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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第6页]

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我的是白马(white mare)

【Chestnut Mare 】– 【栗色母马】普通
Owners of chestnut mares are well versed with the saying “Chestnut Mare – Beware”! These horses are full to the brim with attitude. Her feisty go-get-’em stance means no one dares to mess with this lass. A lover of action, she will never shy away from danger, but her headstrong way of life will mean that she will always keep you safe. Your Patronus will give you a burst of energy and is a formidable opponent to any Dementor that dares cross your path!
【Chestnut Stallion】 –【栗色公马】普通
A chestnut stallion is a horse with attitude! He is fearless, fiercely protecting his master. A headstrong fellow, this horse will stand his ground between you and Dementors until his enormous stores of energy send him charging down the Dementors in a frenzied gallop! He will lend you his strength and stand strong against the darkness.
【Chow Dog 】–【周氏犬(国内称为松狮犬)】普通
One of the few ancient dog breeds, the Chow Chow is proud, independent, and highly suspicious of strangers but fiercely loyal to family. If your Patronus is the Chow Chow, the people closest to your heart know the lovable, playful you. However, everyone else may see you as introverted, proud, or even haughty. You hold those closest to you extremely close, but everyone else better steer clear. And woe the person who tries to hurt someone you love!
【Crow】 –【乌鸦】(终于是c位的最后一只了wwww)普通
The crow is a very well-known bird that some believe is an omen of dark magic. But if this is your Patronus, don’t fret! The crow is very resourceful, ambitious, and cunning. Once they set a goal, they always seem to get what they’re after. Crows are also fearless. Regardless of what sort of creature they find in the way of their goal, they will do anything they can to overpower it. They are also very smart and have been observed using tools to achieve their means. This is a Patronus anyone should be proud of having!
【【【【【【D】】】】】】】】 下面是D氏守护神
【Dapple Gray Mare 】– 【灰斑母马】普通
Strong and filled with energy, the beautiful dapple gray mare will prance circles around you as she protects you from the darkness of the Dementors. Horses are full of vitality and the drive for life and love. Its beacon of positive energy will surround you and give you the strength to drive off the forces of darkness!
【Dapple Gray Stallion】 – 【灰斑公马】普通
As strong as his mate, a dapple gray stallion will stand protectively between you and any Dementors that you encounter. This stallion is strong and proud, with more than enough strength for the both of you to stand against Dementors. You and he will be more than a match for any forces of darkness, sending them scattering under his powerful, thundering hooves!
【Deerhound 】–【猎鹿犬】普通
顾名思义,猎鹿犬是起源于苏格兰的一种大型犬种。苏格兰一只名叫克莱德的猎鹿犬在《哈利波特和凤凰社》中扮演小天狼星的狼形态!!(哈哈好可爱 不过似乎有很多个狗狗演员)。尽管猎鹿是为狩猎而繁育的,但它们是温顺的狗,天性非常友好。猎鹿渴望快乐,并将愉快地驱赶摄魂怪以他们不可抗拒的冲动去追逐他们的猎物!
As the name suggests, the Deerhound is a large sighthound bred in Scotland to hunt deer. A Scottish Deerhound named Cleod played Padfoot in Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix. Although they were bred for hunting, Deerhounds are gentle dogs with a very friendly nature. Deerhounds are eager to please and will happily drive away Dementors with their irresistible urge to chase their prey!
【Doe】 –【牡鹿】不常见-稀有
作为西弗勒斯·斯内普和莉莉·波特的守护神(呜呜呜呜 莉莉和斯内普竟然是一样的守护神呀),牡鹿强烈地保护着它所爱的人,这表现在它的关爱和养育的天性上。牡鹿也代表着温柔而坚定的决心,凭借其高度的直觉和敏感性,它以最大的优雅和警惕与生活的挑战作斗争。
As the Patronus of Severus Snape and Lily Potter, the doe is fiercely protective of its loved ones, as displayed through its caring and nurturing nature. The doe is also representative of gentleness yet strong determination, and with its high level of intuition and sensitivity, it battles life’s challenges with the utmost grace and vigilance.
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