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[哈利波特]potter more里守护神的介绍[第17页]

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【Peacock】 – 【孔雀】罕见
Peacocks are ground-dwelling birds known for their beautiful eye-shape plumage.These birds extend their feathers not only to attract mates but more importantly,to appear more intimidating to predators.With feathers that make up over 60% of their total length,it gets the job done.Peacocks are easily irritated and would make a fierce and gorgeous Patronus.
【Falcon】 – 【猎鹰】普通
猎鹰有对敏锐的眼睛,是地球上飞行最快的生物之一。 如果您的守护神是猎鹰,那么您可能是个陷入困境的灵魂,它决定抛弃它们古老而邪恶的习惯,沿着艰难而正确的道路飞行。 您的天性将您拉向黑暗,但您选择了为光明而活-有点像西弗勒斯·斯内普(Severus Snape)! 猎鹰还代表摆脱奴隶制。 现在您已经自由了,您正在光明中飞翔,没有人可以阻止您,甚至摄魂怪也无法阻止您!
Falcons have a keen eye and are among the fastest creatures on earth. If your Patronus is a falcon, you may have been a troubled soul who decided to cast away their old, evil habits to fly down the hard, right path. Your nature pulls you to the dark, but you've chosen to live for the light - kind of like Severus Snape! The falcon also represents breaking free from slavery. Now that you are free, you are flying in the light, and no one can stop you, not even Dementors!
【Field Mouse】 – 【田鼠】普通
Generally small in size, field mice have to rely on their speed and wits to survive. Their senses are sharp so as to easily detect their predators, which are abundant. Field mice are incredibly adaptable, able to live wherever they can find shelter and food. You'd be wrong to underestimate the adorable little field mouse Patronus; it will surprise you with its ingenuity and resiliency.
【Fire-Dwelling Salamander 】 – 【火蜥蜴】非常稀有
这种小小的蜥蜴是由火焰产生的,并且只要它产生的火焰还在就可以生存,如果喂养得当,它可以在外面生存长达六个小时。 这个守护神代表了一个在紧迫的环境中出生或曾经历过障碍但已经克服并日趋强大的人。 拥有这个守护神的人喜欢挑战,善于应对压力。
This small, fire-dwelling lizard is born out of flames and lives as long as the flames that spawned it, though it can survive outside them for up to six hours if fed properly. This Patronus represents a person that was born and/or has lived under pressing circumstances but overcomes every obstacle, getting stronger each day. People with this Patronus love challenges and are good at handling stress.
【Fox】 – 【狐狸】普通
与狡猾相关的狐狸在许多古代文化的民间传说中占有一席之地。 狐狸有时被认为是骗子,导致毫无戒心的人走向灭亡。 精明的狐狸可以凭借策略和适应能力胜过敌人。
Associated with cunning, the fox has a place in many ancient cultures' folklore. Foxes are sometimes thought to be tricksters, leading the unsuspecting down a path of demise. The calculating fox can outwit its enemies with strategy and adaptability.
【Fox Terrier】 – 【猎狐梗】普通
这是一条小而无所畏惧的狗,它们喜欢待在外面和人的周围。 如果您有这个守护神,那么您会勇敢而忠诚。它们在团队中运作良好,因此与其他守护神呼唤者合作时,您不可能被打败。
This is a small yet fearless dog that loves being outside and around people. If you have this Patronus, you are spunky and loyal. They work well in teams, so when teaming up with other Patronuses, you can't be beaten.
【Ginger Cat】 – 【姜黄猫】普通
姜黄猫实际上是具有不同毛皮样式和颜色的虎斑猫,但这些猫是如此风趣,它们值得有它们自己的名称。 姜黄虎斑猫的性格各异,但众所周知,它们喜欢在阳光下懒散并在其周围漫游。 它们可以是个很大的软糖,经常向主人寻求宠爱。
A ginger cat is actually a tabby with a different fur pattern and coloring, but these cats are so personable they deserve their own description. Ginger tabbies vary in personality but are known to love lazing in the sun and roaming around their territory. They can be quite the big softie, seeking petting and affection from their owners.
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