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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第26页]

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【Vulture】 –【兀鹫】罕见
Looming anddominant, the vulture, at its core, is a resource machine. It may seemintimidating and heartless, but in reality, it is a hyper-efficient beast thatknows how to utilize even the barest of essentials. As a Patronus, it likelyspeaks to the caster’s willingness to get their hands dirty and do what fewothers are willing to perform.
【Weasel】 –【黄鼠狼】普通
Weasels areone of the world’s smallest carnivores! This means they have to compensate fortheir size by attitude. Weasels seem like a cute little rodent you’d want tokeep as a pet, but they are quite mischievous little things. They arequick-minded and slick. They are masters of chaos and are actually quiteintelligent. It’s no wonder that a group of weasels is often called a “boogle”or a “confusion.” A weasel is a strong Patronus because it easily outwits anypredator that threatens it.
【WestHighland Terrier】 –【西部高地白梗犬】普通
WestHighland White Terriers, or Westies as they're affectionately known, are fullof character. When they're not keeping themselves busy with their entertainingantics, these dogs are highly alert and sensitive to change. They can oftensense the change in the atmosphere before any witch or wizard is aware aDementor may be close, meaning they are always ready when you may call on themfor help.
【White Mare】 –【白母马】普通 (White Stallion 白公马含义相同)
Whitehorses, be it mares or stallions, have come to represent warriors on the sideof good in folklore and literature. White horses are also rare, making this anear one-of-a-kind Patronus for a truly special witch or wizard.
【White Swan】 –【白天鹅】普通
White swansare creatures associated with grace, beauty, and loyalty. They are incrediblyloyal and protective of their mates and children. Similarly, the Patronus willprotect its master from any harm.
【Wild Boar】 –【野猪】普通
Skittish andaggressive when approached by strangers, these creatures aren’t so much mad asthey are wanting others to be respectful of their personal space and peace.Casters of this Patronus are similarly wary of letting others into their innercircle and may act ferociously to suit.
【Wild Rabbit】 –【野兔】普通
Wild rabbits may seem more predator than prey, but in Patronus form, they make Dementorslook like fluffy bunnies. Wild rabbit Patronuses will throw themselves into thefray and create a barrier between the Dementors and the witch or wizard whocast the spell. They may be small, but they will never back down from achallenge, and this drive and passion keep their caster safe from harm.
【Wildcat】 –【野猫】普通
Wildcats areas wildly different as their coats. They tend to be solitary, territorialhomemakers with dens and burrows lined with soft grasses and feathers. Whilethey are hunting, they move quickly and confidently through the trees inpursuit of prey! If your Patronus is a wildcat, you’ll be protected by thisfierce cat!
【Wolf】 –【狼】普通
WolfPatronuses see their casters as part of their pack, and they are ready todefend them at any cost. Wolves have incredible instincts; they will attack allDementors in the immediate vicinity and hunt down any stragglers remaining at adistance. No Dementor should cross a wolf Patronus - they are fierce protectorsand loyal to their casters beyond any other guardian.
最后一个了!一直发不出去 T T


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