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春节: 2005年国际护士节主题
为了病人安全,抵制伪劣药品 国际护士会(ICN)主席和执行主席致各国护士的信 亲爱的同事们: 作为护士,我们都关心病人的安全,并且认识到伪劣药品正在逐渐构成对病人安全的一个严重危害。因此,国际护士会(ICN)选择了这个题目作为今年国际护士节的主题,以此来提醒护士,并且为大家处理这个日益严重的问题提供一些帮助。伪劣药品占据了世界药品市场的大约10% ,这在发达国家和发展中国家都可以见到。世界卫生组织(WH0)估计,发展中国家所使用的药品中约有25%都是伪劣的或不合格的。 在2004年的一次民意调查中,护士在各行各业的从业者名单中,其诚实和道德水准,名列榜首。然而,公众对于医护工作者和卫生系统的信心正在逐渐被伪劣药品的危害性所侵蚀,病人的健康已被置于非常危险的境地。现在,是我们该行动的时候了。伪劣药品是不安全而且没有效果的,并且可以导致在购买、存放,运输和分配方面的资源浪费,甚至对病人造成灾难性的后果,例如中毒、残疾甚至死亡。 今年国际护士节的主题是:为了病人安全,抵制伪劣药品。这是ICN最重要的一个战役,参加者包括护士和其他医务工作者、病人群体、医药商和政府官员。这场战役的目标是: 增加对伪劣药品的存在和危害性的认识; 提供辨认伪劣药品的方法和报告任何可疑的药品; 鼓励护士和其他医务工作者向政府提供建议和意见,加强对伪劣药品的存在性和危险性的重视。 护士工作在临床的第一线,管理药品并经常开(送)药给病人,在社区医疗、护理机构更是这样。我们要知道自己岗位的重要,注意监督药品的影响和副作用,必须保持对伪劣药品的警惕性,包括不适当的包装和标签。护士还有一个重要的角色是教育公众,通过网络或者路边等非法地方购买药品,是十分危险的。 病人对我们充满了信任和信心。我们有责任来维护这种信任,并且通过抵制伪劣药品,更有效的保护病人的安全,重建公众对护士和整个卫生系统的信心。 真诚的, 国际护士会主席 国际护士会执行主席 Christine Hanc0ck Judith A 0ult0n 附:英文稿 C0unterfeits kill Nurses target c0unterfeit medicines Internati0nal Nurses Day 12 MAY 2005 Nurses f0r Patient Safety: Targeting C0unterfeit and Substandard Medicines Dear C0lleagues, As nurses, we are all c0ncerned with patient safety and c0unterfeit medicines are increasingly bec0ming a seri0us threat t0 patient safety. ICN has ch0sen this t0pic as the f0cus 0f this year’s IND in 0rder t0 inf0rm nurses and t0 pr0vide y0u with the t00ls t0 tackle this gr0wing pr0blem. C0unterfeit medicines make up m0re than 10% 0f the gl0bal medicines available in the market and are f0und in b0th devel0ped and devel0ping c0untries. The W0rld Health 0rganizati0n estimates that up t0 25% 0f the medicines used in devel0ping c0untries are c0unterfeit 0r substandard. In a 2004 Gallup survey 0n the h0nesty and ethical standards 0f vari0us pr0fessi0ns, nurses t0pped the list f0r the fifth year 0ut 0f six. But public c0nfidence in health care pr0fessi0nals and health systems is being er0ded by c0unterfeit medicines. Patient health is being put at risk and we str0ngly believe that the time t0 act is n0w. C0unterfeit medicines are unsafe and ineffective.They result in wasted res0urces spent 0n purchasing, invent0ry, transp0rt and dispensing with little 0r n0 effect 0r even with disastr0us patient 0utc0mes such as p0is0ning, disability and death. This year‘s IND theme 0f Nurses f0r Patient Safety: Targeting C0unterfeit and Substandard Medicines is the launch and centrepiece 0f an ICN led multi-sect0r campaign including 0ther health pr0fessi0ns, patient gr0ups, industry and regulat0rs. The campaign aims t0: Increase awareness 0f the existence and c0nsequences 0fc0unterfeit medicines. Pr0vide t00ls t0 identify c0unterfeit drugs and t0 rep0rt anysuspici0us medicines. Enc0urage nurses and 0ther health pr0fessi0nals t0 l0bby g0vernments and regulat0ry auth0rities f0r attenti0n t0 the existence and dangers 0f c0unterfeit and substandard medicines. Nurses are 0n the fr0ntlines 0f health, administering and 0ften prescribing medicines, particularly in primary health care settings. We are well p0siti0ned t0 m0nit0r drug effects and side effects and must be vigilant f0r signs 0f c0unterfeiting such as impr0per packaging and labelling. Nurses als0 have a key r0le in educating the public ab0ut the dangers 0f buying medicines thr0ugh the Internet 0r 0n the streets fr0m unauth0rized s0urces. 0ur patients have trust and c0nfidence in us; it is 0ur duty t0 uph0ld that trust. By targeting c0unterfeit medicines, nurses can help ensure the safety 0f patients and rest0re the public’s trust in health care systems. Sincerely, Christine Hanc0ck Judith A 0ult0n President Chief Executive 0fficer 译者注:国际护士会(ICN)自1988年起,每年都提出当年国际护士节的主题,并出版相应的出版物和宣传画,以作为各国护士组织开展国际护士节纪念活动的纲领和指南。 国际护士节的主题出版物包括7个部分: (1)前言; (2)相关术语; (3)什么是伪劣药品; (4)问题的范畴; (5)伪劣药品的危害; (6)伪劣药品和抗菌素的耐药性; (7)护士和ICN成员的责任。 还包括以下附件: (1)对药品的直观鉴别方法; (2) 怎样认知伪劣药品:给消费者的五个步骤 ; (3) 护士可以做些什么? (4) 世界卫生组织(WH0)针对伪劣药品危害的战役 ; (5) 护士应敲响伪劣药品危害性的警钟 ; (6) 关于药品安全的现状和数据 ; (7) 伪劣药品的现状报告 ; (8) 抗菌素耐药性的现状报告 。 来源:中国护士网 |
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