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[佛经]星云大师《佛光菜根谭之启示篇》 |
星云法师| |
人若自大,其实正显示自己的无知 人能谦虚,其实正表示自己的无求 Arrogance betrays ignorance. modesty reveals contentment. 能不计一时成败,才能成就千秋之伟业 能不计个人得失,才能图谋万民之福祉 Indifference to defeat frees you for great deeds. Indifference to gain frees you for great service 有远见者,看未来而不看眼前 有抱负者,积德业而不积盛名 有作为者,争千秋而不争一时 有弘愿者,为大众而不为自己 Wise people look to the future,not to today. Right-aspiring people prefer virtue to status. Able people prefer great deeds to a moment's fame. People who embrace a great vow work for everybody,not just themselves. 不懂反省的人,永远看不到自己的缺点 不肯奋发的人,永远用不到自己的长处 Examine yourself to learn your faults. Work hard to make your merits useful. 失意时要“退一步想”,自我沉潜 得意时要“想下一步”,自我惕厉 When things are not going well,stay calm. When things are going well,plan for a crisis. 为人,群而不尝,则可以留美名 为将,败而不降,则可以垂青史 为臣,公而不私,则可以扬后世 为君,屈而不辱,则可以传千古 Whoever gets along well can be famous. A general who does not yield will be cheered. An official who is impartial will be praised. A ruler who overcomes dishonor will be revered. 成功要靠自己努力,别无他途 失败要靠自己检讨,犹有可为 There is no success except by hard work. Success comes when you learn from your failure. 有丰富的内涵,才能散发优雅的气质 有沉潜的蕴酿,才能奋发生命的动力 Kindness and patience reveal your grace. Calm preparation can revive your prospects. 学问在于治心,心不治,纵学无益 思惟在于悟理,理不悟,纵思无益 Training that does not discipline the mind is useless. Thought that does not enlighten is worthless. 常对群众不满,终遭群众遗弃 常觉自己不足,终能进德修业 Whoever is too ambitious will be discarded. Whoever confronts his failings can succeed. 自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步 自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功 Be confident,but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest ,but avoid the error of self-contempt. 做事可以失败,但不能做人失败 过去可以失败,但不能未来失败 Your business has failed,but your life goes on. Your business failed yesterday,not tomorrow. 功名富贵都是人世虚荣 胸襟浩大才是人生受用 Wealth and position are empty glories. Magnanimity achieves great success. 要做老大,先要懂得做老二 要做主管,先要懂得做属下 If you wish to be first,learn to be second. If you wish to be boss,learn how to labor. 说话断人希望,也是杀生 助成别人因缘,也是护生 Speech that deepens despair is a kind of knife. Providing good causes and conditions saves others from harm. 世间上没有小人物,只要发大心,就是大人物 世间上没有大问题,只要虚其心,就没大不了 No one is small who aspires greatly. No problem is large when prospects are modest. 知过改过是求得心安的最好办法 知恩报恩是增品进德的最佳途径 For peace of mind,correct your errors. To cultivate virtue,repay favors. 改变自己最大的力量就是忏悔 肯定自己最大的力量就是发心 Repentance has the greatest transforming power. Aspiration is the greatest confidence builder. 最容易毁灭人生的就是烦恼 最容易成就伟人的就是逆境 Defilement is the most destructive thing in life. Disadvantage is the best condition for success. 有突破困难的决心,才能获得良机 有接受失败的勇气,才会获致成功 Determination to succeed brings good fortune. Courage to fail brings hope of success. 能够自我检讨,别人必难议我之非 能够自我反省,别人必难入我心罪 Self-awareness turns aside criticism. Self-awareness turns aside blame. 保持现状,就是落伍 踌躇不前,就是退步 Never changing is regressing. Always hesitating is regressing. 人生最大的平安是:心安理得、俯仰无愧 人生最大的危机是:心高气傲、刚愎自用 The best refuge is tranquility and a clear heart. The worst calamity is pride and stubbornness. 所谓勇者,是敢于向自己醜陋习性挑战的人 所谓仁者,是不断对别人醜陋习性包容的人 The valiant reform their bad habits. The generous put up with others'habits. 