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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第4页]

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– Known for tracking and not looking back, these hunting dogs are very goal oriented. Beagles often get lonely if without company for too long. Beagles represent focus, nature, and opportunity.
【Black and White Cat】 –【奶牛色的猫】
Also known as a “tuxedo cat,” this is a cat of not necessarily its own breed, but its own coloration. While they may be of any breed, these “jellicle” cats are known to be talkative, active, and intelligent! Some are even known to be “dog-like”! Dementors had better watch out for these jellicle cats!
【Black Bear】 –【黑熊】稀有(不常见)
The formidable form of the black bear is often enough to scare away even the bravest of explorers, not to mention Dementors! Often mistaken as a deadly predator, the black bear mostly feasts on berries, grasses, and roots complemented with fish and carrion. This is often how people see you – a fierce opponent who will protect yourself and those close to you but who has a softer side hidden away from the world. Black bears are known for their adaptability, and this is often seen in how resourceful you can be. No matter the situation you find yourself in, when you come to call upon your Patronus, the black bear will be fully prepared to fight in your corner.
【Black Mamba】 –【黑曼巴(树眼镜蛇的一种)】普通
Widely considered to be the world’s deadliest and most feared snake, the black mamba has an impressive reputation. As the world’s fastest land snake, it can outrun most people. However, its incredible speed is not attributed to hunting but rather escaping threats. Surprisingly, the black mamba shies away from confrontation due to its nervous nature; however, when threatened, it becomes the ultimate force to be reckoned with.
【Black Mare】 –【黑色母马】普通
This animal is typical for people who show strong motivation in life and usually represents passion, determination, and an appetite for freedom. Black is a relatively uncommon coat color, so this could represent a part of your personality that you’d rather keep hidden or just reveal to your personal circle. This specific color could also refer to instinctual urges of your mind for the unknown and mysterious.
【Black Stallion】– 【黑色公马】普通
Horses often represent free-spirited and adventurous personalities. Black stallions, in particular, tend to be extremely passionate and are often dominating personalities. They also can be a bit mysterious.
【Black Swan】–【黑天鹅】普通
Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish!
【Blackbird】 – 【黑鸟】普通
The blackbird Patronus appears to those who try to help themselves. Blackbirds are mysterious and intuitive, appearing when needed most. Blackbirds keep their secrets and will protect yours fiercely. While they may not be the most ferocious protectors, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Keep well your own counsel, and you may have a blackbird to help protect you in the darkest of times.
【Bloodhound】 –【寻血猎犬】普通
Known for their fantastic sense of smell, bloodhounds are often used by Muggle law enforcement to help locate lost Muggles. Not only are they highly intelligent, but their temperament makes them a true family favorite as well. Your Patronus will never let you down and follow you to the end in any situation. A wizarding myth says that Bloodhound Patronuses have alerted their witch or wizard to the impending arrival of the Dementors, making this a one-of-a-kind Patronus to produce.
【Borzoi】 – 【苏俄牧羊犬】普通
Also known as the Russian wolfhound, this is a quiet, yet independent, athletic dog. These are gentle and respectful dogs that are also extremely sensitive. Personal space is very important to the Borzoi. They aren’t normally aggressive or display their dominance but will become aggressive if they are handled roughly. Borzois are reserved around new people but are really loving around those they are comfortable with.
【Brown Bear 】–【棕熊】
Brown bears have one of the largest brains of any extant carnivore relative to their body size and have been shown to use tools. They also don’t have a lot of enemies due to their immense size, easily fighting off wolves. So they are not only impressive animals – and let’s face it: also really cute looking – but also the perfect Patronus to protect you from Dementors.
【Brown Hare】 – 【棕色野兔】普通
Brown hares are typically characterized as shy, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be bold. They often outsmart predators by hiding in incredible stillness, but they can run at formidable speeds if they need to get away. In the spring, brown hares can be found “boxing” with each other in open farmlands. Your brown hare Patronus will not hesitate to get in a fighting stance and face the Dementors head-on.
【Buzzard 】– 【秃鹰】普通
The term “buzzard” refers to many species of birds of prey but is often used to refer to those that feed on carrion. Buzzards are fierce and opportunistic, often reaping the benefits from work others have done before them. They are unapologetic and band together with like-minded comrades to help one another with their goals. Though they are not the prettiest of birds, they are respected and feared for always getting what they want.
【Calico Cat 】-【花猫(杂色猫)】普通
Talk about a cat with “cattitude”! Every single calico cat can be widely different from the others! They are known to be the quirkiest of cats, and you can spend your whole life trying to unravel all the quirks and idiosyncrasies of these delightful felines. Dementors won’t know what to do against this wildly wonderful Patronus!
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