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I think that if a person has an unselfish love, then it is a person who has all the noble qualities. In "" Love of education "" This touching book, everywhere that has a high-quality people.
"" Love of education "" This book is the hero - a fourth-grade boy An Like a vision, in diary forms, ranging from four-year in October the first day of school, has been written in July next year. Record An Like moving around various stories, the parents wrote in his diary of the dissuasive enlightening article, as well as nine teachers in the classroom, read the exciting story of the month. Each article is touching.
"" Love of education "" one chapter is written in a child chimney sweeping chimney sweeping earned 30 coins lost, and not return home, so the students are passing with their own money to help him, did not take students put their own money, presented flowers to him. I think this section was the most moving, because we usually encounter difficulties in their own always wanted to get help, and we usually ha一ve difficulties encountered in man-hours should also do our best to help him, not being the person you help will be someone else, love to pass it down this way. I believe that children chimney sweeping re-later someone else will.
After reading the article, I thought of the Sichuan earthquake in May this year, the Shenzhen people's active contributions to the disaster, donations, let me once again feel the Shenzhen this "city of love" love.
"Loves Education", compared to becomes the love many things, is really this also is not only these. I thought that “the love will be anything” will not ha一ve the explicit answer, but I knew that “the love” will not ha一ve the limit, slightly to schoolmate's between friendly conversation,(www.sbkk8.com) teacher to student's encouragement, the parents to child meticulous showing loving concern, a people's smile which will meet by chance ……Big enough to contributes the marrow, gives blood, helps the Project Hope …… Although will be similar to the air love sometimes the quilt “the pollution”, “dilution”, even “vanishing”, but hoped that more people will feel in the simple language the deep love, I thought "Will love Education" this good book will take this kind of happy feeling more people.
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加:2021-08-12 13:55:50  更:2021-08-12 15:20:17 
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