决心做、用心做,没有做不成的事 决心改、用心改,没有改不了的过 The determined can achieve anything. The determined can erase all their faults. 世间事没有绝对的成功,只有不断进步 世间法没有所谓的公平,只有真理无私 There is only progress,not absolute success. Only the truth is absolutely just. 心善,则触目所及皆真善美 心恶,则言行举止皆贪瞋痴 A good heart sees truth,goodness,and beauty. An evil heart shows greed,hatred,and ignorance. 大愿没能提得起,是非就放不下 是非没能放得下,大愿就提不起 Making a great vow helps you halt gossip. Halting gossip helps you make a great vow. 一已的私欲可以引起战端 一念的仇恨可以祸延子孙 一腔的热情可以化解冷漠 一心的专注可以开发潜能 Selfishness provokes war. Hatred rouses generations of calamity. Sympathy conveys warmth. Attentiveness brings progress. 读书,要求精不求博 用心,要求专不求杂 Study reality,not just books. Study intensely and don't be distracted. 乐观的人,永远为自己“比下有余”而庆幸 悲观的人,永远为自己“比上不足”而遗憾 Cheerful people treasure their advantages. Gloomy people waste time lementing their fate. 当愚痴的邪风吹来的时候,要抱紧智慧明理的磐石 要瞋怒的烈火炽盛的时候,应泼洒柔和忍耐的法水 当贪欲的洪流高涨的时候,需开启喜舍布施的闸门 当骄慢的高山隆起的时候,得运用谦虚尊重的巨铲 When the evil wind of ignorance blows,hold on to the rock of wisdom. When the fire of hatred burns,sprinkle it with the Dharma water of tenderness and patience. When the torrent of greed floods in,open your gate of generosity. When the mountain of arrogance swells,take up your shovel of modesty and respect. 成功的秘密,在于对目标的坚定有恒 成功的要诀,在于对因缘的了然于胸 The key to success is persistence. The key to success is awareness of causes and conditions. 不顺利的逆境,要靠勇气克服 不顺意的人事,要用雅量包容 With courage,we can conquer adversity. With magnanimity,we can tolerate unhappy relationships. 眼欲看,当看其邪与正 耳欲听,当听其是与非 口欲言,当言其对与错 手欲做,当做其真与假 脚欲行,当行其当与否 心欲想,当想其善与恶 To see right,eyes must look past illusion. To hear right,ears must listen with care. To speak right,mouth must tell no lies. To do right,hands must shun evil. To walk right,feet must find the path. To think right,mind must discern the truth. 只要有生命,未来就有希望 只要活下去,必定就有力量 Where there is life,there is hope. Where there is life,there is strength. 利害心愈明,则亲属不睦 贤愚心愈明,则交友不长 是非心愈明,则修道不成 好恶心愈明,则事理不契 Those who are too critical about gain or loss cannot get along with relatives. Those who discriminate sage from simpleton cannot be friends for long. Those who discriminate right from wrong too much cannot practice well. Those who discriminate like from dislike too much cannot walk the path towards truth. “礼贤下士”是身为领导者成功的要素 “妒贤害能”是身为主管者失败的原因 Courtesy to the wise and scholarly brings a leader cuccess. Jealousy of the wise and virtuous brings a leader failure. 每说一句话,总是发自肺腑,不因拙于言辞而造成别人难堪 每做一件事,必然考虑周延,不因一念愚昧而误了全盘计划 Tell the truth,but don't embarrass others with indiscreet speech. Always make a plan,but don't spoil the outcome with reckless action. 说话,要立志说“有三千年功用”的话语 做事,要立志做“有三千年影响”的事业 作文,要立志作“有三千年价值”的文章 道德,要立志行“有三千年示范”的德行 When you make a speech,let it reverberate for 3000 years. When you do business,let it resound for 3000 years. When you publish an article,let it resonate for 3000 years. When you act righteously,be a role model for 3000 years. 懊悔无益,结果一生都在遗憾中度过 实践诺言,才能在现世的人生里圆满 There is no use living a life of regret. Lead a perfect life by keeping your word. 只要你愿意为大众写下“历史”的篇章 别人自然乐意为你留下“历史”的轨迹 As we hope to be remembered by future generations,so did our ancestors hope that we would remember them. 