下,事功难以建立 To cultivate virtue you must renounce fame and gain. Your career will fail if you don't renounce selfishness. 宁可认错,莫要说谎 宁可被怪,莫要负疚 宁可吃亏,莫要结怨 宁可无用,莫要祸世 Better to admit a mistake than to lie. Better to be wronged than to do wrong. Better to be taken advantage of than to have bad relations. Better to be thought useless than to bring ruin to the world. 以宽厚为师,可以养量 以俭仆为师,可以养家 以奋发为师,可以养志 以淡泊为师,可以养德 Use magnanimity to grow more magnanimous. Use frugality to sustain your family. Use earnestness to cultivate your resolve. Use detachment to enlarge your virtue. 人生的旅途,不怕跑得慢,就怕原地站 人生的事业,不怕不如人,就怕志不立 In your lifelong journey press forward,but relax when things sometimes bog down. In your lifelong journey be steadfast,but stay calm when you feel overwhelmed. 心高,则气傲 心浮,则气躁 心虚,则理明 心实,则志坚 If your mind is proud,you will be arrogant. If your mind is vacillating,you will be impatient. If your mind is modest,you will be astute. If your mind is pragmatic,you will be resolute. 凡人但见「利之为利」,不知「无害之利」为大 圣人既见「害之为害」,尤知「有利之害」为盛 We must recognize that a good deed that is harmless is far better than one that harms a few. The wise know that a bad deed that helps somebody is far worse than one that helps nobody. 山珍海味少不了盐 花语巧语当不了钱 功成名就少不了行 投机取巧少了不功 Salt makes a delicious dish sumptuous. Honeyed words cannot make you rich. Practice is rquired for attainment. Opportunism cannot make you a success. 实务比理论有用 行动比空谈有力 勤学比天才有成 苦干比聪明有功 More useful than theory is practice. More powerful than words is action. More valuable than genius is edu-cation. More practical than intellect is hard work. 若欲杜人之口,菲若自己谨言 若欲塞人之耳,莫若自己慎行 Cautious speech averts eavesdropping. Cautious behavior arrests gossip. |
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