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事情是这样的。。。楼主在外国网站溜达的时候看见首页出现了一个名字:A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality
“No. Seven to eight years ago, this one was helping Senior Martial Brother Ma take care of his medicine garden, but wasn’t that when the Trial of Blood and Fire take place? Why is Senior Martial Sister Chen asking this?” Han Li calmly replied after he raised his head, wearing a flawless expression of curiosity.
Chen Qiaoqian’s complexion instantly became pale, before momentarily biting her red lips and stiffly saying, “No? Yet, I remember Junior Martial Brother Han had gone out that year, and the timing matches almost perfectly!”
“Oh? That time I went out was in preparation for the Trial of Blood and Fire, buying a few magic tools and talismans. However, when I went out, I didn’t encounter anything out of the ordinary.” Han Li calmly denied.
Hearing Han Li’s words, Chen Qiaoqian remained speechless for a long while! She only coldly glanced at Han Li, as if she were truly staring into Han Li’s heart.
“Since it is like this, there is nothing to say! Junior Martial Brother, you may leave. I wish to be alone in a moment of peace.”
A trace of heartfelt disappointment appeared on Chen Qiaoqian’s face. She gently turned her face to the side and said this with a tiresome voice.
When Han Li saw this, he sighed. He knew regardless of whether the other party trusted his words, this Senior Martial Sister Chen would no longer disturb him.
With his distant and respectful tone, this Senior Martial Sister should come to a conclusion. But with her prideful nature, she naturally wouldn’t take the initiative to find him again.
“Senior Martial Sister, I will take my leave!” Han Li saluted and without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and left the garden.
When Han Li could no longer be seen, Chen Qiaoqian turned around and looked in the direction of the garden exit with a complicated gaze. She faintly whispered, “If it isn’t you then who is it? During that year, the only one who went out at the same time and had strength was you, Junior Martial Brother Han!”
With that said, she gracefully walked up to blooming peony flower and nimbly picked the lovely flower with her flawless fingers; she put it up to her nose and took a soft whiff.
With the fragrant scent of the flower, Chen Qiaoqian sunk into a deep state of contemplation.
After Han Li left the flower garden, he let out a long sigh. After he shook his head, he quickly returned to the hall with hurried steps.
When the others saw Han Li’s quick return, they were all a bit startled. However, none of them were so tactless as to take the initiative to ask about the matter.
Even when a few people made some jokes about Han Li and Chen Qiaoqian, Han Li laughed it away without paying it much mind. His expression wasn’t the slightest bit strange.
Not long after, Chen Qiaoqian returned and sat down next to Zhong Weiniang with her normal expression. She continued to whisper with her.
When the others saw this, they naturally found it embarrassing to further joke about the two and immediately changed the topic back to the matter of their battle with the Black Fiend School.
Time seemed to passed by quickly and the bright sky quickly darkened.
The Yellow Maple Valley cultivators had already returned to their rooms and were making preparations for their upcoming battle.
Although they each felt that their party of Foundation Establishment cultivators held a great advantage and that victory should be of no problem, each and every one of them felt very wary. After all, no one wants to carelessly throw their own life away.
However, when they thought of the many benefits they would gain from exterminating the Black Fiend School’s nest, it was hard for them not to feel excited.
After all, such opportunities to surround and annihilate Foundation Establishment cultivators without any recourse were incredibly rare. During their vicious fights with the Devil Dao cultivators, their minds would naturally be focused on the struggle of life and death instead.
This time there wouldn’t only be one or two Black Fiend School Foundation Establishment cultivators. Also, they were certain to have no small amount magic tools and good materials on hand as well! In particular, receiving a share of such spoils was a large reason as to why Junior Martial Sister Chen’s fellow apprentices even agreed to help.
Otherwise, who would be willing to risk their life from the mere talk of annihilating a nest of evil cultivators!


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A poor and ordinary boy from a village joins a minor sect in Jiang Hu and becomes an Unofficial Disciple by chance. How will Han Li, a commoner by birth, establish a foothold for himself in his sect? With his mediocre aptitude, how will he successfully traverse the path of cultivation and become an immortal? This is a story of an ordinary mortal who, against all odds, clashes with devilish demons and the ancient celestials in order to find his own path to immortality.
一个贫穷而普通的小男孩加入了江湖的一个小门派,偶然成为了一个非正式的信徒。一个平民出身的Han Li如何在自己的教派里建立自己的立足点?凭借他平庸的才能,他将如何成功地走上修行之路,成为不朽的人?这是一个凡人的故事谁,排除万难,邪恶的恶魔和冲突为古代仙人找到自己的路而去。
5星评分56 percent
4星18 percent目前老外还是挺喜欢的。。。。

除了目前相对缓慢的剧情进展速度,这是最好的20 +仙侠作品,一个很重要的原因目前阅读:里面的恶棍。我从来没有在中国小说中读过比凡人修仙传中更阴险,市侩,法西斯的凡人的旅程,当狗屎打扇和MC的第一次战斗发生的时候.....


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