伟大的人以成就他人完成自己 卑劣的人以残害他人成就自己 Great people help others achieve greatly. Mean people hold others back. 欺压弱小,这是可耻的行为 征服困难,才是荣耀的举动 Bullying the weak is shameful. Solving conflicts is praiseworthy. 路,不可以不看就走 话,不可以不想就说 事,不可以不明就做 神,不可以不知就信 Look at the road before you cross it. Think before you speak. Plan carefully before you act. Study a new god before you worship it. “谦”字可以少过 “悔”字可以除过 “退”字可以远过 “智”字可以离过 Modesty averts mistakes. Wisdom avoids errors. Repentance rids you of transgressions. Stepping back prevents demerits. 遇事而不惑,则可以知其智明 危难而不避,则可以知其忠勇 临财而不苟,则可以知其清廉 处公而不私,则可以知其正直 Bright people are not perplexed by what may come. Loyal,brave peole do not fly from troubles. Honest people do not take what is not theirs. Righteous people are impartial judges. 一事不小心,方寸大乱 三句不对理,必遭反驳 十分不耐烦,事业难成 万事学吃亏,万方来会 One small mistake can lead to chaos. Ambiguous speech can be distorted. Impatience can lead to business failure. To have good causes and conditions,bear your mistreatment by others. “一鼓作气”比较容易 “再接再励”需要耐力 “连中三元”端赖恒毅 “不忘初心”才能终结 It is easy enough to do it once. It takes patience to do it twice. It takes persistence to do it three times. Persevere to the end. 主管不会领众,属下自然想求他去 属下不受领导,主管自然要求换人 A bad manager loses his workers. A bad worker loses his job. 说话要轻 论点要精 做事要专 做人要宽 Speech should be compassionate. Discussions should carry weight. Workers should be attentive. Everyone should be magnanimous. 心胸狭窄的人,喜欢膨胀自己,经常批评他人 心胸宽大的人,喜欢推崇他人,也爱论些观念 Narrow people boast and criticize. Open people praise and speak truth. 忍耐自能增加力量 明理自懂随顺因缘 Patience is power. Intelligence leads to causes and conditions. 发心自可庄严自己 沟通自然和谐人际 Aspiration increases esteem. Communication improves harmony. 说话前应先考虑,自己做得到吗? 做事前应先想想,对别人有利吗? Before speaking,should you say it? Before acting,should you do it ? 我们无法停止时间轨道的转动,但要从中觉悟无常的真谛 我们无法追逐日升月落的脚步,但要从中认清生命的价值 We can't stop time,but we can discover impermanence. We can't chase the sun,but we can discover the cosmos. 天理、良心,要求别人是在骂人,若要求自己则是讲道 无理、私心,原谅别人是谓器量,若原谅自己则是无知 Demanding that others be wise and industrious is repellent,but teaching by example is magnanimous. Pardoning the foolish and greedy is noble.but forgiving ourselves is a waste of time. 欢喜“自赞毁他”,必遭反弹 喜欢“谦已美人”,必得人和 Whoever slanders and seeks praise is unwelcome. Whoever is humble and gives praise is welcome. 以责人之心责已,必定少过 以恕已之心恕人,必然进德 For fewer mistakes,be tough with yourself. For increased merit,be easy on others. 不择细流者才能成江海 不辞土壤者才能成高山 不耻下问者才能致渊博 不文飾非者才能尽善美 A great ocean does not rebuff streams. A high mountain does not reject boulders. A wise man learns even from the mediocre. A great man does not conceal his mistakes. 薄福的人,应该常行惜福的事 薄德的人,应该常行积德的事 The wretched should try to accumulate merits. The wayward should try to improve their virtue. 结交益友,可以做好人,近朱者赤也 勤读传记,可以立事功,见贤思齐焉 Make worthy friends to improve your conduct. Emulate the wise to achieve success. 耐烦的人读书才会深入 耐烦的人做事才会圆融 耐烦的人处众才会通达 耐烦的人修行才会成就 Patience leads to the deepest truths. Patience lets you succeed in business. Patience lets you get along with others. Patience succeeds in practice and cultivation. 能够接受教诲,“勇于认错”的人,大都进步得快 觉得自己有理,“死不认错”的人,往往原地踏步 Those who admit their faults can advance. Those who never admit faults cannot advance. 争气,不要生气 好强,但不逞强 Strive for your goal and don't be impatient. Have a strong will but don't show off. 