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礼仪知识: 办公室礼仪英语


Office protocol can make it different for one employee to ask anther for help. While no one likes the shirker who never seems to be able to quite get his own projects finished and turns helplessly to peers for assistance, most will willingly volunteer to lend a hand to someone who has helped him or her.


If you know a coworker is working through lunch to collate a large client packet, your volunteering to stay and help will be gratefully received and most often returned when it's you who is stuck. I say voluntarily because your offer is not to add up paid overtime hours. It is to help a peer in need.


If your offer is accepted, you do not, however, store it away in your mental favor bank or ever remind everyone what a good person you were for helping------you simply hope the favor will be returned when it's you who is overloaded.



Every office has its own protocol for who is called by his or her first name and who is called by his or her title. New employees should follow suit, after listening carefully to how people are addressed.


If yours is a "title" office, but you call your boss Charlie when meeting alone, you should still call him Mr. Dodd when others are around.


If yours is an informal office, you still should wait for the other person to say, "Please call me Jim," before doing so, if he has been introduced to you as "Mr. Culyer."


Everyone, no matter whether the office is formal of informal, has a name. No assistant should ever be referred to as "my girl." She is, if a possessive must be used, "Charlene Walter, my assistant," or "Angela Badalato, my assistant."

无论公司是否有无规矩,每个人都有称呼。不是每个经理助理都可以用类似“姑娘”的倪称。如果必须说明所属关系,则应如此介绍:她是Charlene Walter,我的助理,或我的助理 Angela Badalato。

Say Good-Bye 职场上如何道别?


Section A

Steven: Well. I have an appointment now.

Lily: I'm in quite a hurry too.

Steven: Good to see you. Goodbye.

Lily: Goodbye. Take care of yourself.

Section B

Lily: I guess I'd better go now.

Steven: I've got to be going now too.

Lily: In that case, I'll be seeing you.

Steven: So long. See you later.

Section C

Steven: It's getting late, and I have to go now.

Lily: We're sorry you have to leave.

Steven: Please excuse me, won't you?

Lily: Certainly. Come back soon.

Section D

Lily: I'm glad to have met you.

Steven: Thank you. It was nice to have seen you.

Lily: I hope we can get together again.

Steven: Yes. I'll be looking forward to it.

Section E

Steven: I think I have to leave now.

Lily: Must you go soon?

Steven: I'm afraid I really have to .

Lily: Well, it was fun to get together again.


I have a meeting soon.

I have an engagement soon.

I have an engagement very shortly.

I have an date very shortly.

I think I'd better go now.

I think I should go now.

I think I ought to go now.

I think I must go now.

It's getting dark.

It's getting dark outside.

I've to go quite soon.

I must go quite soon.

I must leave quite soon.

I've got to go leave in a few minutes.

It was fun to get together again.

It was exciting to get together again.

It was exciting to talk to each other.






Is there anything new?

The New York Times this morning says...





Let me begin with...

I have three major points to discuss with you.

Are there any questions?

Thank you very much (for your attention).





Hello, Mr. C!

I suspect you're tired after a long flight.

Did you have a comfortable flight?


Part of the daily routine of most executives is to spend a period of time with his or her assistant, going over projects, dictating letters, discussing appointments to be made etc. It is easy to forget the niceties of human relations that make these meetings more pleasant when they occur daily, but shouting, "Jane! Come in here!" or running through the litany of things to do without a smile is inexcusable.

大多数业务经理大部分日常业务都花在与他或她的助理研究项目,口述信函,商讨会谈时间等事务上。每天进行这样的会晤很容易忽略了相互间的和睦气氛。 直呼“Jane,你过来!”或面无表情地吩咐工作是无法让人接受的。

At a meeting of project managers, saying "Susan, the Kraus project needs some attention...do you think you could fit it into your schedule within the next two days? shows acknowledgment that Susan has a schedule and again makes a request out of your order.

当开项目经理会时,您说:“Susan, 克劳斯的计划需要予以注意,您能否两天内将它列入你的计划中?”这样一方面表示了解Susan有了一个计划,同时在提出要求时,避免了命令的口吻。

By making these requests " you" rather than "I" statements or questions, you are implying that Jane or Susan have a participatory place in the process. If you said, " I want you to come in here..." " I want you to work on the Kraus project." The tone of your request would be very different.

提出这类请求时,使用“您”,而不用“我”的方式陈述或提问可暗示Jane或Susan参与了本项目。如果只说“我想让您过来一下……”“我想让您准备克劳斯的计划。” 您的要求听起来就显得极为地不同!

欢迎新同事 对新同事致辞

I am Peter, Sales manager of the company.

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.

As you are aware that our company is the one of the leading companies. I know you will be proud of you being a member of our company.It is always my great concern to keep the business going. We can never rest on our laurels. We need to set new goals for ourselves all the time. As you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use of them while they are still fresh in your minds.

Work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, that's the only way for you and our company keep growing.

Again I would like to welcome you and from today on, let's strive for development.






常用英语口语I'm an office worker 1

1. I'm an office worker.


2.I work for the government.


3.I'm happy to meet you.


4.I like your sense of humor.


5.I'm glad to see you again.


6.I'll call you.


7.I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.


8.I want something to eat.


9.I need your help.


10.I would like to talk to you for a minute.


11.I have a lot of problems.


12.I hope our dreams come true.


13.I'm looking forward to seeing you.


14.I'm supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.


15.I heard that you're getting married. Congratulations.


16.I see what you mean.


17.I can't do this.


18.Let me explain why I was late.


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