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[词句大全]星球大战7经典台词 |
经典语录 |
星球大战7经典台词 1、I am your father. 我是你爹 2、There are some things far more frightening than death. 有些事远比死亡更可怕。 3、It's a trap. 这是一个陷阱 4、That's no moon. 召唤死星 5、"Who can doubt the commitment of such a promising young cadet?"“ 谁能怀疑这样一个有前途的年轻人的承诺吗?” 6、Intensify forward firepower. 加强火力向前。 7、"At last, a fight that might be worthy of my time." 最后,一次值得我为时间做斗争时刻。” 8、Fear is the path to the darkside. 恐惧是黑暗的道路。 9、Fear leads to anger. 恐惧导致愤怒。 10、Anger leads to hate. 愤怒导致仇恨。 11、Hate leads to suffering. 憎恨导致痛苦。 12、The darkside…and the light. 黑暗和光明 13、"This fierce machine which you have built, to which you have dedicated your lives and labor and upon which we now stand, will bring a final end to the worthless Senate and its dithering members. To their cherished fleet. When this day is done, all the remaining systems in their hundreds will bow to the dictates of the First Order. And all will remember this as the last day of the last Republic!" 这场激烈的机,你已经建立了,而你有你的生活、劳动和奉献,我们现在的立场,会带来最终的价值及其抖动参议院成员。他们珍爱的舰队。当这一天结束时,所有剩下的系统都将向第一级的命令。都会记得,这是最后一个共和国的最后一天! 14、noooooooo no that's not true that's impossible. 不不不不不不不不这不是真的,这是不可能的 15、May the force be with you. 愿与你在一起的力量 16、I don't like sand. 我不喜欢沙子 17、Do , or do not , there is no try. 做,或者不做,没有尝试 18、Live long and prosper. 生生不息繁荣昌盛 19、Anakin you are breaking my heart. 阿纳金,你伤了我的心 20、die Jedi ! Die! 死绝地!死 21、Han Solo: Chewie, we're home. 汉·索洛:楚伊,我们到家了。 22、Luke Skywalker: The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power, too. 卢克·天行者:我们家族拥有的原力很强。我父亲有,我拥有,我的妹妹有,你也有那种力量。 23、Rey: There are stories about what happened. 蕾伊:有一些故事,是关于以前发生的事情。 Han Solo: It's true. All of it. The Dark Side, the Jedi. They're real. 汉·索洛:是真的,都是真的。黑暗面,绝地武士,他们活生生存在。 24、Leia: Hope is not lost today… it is found. 莱娅:希望并未在今天消失,它被寻回了。 25、Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this. 汉·索洛:对这件事我感觉很不好。 26、Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 蕾伊:你会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 27、Stormtrooper: What did you say? 冲锋兵:你说什么? 28、Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 蕾伊:你会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 29、Stormtrooper: I will tighten these restraints, scavenger scum! 冲锋兵:我会锁紧它们,拾荒垃圾! 30、Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 蕾伊:你会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 31、Stormtrooper: I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open. 冲锋兵:我会除去这些枷锁,离开这个囚室,留着门。 32、Rey: You will drop your gun. 蕾伊:你会把枪扔掉。 33、Stormtrooper: And I'll drop my gun. 冲锋兵:我会把枪扔掉。 34、Finn: What should we do with her? 费恩:她来了,我们怎么办? 35、Han Solo: Is there a gabage chute… or trash compactor? 汉·索洛:那里有没有垃圾滑梯……或者垃圾夯实机? 36、Poe Dameron: Why are you helping me? 波·达梅隆:你为什么救我? 37、Finn: Because it's the right thing to do. 费恩:因为这是正确的事情。 38、Poe Dameron: …You need a pilot. 波·达梅隆:……你需要飞行员。 39、Finn: I need a pilot. 费恩:我需要飞行员。 40、Rey: You… you're afraid… that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader! 蕾伊:你……你在害怕……你害怕自己永远不会想达斯·维德一样强大。 41、Finn: We'll figure it out, we'll use the Force! 费恩:我们会想出办法的,我们可以运用原力! 42、Han Solo: That's not how the Force works! 汉·索洛:原力不是这么用的! 43、Finn: Can you fly a TIE Fighter? 费恩:你能开TIE式战机吗? 44、Poe Dameron: I can fly anything. 波?达梅隆:什么我都能飞。 45、Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left. 莱娅:你知道,虽然我们总是吵架,但我还是讨厌你不辞而别。 46、Han Solo: That's why I did it, so that you'd miss me. 汉索洛:所以我才这么做,这样子你就会想我了。 47、Leia: I do miss you. 莱娅:我想你了。(www.sbkk8.com) 48、Leia: Rey, may the force be with you. 莱娅:蕾伊,原力与你同在。 49、Finn: Ok, stay calm… stay calm… 费恩:好,冷静……冷静…… 50、Finn: I was talking to myself. 费恩:我对自己说的。 |
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