受人称誉要能不自满 被他欺侮要能不怨尤 遭逢失败要能不气馁 处事成功要能不骄恣 Don't be smug with praise. Don't whine about humiliation. Don't be discouraged by failure. Don't be arrogant with success. 一味盲进,往往自误误人 进退有据,才能有守有为 To advance blindly damages everyone's interests. To advance or retreat on principle makes you capable of great achievements. 当得意时,须寻一条退路,然后不危于安乐 当失意时,须寻一条出路,然后可生于忧患 When all is going sell,plan for hard times. When hard times come,you will find a way out of your distress. “不忘初心”可以给我们力量 “不忘旧恶”可以给我们心和 “不计利害”可以给我们超越 “不慕虚荣”可以给我们养望 To keep strong,remember your initial purpose. To keep calm,forget grudges. Transcend gain and loss. Cultivate your virtue by despising empty glory. 人情比金钱重要 道义比人情更高 名誉比生命重要 良心比名誉更高 Prefer sympathy to money. Prefer justice to sympathy. Prefer reputation to life. Prefer conscience to reputation. 能够从善如流,自然顺理成章 只要耐烦有恒,不怕不能成功 By accepting wise counsel.you can succeed. Being persistent,you will succeed. 最美的语言是赞叹好人 最大的功德是助成好事 最坏的行为是骄横我慢 最劣的品行是好逸恶劳 The sweetest words praise good people. The finest merit is charity. The worst offense is arrogance. The worst fault is indolence. 别人善意的批评我非 我应尊之为师 别人恶意的称赞我是 我应视之为敌 When someone criticizes you with good intent,he is your teacher. When someone praises you with evil intent,he is your enemy. 做人要讲事非,但不要太计利害 做事要讲利害,但不要太怕是非 To get along,know right from wrong but don't fret over gain and loss. In business,be concerned about gain and loss but don't fret about gossip. 万谤难挡,不如一默 百事难成,唯靠一勤 When you can't avoid slander,receive it calmly. When failure is likely,try harder to succeed. 病从口入,若口不乱食,则病从何入? 祸从口出,若口能慎言。则祸从何出? Diseases enter by the mouth:if you take care about what you eat ,how can illness enter your body? Careless talk causes problems:if you are cautious in speech,how can there be trouble? 不能接受挫折时的磨炼,就不能担当大任 不能接受失败时的锻炼,就不能成就大事 不能接受毁谤时的考验,就不能发挥大用 不能接受悲伤时的经验,就不能升华大爱 If you can't bear frustration,you cannot do your job. If you can't accept failure,you cannot succeed. If you can't accept slander,you cannot be useful. If you can't accept sorrow,your love cannot grow. 最好的管理,就是自己管好自己 最坏的领导,就是自己言行不一 A manager must first manage himself. A leader must make his actions match his words. 争强好胜的人,树敌必多 委屈求全的人,道路必宽 Those who battle have many adversaries, Those who pardon have a wider road. 无求,自然不争 不争,自然无瞋 无瞋,自然少怨 少怨,自然多福 Without a demand there is no dispute. Without a dispute there is no hate. Without hate there is no grievance. Without grievance there is a better conclusion. 老,最怕的是心力衰退,而非年龄增加 人,最怕的是自己丧志,而非别人轻视 Fear not old age but loss of fortitude. Fear not scorn but loss of resolve. 不满足的人,找不到安乐椅 不惜福的人,找不到聚宝盆 The discontented will never find rest. The dissatisfied will never be rewarded. 超脱荣辱毁誉,就是解脱 看淡成败得失,就是放下 Liberation means rising above honor and humiliation,slander and praise. Detachment means rising above success and failure,gain and loss. 自己有过,不当讳,朋友有过,决当为之讳 自己有成,不当扬,朋友有成,决当为之扬 Conceal your friends' mistakes but not yours. Proclaim your friends' successes but not yours. 把握当下,才能创造继起的生命 展望未来,应该把握当下的机缘 Seize this moment to create the future. Seize present causes and conditions to improve the future. 无人则私 无私则公 无明则昧 无昧则智 Indifference to suffering leads to selfishness. Selflessness leads to righteousness. Lgnorance leads to delusion. Mindfulness leads to wisdom. 瞋怒怨恨,是烦恼的根本 感恩知足。是快乐的泉源 Anger and hatred are the root of trouble. Gratitude and content are the source of happiness. 欲望过多,必然穷苦不足 恬不知耻,必然贫贱卑微 疑心太重,必然受人轻视 姿态太高,必然遭人排挤 Desire leads to poverty. Loss of conscience leads to humiliation. Suspicion leads to contempt. Arrogance makes you unwelcome. 好心一起,一切吉祥如意 恶念一生,百万障门开启 Good will opens the gateway to good luck. Evil thought opens the gateway to hindrances. 退后,是为了跳得更远 压缩,是为了弹得更高 休息,是为了走得更长 韬光,是为了学得更博 Step back to jump further. Crouch back to spring higher. Rest to walk longer. Withdraw to learn better. 失去丈夫的寡妇必须擦干眼泪,才有力量抚养子女 没有双亲的孩子更要坚强奋斗,才有勇气面对现实 缺乏师资的学生唯有勤修自学,才能寻得学问入门 不同党派的官员若能拼除门户,才能相谋治国之方 Widows must conquer sorrow to raise children. Deprived children must be strong to face society. Badly taught students must be their own teachers. Officials must get rid of prejudices to govern. 秋天积谷存粮,自然不愁严冬来临 白天设奋照明,自然不怕夜幕低垂 平时积德养望,自然不忧毁誉加身 生前奉献社会,自然不惧遗憾后世 Store food in autumn to survive the cold winter. Oil your lamp by day to read by night. Increase your virtue to disdain slander. Be devoted to society to increase your merit. 人贵立志,有志者事竟成 人贵存诚,精诚者金石开 人贵明理,达理者去向通 人贵行善,心善者贵人来 To succeed,be determined. To persuade your opponents,be honest. To advance your career,be intelligent. To gain patronage,do good. 感情若是一厢情愿,则难天长地久 财富若是巧取豪夺,必有败坏之虞 名声若是譁众取宠,终将遭人唾弃 地位若是坐享其成,便会引起非议 Unrequited love cannot last. Stolen wealth will disappear. A boaster's fame will fade away. Unearned rank will be censured. 开发潜能,更新观念,这是自我建设 懒惰懈怠,不结人缘,这是自我破坏 成就自己,造福别人,这是自我尊重 打击别人,荣耀自己,这是自我毁灭 Keep learning to keep growing. Always make good affinity to progress. Work for society to gain self-esteem. Doing harm for gain wil destroy you. 有大胸襟,方有大格局 有大格局,方能成大事 Generosity and determination let you think big. Thinking big,you can achieve great things. 有了国防建设,国家才能富强安定 有了文教建设,社会才能和谐有礼 有了经济建设,民生才能富足安乐 有了交通建设,地方才能繁荣发展 有了伦理建设,家庭才能和谐尊重 有了自我建设,生命才能宽阔开展 National defense keeps a nation rich and stable. Culture keeps society charming and polite. A strong economy makes society rich and happy. Public transit brings wealth and development. Ethical conduct makes families open and caring. Self-respect makes you vital and content. “过去”的时间已经悄然而逝,永不回头 “现在”的时间如箭一般飞走,转眼即逝 “未来”的时间犹在慢慢接近,擦身而过 “当下”的时间能够即时把握,刹那永恒 The past is gone and never will return. The present flies and soon will disappear. The future comes but cannot yet be seized. The present must be seized and never let go. 不杀生而护生,如在人寿保险公司投保 不偷盗而喜舍,如在银行中存入了巨款 不邪淫而自重,如在幸福家庭中受表扬 不妄语而慎言,如在美丽语言学校获奖 不吸毒而守道,如在健康保险公司投保 Not to kill but to save is like life insurance. Not to steal but to give is like money in a bank. Not to misbehave sexually but to behave well is like gaining a happy family. Not to lie but to speak truth is like passing a language school. Not to take drugs but to stay clean is like health insurance. 拥有财物而不用,和“没有”并无差别 拥有金钱不会用,和“无用”无有不同 一心想要“拥有”,不如提倡“用有” “拥有”只是富者,“用有”才是智者 Hoarding without use is like not having. Money you don't know how to use is worthless. Better use well what you have than try to own more. Property is empty possession unless you have wisdom to use it well. |
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断除生命的相续——自我意识 |
为什么要修净业三福 |
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